STOP Short-Term Rentals In Michigan

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  • STOP Short-Term Rentals In Michigan

STOP Short-Term Rentals In Michigan Short-term rentals are destroying the quality of life for owners of residential property in neighborhoods and on lakes across the state.

Without changing zoning ordinances, short-term rentals turn residential communities into commercial zones.

VRBO Sued By Terminally Ill Dad Over Death of Two Daughters in "Firetrap" Hamptons Vacation Rental, Which Allegedly Had ...

VRBO Sued By Terminally Ill Dad Over Death of Two Daughters in "Firetrap" Hamptons Vacation Rental, Which Allegedly Had 57 Code Violations

Short-term vacation rental homes are destroying the quality of life for neighbors of these commercial, clerkless hotels across America. It’s […]

Mike Lindell Responds To MI Rep Whose District Includes Antrim County, Using Campaign Mailer To Deceive Voters One Week ...

Mike Lindell Responds To MI Rep Whose District Includes Antrim County, Using Campaign Mailer To Deceive Voters One Week Before Primary

Rep. Ken Borton (R-MI) is using a new campaign mailer to deceive voters into believing Mike Lindell supports him, but […]


Candidate for MI State Rep in the 105th District of MI, Kim Morley, addresses HB4722 at a town hall at the Ga***rd, MI Library in July. The government overreach bill was promoted by the current self-serving MI State Rep. Ken Borton. If the bill is passed by the MI Senate, it would strip MI residents of the ability to make decisions about the zoning of commercial properties (short-term rentals) in their neighborhoods and supersede homeowners association restrictions on commercial properties in residential neighborhoods.
Kim Morley believes these decisions are best left to the homeowners and not some self-serving lawmakers in Lansing and that the government has no right to steal these rights from taxpaying homeowners.


Candidate for MI State Rep in the 105th District of MI, Kim Morley, addresses HB4722 at a town hall at the Ga***rd, MI Library in July. The government overreach bill was promoted by the current self-serving MI State Rep. Ken Borton. If the bill is passed by the MI Senate, it would strip MI residents of the ability to make decisions about the zoning of commercial properties (short-term rentals) in their neighborhoods and supersede homeowners association restrictions on commercial properties in residential neighborhoods.

Kim Morley believes these decisions are best left to the homeowners and not some self-serving lawmakers in Lansing, and that the government has no right to steal these rights from taxpaying homeowners.

Just another day in short-term rental paradise. If the commercial business owner thinks their renters behavior was bad, ...

Just another day in short-term rental paradise. If the commercial business owner thinks their renters behavior was bad, imagine what the homeowners next door had to deal with!

Wow!! LLCs are ruining neighborhoods and residents are FIGHTING BACK!

Wow!! LLCs are ruining neighborhoods and residents are FIGHTING BACK!

Longtime homeowners are fighting back a troubling new trend: corporations buying up single-family homes and converting them into rental properties. Once serene neighborhoods are now seeing poor upkeep and criminal activity. And with high demand and low inventory, first-time homebuyers are being pric...

Who is safeguarding our children?S*x offender list are obsolete when you have a revolving door of strangers next door. h...

Who is safeguarding our children?
S*x offender list are obsolete when you have a revolving door of strangers next door.

“Parents wants their kids to grow up in a safe, stable neighborhood w/ friends & neighbors they know & trust, where it’s safe to ride bikes & play outside. like & rob us of the ability to know if our neighborhoods are safe for our kids. ....

A never ending stream of family reunions, weddings, bachelor and bachelorette parties.  Carloads people coming to party ...

A never ending stream of family reunions, weddings, bachelor and bachelorette parties. Carloads people coming to party 24/7 in a residential home. We have witnessed up to 17 cars, boats, jets skis... bringing over 40 people. Residents should not have to fight for ordinances because an illegal commercial property has started up 20 feet away.

For years my neighbors, friends, and family across the city of Austin have been suffering from horrible problems with short-term rentals. Our city council ha...

Living next to a VRBO means knowing there is no ID verification.  Knowing you never know who the next group of 25 + peop...

