Bamboozeled - South Litchfield Beach, SC
From Bamboozeled, take a left and walk on Sportsman Drive which overlooks the saltwater marsh in South Litchfield. This can be done at anytime, but I highly recommend leaving at first light. Take another left and preceed over the canal on the pedestrian bridge towards the beach, keep straight till your toes hit the surf, then head South towards Inlet Point, the southern tip of Litchfield overlooking Pawleys Island. What treasures has Mother Nature decided to leave today, tomorrow, next year, next decade? Twelve years ago, she choose to leave a well weathered andoriandack couples chair at the point and it was moved from the tide line into the dunes for humans to enjoy, assuming of course that they arrived with mosquito repellent. A short time later with another Mother Nature mood swing, the seating was removed. Today at the point, with the recent assistance of Ian, a different chair has arrived at the point along with a platform confiscated from a dock along the tidal creek that feeds the Inlet. She has also moved the sands from the dunes, to other locations of her choosing. Humans will continue to attempt to relocate the sand according to their own desires, but at the end of the day, the week, the year, the decade, the century, Mother Nature will decide where we sit as we admire her beauty.