
AljaDvisor I am your travel booster for a solo,individual or private group tours. I am a professional Tour guide(with 19years in guiding).

Destinations: Morocco,Cuba,Ireland,Scotland,China,Turkey,Vienna,Venice,and Slovenia I would like to also help you with cultural insights and with what to expect :-) this is my speciality


WALKING THE WALK- one has to know where to go to get the best experience ๐Ÿ™‚

I help you do the best possible walk when you plan your travel... I did the walk, so that you can walk more at ease and get only the best of it ๐Ÿ™‚

This is in Venice... but where?! I will keep it a secret

KAKO POTOVATI? Temu v turizmu recemo "logistika" in vkljucuje program potovanja in oglede, lete in prevoze, namestitve, ...

KAKO POTOVATI? Temu v turizmu recemo "logistika" in vkljucuje program potovanja in oglede, lete in prevoze, namestitve, prehrano in se vec.

Osnova potovanja pa je vedno program:

Ce je program dober, bo vkljucil pomembne oglede in obiske lepih (znanih in manj znanih) mest, ki so znacilna za dezelo kamor potujete.

Ce je program dober, bo predpostavil kdaj so doloceni deli mest ali lokacije morda zaprti, kdaj imajo manj obiska, kdaj je optimalna svetloba, kdaj je prefektna situacija za obisk in vam razlozil zakaj je tako.

Ce je program dober, se mu bodo prilagodile namestitve in prehrana in prevozi tako, da bo potovanje potekalo gladko in brez zapletov in se boste lahko na poti sprostili in le uzivali v dozivetju!

Ce je program dober (no, najboljsi), potem bo vasa dozivetja vodil od prvega dne do zadnjega v sosledju, ki pocasi odkriva skrivnosti dezele! Dnevi se bodo smotrno nalagali in dozivetja bodo pocasi in z obcutkom odkrivala vecplastnost dezele kamor potujete ๐Ÿ™‚ vrhunski program je kot pravljica, ima uvod, vrhunec in zakljucek (ki zaokrozi dozivetja).

Glede logistike je prva zagata gotovo ta, ki je povezana s prevozi-
Kako leteti v dezelo, kako se znajti na licu mesta s prevozom, kako se premikati po dezeli?!

To so reci, ki vam jih pomagam razresiti ze pred odhodom na pot, tako da ko ste tam ze tocno veste kam se obnrniti in kako ๐Ÿ™‚ ali ni to super?!


N tourism we call this "logistics" of the tour. They are made of the program of travel and visits on the way, flights and transportation, accommodations, restaurants, and more.

The base of the tour is always the program!

If the program is good, it will include the most significant sites and visits of the beautiful known (and unknown) places that are typical for the country you are traveling to.

If the program is good, it will be made accordingly to the opening hours of the sites, possible closing times of certain parts of towns, or markets,... it will also include the knowledge on when there is less crowded, when there is the best light for your photography, when it is the best time to visit- and you will know why it is so.

If the program is good it will influence the selections of the accommodations and the choice of restaurants, so that your tour will go smoothly and with no effort from your side and you will be able to relax and enjoy your time at its fullest.

The best program will slowly, day by day, pull you into the many secrets of the country you are visiting. It will be planned and prepared with your gradual discovering of the country and its multi-layered culture. The best programs are made like a fairytale- they have an intro, a climax and an epilogue and will give you so much more than just a list of sights and their opening times!!! The best programs are a masterpiece of experiencing and know where you are coming from and where they want to take you to ๐Ÿ™‚ want to learn more? Write to me and let's start planing

And as for the logistics-
One of the first challenges when you arrive to the new country is the logistic of transportation from the very airport and on your tour.

And those are exactly the things I help you with, so that you already know exactly what awaits you on the arrival and how to get around. You feel a little bit at home already in the first few hours of your travel! Isn't that great?! ๐Ÿ™‚

WHERE TO EAT, WHAT TO EAT, HOW TO EAT (that one I guess you already know ๐Ÿ˜ƒ?!)?In Havana there is no doubt... but even if...

WHERE TO EAT, WHAT TO EAT, HOW TO EAT (that one I guess you already know ๐Ÿ˜ƒ?!)?