Living next to a VRBO means knowing there is no ID verification. Knowing you never know who the next group of 25 + people are. Owners live hours away. No one here to monitor who comes and goes. Unvetted strangers in an unauthorized business in a residential subdivision.

An AirBnB rental is used for an event, and over 100 teens descend on the property for a holiday party gone bad, ending in a teen being stabbed

Calumet, MI Addresses Issue With STRs at Planning Commission Meeting. This is EXACTLY how it should be done. Citizens in...

Calumet, MI Addresses Issue With STRs at Planning Commission Meeting. This is EXACTLY how it should be done. Citizens in each community should have the right to say if and how STRs should be allowed to operate in their communities.

Stripping citizens of that basic right to appease realtors and STR owners, many of whom don't even live in MI is about as un-American as it gets.

CALUMET — Short-term rentals (AirBnB) and ma*****na business zoning were concerns of the Village Planning Commission at the regular monthly meeting of the Village Council on Oct. 19. Short-term rentals or “vacation rental by owner” units have become very popular to travelers as unusual alterna...

Recently, in Saginaw, MI,  a homeowner, claiming to be using her property as a short-term rental, allowed a house party....

Recently, in Saginaw, MI, a homeowner, claiming to be using her property as a short-term rental, allowed a house party. Reports that nearly 100 people were inside, with another 100 outside. Shots rang out injuring four and murdering one 29-year old.

Short-term rentals are a recent phenomenon across Michigan and serve a purpose for travelers and tourism. And while they can fill a gap in communities where there aren’t enough hotel rooms, not...

Higgins Lake, MI. Bachelor party hotels are very common in MI, especially with lake front properties. This story is gut-...

Higgins Lake, MI. Bachelor party hotels are very common in MI, especially with lake front properties. This story is gut-wrenching! 😡


Please share horror stories you have about short-term rentals in your neighborhood.

We will share them WITHOUT using your name!

The controversial legislation would include short-term rentals as a valid residential use under Michigan's zoning act, u...

The controversial legislation would include short-term rentals as a valid residential use under Michigan's zoning act, upending zoning changes local communities have made or are considering to limit and regulate short-term rentals by deeming them commercial use.

The Michigan Municipal League strongly opposed the legislation, which its officials called an avoidable "calamity," and urged the Senate "to reject this rolling disaster headed to a neighborhood near you.”

"This bill will pour lighter fluid on an already red-hot housing market should it become law, making it even harder for families to put roofs over their heads," said Dan Gilmartin, CEO and executive director for the league. "Those voting yes on this legislation hold the responsibility for the entirely predictable and disastrous outcomes this measure will produce."

The legislation would allow for the continued rental of private residences through such services as Airbnb and VRBO and, in its initial form, it was backed by the Michigan Realtors and the fiscally conservative Mackinac Center for Public Policy.

The controversial legislation would include short-term rentals as a valid residential use under Michigan's zoning act, upending local zoning.


Why are home prices skyrocketing in popular MI vacation destinations?
Read below and feel free to comment! ⬇️

A discussion came up regarding the Host of Airbnb/VRBO and the "strangers" that come and stay next to residents in their...

A discussion came up regarding the Host of Airbnb/VRBO and the "strangers" that come and stay next to residents in their commercial properties. I have spoken to the renters next to me and no one checks their ID. As matter of a fact, the property owner lives hours away and has no idea what goes on. Here are some concerns from the VRBO host. They also share that VRBO does not check identification.

For those of us who live next to an Airbnb / VRBO, we are the ones who can speak to what it is like living next to one. ...

For those of us who live next to an Airbnb / VRBO, we are the ones who can speak to what it is like living next to one. Not the owners who in our case live hours away. We never know who will be arriving next. We are constantly on the edge about who or what the next group will bring.

Four men were charged with felonies after an unsanctioned rap video shoot at a Wicker Park Airbnb property grew over capacity, sparking a bust where Chicago police recovered more than 20 illegal fi****ms, authorities said.

As a neighbor of an Airbnb/Vrbo, you never know of who is going to show up next.  These renters were involved in a shoot...

As a neighbor of an Airbnb/Vrbo, you never know of who is going to show up next. These renters were involved in a shoot out inside a rental home in a residential neighborhood. Read what the owner herself posted.

