Khiav ntawv sib yuav rau peb cov hmoob mu txawv teb chaws
yog koj muaj ib tug txij nkawm nyob txawv teb chaw los yog koj ho nyob rau txawv teb chaw muaj txijnkawm nyob rau sab teb chaws nplog, koj xav mus los yog xav tos koj tu txij nkawm tuaj nrog koj nyob rau koj lub teb chaws, tab sis ho tsi paub yuav pib yuav npaj li cas, nug peb tau, peb yuav pab tau koj.
Peb muaj cov lawyer uas saib xyua txog kev khiav ntawv sib yuav neeg nplog nrog neeg txawv teb chaws thiab kev thov visa mus txawv teb chaw... yog koj nyob rau txawv teb chaws ho tab tom nyob rau qhov xav tos koj tu txij nkawm los yog koj ho nyob nplog teb xav kom koj tus txij nkawm tos koj mus nrog nw nyob,, peb pab tau koj.
cov teb chaws uas peb twb tau pab cov neeg sib yuav los dua lawm: Mekas(USA), Fabkis(France), Australia, Suav teb (China), India, Thaibteb( Thailand) ...thiab ntau lub teb chaw.
Yog xav tau kev pab xav paub dabtsi no los hu nug peb tau nawb:
If you are a person who is married to someone in Laos and want to bring his/her to live with you in your home country, but you don't know what to do and how to start. To avert a mistake, to get a visa as intended and don't waste your time or money you can contact us. We have a team of lawyers in Laos who are responsible for this task, we can also assist you. You can contact us for preliminary information or visit us at our office to get help on preparing marriage documents and applying for a visa on your way.
Contact us via WhatsApp by this link:
Vientiane Laos.