Serpiente Bocaraca 🐍 Central American eyelash-pitviper
(Bothriechis nigroadspersus)
The species is mostly nocturnal. 70.2% of individuals relocate to a different perch each night, and only 6.4% remained at the same daytime perch site for more than two days. However, individuals may occasionally reside in the same perch for up to 14 days.
During the day, most individuals remain in hunting posture on or close to their night perches, although some may hide inside bromeliads, or remain active, moving at ground level or on vegetation.
It has been reported being hunted by Laughing Falcons.
The average bite injects 0.5 cc of venom. The venom is hemotoxic and strongly myonecrotic (muscle tissue death) compared to other Central American vipers. In humans, it causes intense localized pain, progressive hemorrhagic edema, and less commonly hemorrhagic blisters or hives, ecchymoses, and necrosis.