How in the heck can AirBnB get away with this????

How in the heck can AirBnB get away with this????

The Investigative Unit looks into the bizarre circumstances in Fremont, Calif., that critics say reveal a big loophole in Airbnb’s policy that impacts other ...


MI House members, led by the freshman Rep. Ken Borton (R), who represents Otsego and Antrim Co. areas, just passed a bill to allow short-term rentals to consume up to 30% of your neighborhoods!!!! If you have zoning laws that prevent short-term rentals in your community—-too bad—Rep Ken Borton wants to strip you of your right to regulate your own zoning decisions with this bill! If you live on a lake, up to 30% of your lake will now become a commercial property. Is this why people sink their life savings into a vacation or retirement home???
WATCH this incredible video:

SHORT TERM RENTALS TURN INTO NIGHTMARES NEXT DOORMitchell Gould and Daisy Marco thought they had bought their dream hous...


Mitchell Gould and Daisy Marco thought they had bought their dream house.

Tucked in a quiet neighborhood in the Hollywood Hills, the house has beautiful views, friendly neighbors and plenty of room for their cats.

"It's a really quiet neighborhood. There are families and a lot of older couples," said Marco.

So when moving trucks pulled up and a new car was parked in the driveway of their next door neighbor, Marco went over to introduce herself.

That's when, she said, the nightmare next door began.

Instead of a new family moving in next door, the house was listed on Airbnb --a website for short-term housing rentals.

"It's a vacation house. It's a party house," said Gould.

Gould and Marco say the host moved in a pool table and added a hot tub to the back patio, just yards away from Gould and Marco's bedroom window.

"They set up the place to have 12 beds and it's not a 12-bedroom house," said Gould.

Almost immediately, the guests began coming and going at all hours, according to the couple. They said the guests would stay up late partying, leave trash strewn up and down the street and park in front of their driveway blocking their cars in.

"Most disturbingly, they were smoking and throwing their butts just off the balcony into the foliage," Gould said. "If, God forbid, a fire starts back there, we're going to lose our house first.

"We've lived here for several years now and the last three weeks, we're suddenly living next to a hotel."

And, Gould and Marco are not alone.

An NBC4 I-Team investigation found examples across Los Angeles of what appears to be Airbnb hosts turning apartments and homes into neighborhood hotels. Some of the listings were available every day of the month.

"Per the zoning code, it's not legal to rent a home or an apartment in a residential area for less than 30 days," explained Roy Samaan, a policy analyst for LAANE -- a nonprofit advocacy group pushing for regulations on short term rentals like Airbnb.

The Los Angeles City Attorney's office also told NBC4 these short-term rentals are against the law -- violations of both zoning code and occupancy rules.

The NBC4 I-Team reached out to the host, who calls himself Alex, about staying in the house next to Gould and Marco for a week. He offered to rent NBC4 the property for $3,181 for five days.

But it turns out Alex doesn't actually own the home. When the I-Team contacted the actual owner, she said she believed she was renting the home to a young couple with a baby. And she said that she doesn't know anyone named Alex, nor did she give permission to advertise the house on Airbnb.

When the NBC4 I-Team asked Alex about it, he wrote back that this is "a false story as the property isn't for rent for short term use and it's only available for stays longer than 30 days when I'm out of town working."

But two of three reviews for the property say those guests only spent a single night at that location and Alex offered the house to the NBC4 I-Team for only five days.

Shortly after the I-Team contacted Alex, the listing was taken down.

An Airbnb spokesperson told the I-Team that they don't get involved in issues between renters and landlords. He said the majority of Airbnb stays are safe and enjoyable experiences.

Not all of the neighbors near Airbnb properties agree. The I-Team found what could be full-time Airbnb hotels all over town, including one in the Fairfax area.

"You have people who come to town to party, to have a good time. So they're drinking and they're smoking. I have a young family here," said Matthew Berger who lives next door to what he said is a full-time Airbnb hotel.

He said he is worried about strangers partying just a stone's throw from his daughter's bedroom.

"I don't want to be constantly concerned about who's next door," Berger said.