In Havana there is no doubt... but even if so, one has to know the places... and there are places and there are places ๐Ÿ™‚

I love some paladars (private, family owned restaurants), as well as some bigger restaurants. They are chick, they are special and they serve fantastic food

Are you interested in traveling to Cuba? (i think everybody should travel there at least once in their lifetime- if you have the slightest wish to do so, of course)... I can help ๐Ÿ™‚

I know the people, I know the places-

Boutique colonial (or modern) accommodations,
Authentic experiences,
Special dining,
Unforgettable cocktails and more...

Hey, yes- not to forget about- best dancing, music and swimming... and all those cars! Mmmm....aaaaa.... CUBA

Are you (or do you know somebody who is) planning to travel to TURKEY, MOROCCO, CUBA, CHINA, IRELAND, SCOTLAND, VIENNA ,...

Are you (or do you know somebody who is) planning to travel to

I can help you (or your friends and family) to have an even better time!

It is my job and my passion ๐Ÿ™‚

I am here- ready when you are!

Just send a message and we can set a live call

SKRITI KOTICKI SVETAโ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธCakajo, da vam jih pokazem ๐Ÿ™‚Ta je v Marakesu... eden privatnih riadov... in Marakes ima se tol...

SKRITI KOTICKI SVETAโ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธ

Cakajo, da vam jih pokazem ๐Ÿ™‚

Ta je v Marakesu... eden privatnih riadov... in Marakes ima se toliko reci... ocarljivih krajev in romanticnih prostorckov!

Cudovit, ali ne?!

Ali bi preziveli tukaj recimo, tri do striri noci... in se vracali v to kad (s kozarcem sampanjca) po dolgih dnevih raziskovanj Marakeske medine (starega mesta) in njenih sukov (bazarjev)?



Are waiting for me to show them to you ๐Ÿ™‚

This one is in Marrakech... one of my favorite private riads ... and Marrakech has so many stuff... charming places, romantic spaces!

Isn't it marvelous?!

How about spending 3-4 nights in this room... returning back to this stylish bathtub (and a glass of champagne) after long days of discovering the Marrakech medina (the old town) and its Souks (the bazaars)?

Photos courtesy of (via Instagram)

TRavel, TRavel, TRavel,...Kaj poceti in kam iti na potovanju v Maroku? Zakaj ja, zakaj ne? Bo dodatni dan odvzel kaj lep...

TRavel, TRavel, TRavel,...

Kaj poceti in kam iti na potovanju v Maroku? Zakaj ja, zakaj ne? Bo dodatni dan odvzel kaj lepsega ali bolj zanimivega kar bi se tudi splacalo videti?
Kje prenocevati za optimalen izkoristek casa in za lepo dozivetje?

Oh... ni problema! Se malo in bo moja internet stran dokoncana in takrat boste lahko izvedeli vec o meni in o tem, kaj ponujam tudi kar online. Do takrat pa sem tukaj, pripravljena da vam pomagam narediti potovanje v Maroko za nepozabno dozivetje s svojim poznavanjem dezele (v Maroko vodim ze 15 let in imam za sabo 500 cudovitih vodniskih dni z razlicnimi skupinami, ter po dolgem in pocez).

Lahko vam pomagam z nasveti za buticno potovanje in dozivetja, ki so resnicno lepa in nepozabna... ali pa vam pripravim ce
program n to na tak nacin, da se bodo dnevi stopnjevali in med seboj povezovali ... ter da bodo prilagojeni vam osebno, tako z urami, kot tudi z aktivnostmi!
Ali pa me celo vzamete sabo na pot in vam kar tam, na licu mesta povem o receh in ljudeh in kulturi in veri in zgodovini in umetnosti in lepoti in hrani in caju in hrani in caju in... vrtnicah! In o prebivalcih Berberih in zakaj niso Arabci.. in se mnogo tega

Pisite mi in takoj lahko zacnemo pripravljati vase potovanje v dezelo rdece zemlje, zgocega sonca, zelenih palm, nestetih vonjev in najbolj modrega neba!

Popolnoma vas razumem-zelite potovati sami, ter imeti vso svobodo  da lahko zajemate najboljse kar ima svet ponuditi- z ...

Popolnoma vas razumem-zelite potovati sami, ter imeti vso svobodo da lahko zajemate najboljse kar ima svet ponuditi- z veliko zlico! Tudi jaz sem taka ๐Ÿ™‚

Ampak vem, da veste, da je potovanje vedno tudi (tako kot zivljenje) nepredvidljivo in da se veliko reci lahko zgodi drugace kot ste nacrtovali!

