We are Avtopia! An online and app based community who welcomes any and every person and business within the aviation community to share their personal and professional industry experiences!
We at Avtopia believe in industry transparency, community brainstorming, and straight forward, honest feedback. We built Avtopia with intention. By creating a transparent wide space, our Avtopia Open Forum, to discuss and support all industry questions, comments, or concerns between colleagues and peers, we can build stronger, longer lasting, businesses and relationships within.
First and foremost, we want to support your business by bridging the gap between positive and negative, non anonymous reviews. Search and claim your business to answer customer reviews and solve customer service issues in seconds by sending a direct message to your past or current customers. We know positive reviews are highly valued for any company, we also believe that negative reviews can be just as valuable! It is import to know where your company needs improvement and we’re here to help bring any solvable issues to light! Reach out and connect to build trust and thank customers for their honest and valued feedback, offer support where needed, or promote what’s new within your company!
Looking for the perfect FBO, AOG, or another service at your next destination? Search businesses and check out honest reviews submitted by your peers to ensure you’ll be receiving the correct and quality service you’re looking for. We value truth and accountability so you can be sure the reviews in Avtopia will reflect the quality of service customers have received.
Already receive the service you needed? Honest transparency is important to us. We know service can be hit or miss at times and we at Avtopia believe it is important to hear the bad just as much as the good. Be real, be clear, be HONEST, but most importantly be KIND. If you feel the service you received was less then the best, let your peers know in an honest review but remember to keep things civil, concise, professional, and always allow for the business to respond accordingly. That being said, don’t be afraid to show some love and highlight a company for their excellent service! We encourage both sides of the spectrum to ensure the highest quality of service and to allow our industry to learn, grow, and build together!
Avtopia - Your Aviation Community