When the I-Team reached out to an owner of that property, he said he was not aware of any laws against renting the home on Airbnb. He said he takes the responsibilities of a property owner seriously and has "discussed the matter at length with our immediate neighbor to try to resolve his issues."

In the heart of Hollywood, the I-Team found a hostel-style hotel -- a three bedroom apartment complete with bunk beds and shared bathrooms -- all available for rent on Airbnb.

Airbnb said they're cracking down on these hostel-style rentals and they've removed hundreds of listings already. They encourage homeowners with concerns about an Airbnb property to use their online "Good Neighbor Tool" for sharing complaints. They also said they're working with city officials to develop regulations on short-term rentals that include quality of life protections.

The Los Angeles City Council is currently considering an ordinance that would legalize short term rentals with certain conditions. People who want to rent their properties using sites like Airbnb would have to register with the city and the number of rental nights would be limited. The proposed ordinance would also only allow hosts to rent out their primary residence, the city attorney said.

But Samaan said regulation without enforcement is fruitless.

"The enforcement is essential. We can pass ordinances all year and if there's no enforcement it won't make a difference," he said. "I think the key is making sure that companies like Airbnb are liable to really make sure what's happening on their site is above board."

Marco and Gould said they've tried everything they can think of to address the Airbnb next door to their house. They've talked to neighbors, called their city councilman, contacted the host and even reported incidents to the LAPD.

"It's really frustrating," Marco said. "No matter where we live in the city, this could happen. I don't want to move. We love our house. We love our neighborhood. But even if we move, somebody could do the same thing in the house next to us."

The MI House voted this week to pass Bill 4722 that will allow rental owners to bypass local, county, and state zoning o...

The MI House voted this week to pass Bill 4722 that will allow rental owners to bypass local, county, and state zoning ordinances, thereby turning up to 30% of residential neighborhoods into commercial properties without a single hearing or ANY input from MI residents.

The House bill will now be sent to the MI Senate.

PLEASE take action TODAY and call your MI Senator! When you're finished talking to your senator, call senators on the MI Regulatory Reform Committee, along with other members of the MI Senate.

POLITELY state your position and let them know how you feel about the House passing a bill bypassing local and county zoning ordinances that will jeopardize the future of the quality of life for residents across our great state.

MI Regulatory Reform Chair Aric Nesbitt (R): (517) 373-0793

MI Regulatory Reform Vice-Chair Lana Theis (R): (517) 373-2420

Members of the MI Regulatory Reform Committee:

Ruth Johnson (R): (517) 373-1636

Dan Lauwers (R): (517) 373-7708

Curtis VanderWall (R): (517) 373-1725

Dale Zorn (R): (517) 373-3543

Jeremy Moss (D) Minority Vice-Chair: 517-373-7888

Dayna Polehanki (D): 517-373-7350

Paul Wojno (D): 517-373-8360

Here's the link to the list of Senators with phone #'s:




While Michiganders were sleeping on Wed. morning, the newly elected Rep. Ken Borton was instrumental in passing one of the most evil bills in MI history. This tyrannical legislation passed by the House in the wee hours of the morning, will strip MI citizens of their right to peacefully enjoy their residential property.

While you were sleeping, Republican Representatives like Ken Borton, Steve Johnson, Matt Hall, Sarah Lightner, and Doug Wozniak fought to strip MI citizens of their right to own residential property in a residential neighborhood.

The bill they worked so hard to pass, will literally turn our neighborhoods into commercial properties without any input from their constituents and without a single zoning meeting!

If their bill passes in the Senate, your RESIDENTIAL lake or quiet neighborhood home will be caught in the middle of a commercial property scam that will destroy the quality of life for everyone but the businesses who own the rentals and the people who rent them.

Retirees who sank their life savings into a lake home where they thought they would live in peace and quiet will be forced to move. Gone are the days that you could let your kids wander up and down the shores of your lake home. If this bill passes in the MI Senate, there is no telling who is staying next door to you. Maps showing where pedophiles and other s*x offenders live don't apply to short-term renters. The rules that homeowners on lakes and neighborhoods abide by are ignored by short-term renters---they're on a one-week (or less) vacation---they don't care about your homeowner association rules.




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