Ampak, ja! Potem pa so tukaj se reci, ki jih niste uspeli planirati, ker niste niti vedeli da obstajajo in so cudovite in naredijo vase potovanje tako doziveto in posebno!

Zato- sem tukaj jaz, s svojim znanjem ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

Zelim vam pomagati s pripravo, napotki in mojim znanjem, da boste lahko doziveli "moje dezele" in kraje v katere ze leta in leta vodim razlicne skupine in goste!

Od mene lahko dobite oboje- svobodo individualnega potovanja in znanje in sigurnost potovanja v skupini

Komaj cakam, da se spoznamo in zacnemo pripravljati vase potovanje ๐Ÿ™‚ Kuba, Maroko, Kitajska, Irska, Skotska, Turcija, Kreta,... in tudi tako domacna in poznana Benetke in Dunaj- na poseben nacin! (Pa ne pozabimo na Ljubljano- saj vedno znova ugotavljam, da ravno Slovenci (in tudi Ljubljancani) mesta ne poznamo- in da vcasih Ljubljano bolje spoznajo tuji turisti).


I really get you- you want to travel alone to be free and take the best of what the world offers with a big spoon! I am also like that ๐Ÿ™‚

But you also feel like travel can be confusing and there are (always - just like n life- a lot of things that can go wrong, or differently from what you planned)

And then there are the things that can go right and are fantastic, but you maybe never even knew they exist!

Sooo... I am here- Here ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

And I would love to help you get the best of my places and countries I travelled to for years guiding groups and guests.

Cuba, Morocco, Ireland, Scotland, East China, Turkey, Crete (Greece), as well as Vienna, Venice and my home-country Slovenia with its ever so charming capital city Ljubljana

Travel, travel, travel,...Do you like white sand beaches and a green-blue sea? Oh, and the white waves, too?If so, you w...

Travel, travel, travel,...

Do you like white sand beaches and a green-blue sea? Oh, and the white waves, too?

If so, you will love the Cuban beaches!

Many people believe that the nicest are hidden, or very far from Havana... and if not, very crowded. But there are beaches and there are beaches... and with knowing what boat to take and where to look for one can find an abundance of 3Ss- the sea, the sand and the sun- and have them many times only to yourself, too!

I can help you with planning. With months of guiding groups around Cuba I can say I know the island pretty well ๐Ÿ™‚ I can help those of you that love art, culture, history, music, dancing and nature...

We can work on your itinerary, or I can offer only my revision of it and advises, as well as I would love to tell you what to expect and how to not go through a cultural shock that in Cuba many times comes in a shape of being fed up of everything 3 days after the arrival... and I have so much more for you in store!

Find me via a Chat message, and we can set a live Zoom, IMO, or Skype call... and start preparing, or just boost your travel to this fantastic island.

You will not be sorry


Ali so vam vsec plaze z belim peskom in turkiznim morjem? Aha, in tisti prijazni beli penasti valovi?

Ce ja, potem vam bo Kuba zelo zelo vsec!

Veliko ljudi sicer meni, da so najlepse plaze na otoku skrite, ali predalec of Havane, ali pa prevec obljudene (kot je na primer kubanski Portoroz- Varadero). Ampak so plaze in so plaze... in ce clovek ve, kje iskati in ve na katero ladjico vstopiti ... lahko najde prave male bisekrcke. In takrat ima lahko plazo tudi kdaj le cisto samo zase ๐Ÿ™‚

Lahko vam pomagam s planiranjem! Leta in leta sem zimske mesece vodila skupine po Kubi in lahko recem, da otok precej dobro poznam ๐Ÿ™‚ lahko vam pomagam z idejami za uzivanje v kulturi, umetnosti, zgodovini, glasbi in naravi...

Skupaj lahko pripravimo vas potovalni program, ali pa vam lahko pomagam le s svetovanjem in pregledom vasega programa, ter dodatnimi idejami. Z najvecjim veseljem vam tudi pripravim celotni uvod v potovanje, viljucno s tem kaj na otoku pricakovati od kulture in ljudi in kako se izogniti podmuklemu kulturnemu soku ๐Ÿ™‚
In ce vas zanima, imam se toliko dodatnih idej in nasvetov ๐Ÿ™‚

Posljite mi direktno sporocilo s Chat gumbom (spodaj, pod fotografijo) in lahko se dogovorimo za srecanje na caju ali kavi v zivo,... ali pa se srecamo na Zoom, IMO, ali Skype klicu... aha, ali pa na Whatsappu tudi seveda ๐Ÿ™‚

Ne bo vam zal, ko biste na Kubi uzivali in se sprostili ter postali na pol Kubanci... no, vsaj v casu trajanja potovanja

Travel, travel, travel,...Do you want to travel to Scotland? And you love white fairytale castles and white weddings (wi...

Travel, travel, travel,...

Do you want to travel to Scotland?
And you love white fairytale castles and white weddings (with a white fensi wedding car?)
Well, you are at the right place! ๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽ‚

I can't promise to organize your wedding, but I can tell you all about why you deffinitelly have to visit this castle and what you can see inside and around it! As well as what else to see in Scotland and how...

I adore Scotland! I had spent many long summers (months and months of) guiding different groups up and down this fantastic country! From south to north and back again.

I would love to help you! I know that together we can prepare a wonderful tour- your wishes, my ideas and 19 years of experiences with guiding and knowing the places very well!

(.s.: I admit- the second photo was just for the aesthetic pleasure- but it was shot in front of The High Kirk of Glasgow- the Cathedral of Glasgow... and I did like the car ๐Ÿ™‚ plus, you have to admit it the two of the photos give a nice, elegant Scottish impression- no?!)


Ali si zelite obiskati Skotsko in obozujete bele pravljicne gadove in bele poroke (z nobel belimi porocnimi avtomobili)?

No, prispeli ste na pravi naslov!

Ne morem vam sicer obljubiti bele poroke, lahko pa vam povem vse o tem zakaj obiskati ta grad in kaj fantasticnega lahko vidite ob obisku znotraj in naokoli gradu.

In lahko vam dam ideje o tem, kaj si se ogledati na Skotskem in kako...ahhh
Skorsko obozujem in sem tam prezivela dolga poletja leta in leta medtem ko sem vodila skupine od juga do severa in nazaj!

Zdaj bi rada pomagala se vam. Vem, da lahko skupaj pripravimo cudovito potovanje- vase zelje, moje ideje in 19 let izkusenj pri delu na terenu in s skupinami objljubljajo mnogo vasih lepih dozivetij...

(P.s.: priznam- druga fotografja je tu zgolj zaradi estetskega dodatka ๐Ÿ™‚ no, je pa bila posneta pred Katedralo v Glasgowu in avto mi je bil res vsec ๐Ÿ™‚ in morate priznati, da obe fotografiji skupaj tvorita prav elegantno Skotsko vzdusje, ne?!) kaj menis o avtu, legradiฤ‡ travid?


oohhh... Dear friends- I am very grateful for your more than 100 likes of this page- THANk YOU VERY MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT!

It helps me start off...

Travel travel travel....If you ever walked down those streets, you would know that you have to be very careful, .... so ...

Travel travel travel....

If you ever walked down those streets, you would know that you have to be very careful, .... so don't ask me how the local ladies make it in high hills and at night (with no street lamps!) ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

I did twist my angle once during a tour... so I learned my lesson- always walk on the side walk and use the small led light of the phone in the night ๐Ÿ™‚

Why do they have such streets in Trinidad and what are they made of?
I promise to tell you when we visit together!


Ce ste kdaj hodili po teh ulicah, potem veste kako zelo pazljivi morate biti!

Ne vprasajte me, kako to uspe lokalnim gospodicnam v visokih petah in sredi temne noci (ulice imajo le redko osvetljavo!) ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

No, jaz sem se naucila svojo lekcijo, ko sem si nekoc sredi vodenja grdo zvila glezenj. Zdaj vem! In se vedno drzim stranskega plocnika ๐Ÿ™‚

Zakaj ima Trinidad na Kubi taksno tlakovanje in kaksen material za to uporabljajo?
Vam povem, ko bomo sli skupaj tja!


Where to go, what to do, and also what to EAT?

I can help you with that decisions if you are traveling to

Morocco, Cuba, Ireland, Scotland, Turkey (West), China (East), Slovenia (Ljubljana above all- is my home town), Vienna, Venice


Kaj si ogledati, kaj tam poceti,... in predvsem kaj tam JESTI :-)

S tem vam lahko pomagam, ce se lovite in greste na potovanje v/ na

Maroko, Kubo, Irsko, Skotsko, Turcijo (Zahodno), Kitajsko (Vzhodno), Slovenijo (in se posebej v Ljubljano, ki je moj dom), Dunaj ali Benetke

Travel, travel, travel,...Wondering where to buy the nicest flowers, or how the local market looks like?! Wonder no more...

Travel, travel, travel,...

Wondering where to buy the nicest flowers, or how the local market looks like?! Wonder no more!

From Morocco, to Cuba, China, and Scotland, as well as Ljubljana (Slovenia)... I can help you find the flowers (or other interesting stuff) and visit the most beautiful places... all you will have to do alone is- smell the flowers and enjoy the trip we prepared together fpr you ๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒบ

Where do you feel like traveling to next?


Ali se sprasujete, kje se kupijo najlepse roze, ali kako izgledajo lokalne trznice?

Od Maroka, do Kube, Kitajske in Skotske, kot tudi Ljubljane vam pomagam najti najbolj disece roze (ali kaj drugega) in obiskati najlepse kraje... vse kar boste morali storiti sami je, da boste povohali roze in uzivali v potovanju, ki smo ga skupaj z vami pripravili za vas ๐Ÿ™‚

Kam vas vlece sedaj, ali v bodoce?

This is me... Alja Mravljak, a local and national professional tour guide of SloveniaAnd my many travels ๐Ÿ™‚ from China to...

This is me...

Alja Mravljak, a local and national professional tour guide of Slovenia

And my many travels ๐Ÿ™‚ from China to Cuba and back


Hello and welcome

This page is called AljaDvisor

I will be offering my travel expertise here with my posts about the countries I lead tours to.

I would like to invite you to give me a like, or share the page with your traveler's friends.

The general idea of the page is to offer my service of advising travelers (and boosting the travel value of such tour) who travel individually, in small private groups, or even solo.

My services are:

- helping with planning a tour and all the "logistics" around it (when to go, how long to stay and where, what to visit, what time of the day visit what and why, how to move around, what kind of hotels to sleep in and why, other details about the program, arrival/ departure airports,...)
- advising with the hotels (what not to miss if you like authentic places), restaurants (where to eat, what to try, how to surprise your travel partners, fine dining, budget dining, street food, food tours) and special onsite experiences (for better memories and/ or trying something new) , as well as
- (my favorite part of the job!) preparing my guest for the travel with cultural insights, advises on how to travel and why like that. Advises on how to dress and what to expect from the culture, the people and what they expect from visitors ๐Ÿ™‚

I offer this advises for "my" countries of:
- Morocco (I have been guiding there for the last 15 years)
- Cuba (I soend most of my European winters in Cuba, guiding for 1.5 months in piece, or as we say in tourism back-to-back)
- Ireland (I spend my summer guiding times there for months in a row- and also in Scotland)
- Scotland
- East China
- West Turkey (I lived there for 3 years)
- Vienna
- Venice (my all times favorite and the city I visited the most times in my life)
- and of course Ljubljana and Slovenia ๐Ÿ™‚ (my home town and home country)

PRICES: contact me and tell me briefly where you are traveling to, for how long, with how many people and how do you think I could be of service

Welcome to join me on this new path and... well... LET'S TRAVEL

Travel, travel, travel,... If you like color green- then this is it! Slovenia (Europe, and the EU) is one of the greenes...

Travel, travel, travel,...

If you like color green- then this is it! Slovenia (Europe, and the EU) is one of the greenest places on planet... just the procents of forests are the third highest in the EU (58.1% of the land is forested :-)) )... and then ther are the rivers (the nicest, loveliest, most precious is the Soฤa river- on the Western border of the country) and the lakes (lake Bled on the photo here).

And the best times to visit- June (lush green) and September (autumn rich),... but other months have plenty on offer as well ๐Ÿ™‚

If you want to visit and you wonder about things here, where to go, what to see, what to do, where to eat, and how the Slovenians are. Well, I am here ๐Ÿ™‚ do let me know and let me help to ease the burdens of your preparations (I am a local and national guide as well as a tour leader to many beautiful places in the world ) and would love to be of service ๐Ÿ™‚

P.s.: on the photo- the rowing Pletna boats... because no engines are allowed on the Lake Bled! Isn't that cool?!





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