The Mexican Experts

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The Mexican Experts We are a German-Mexican Incoming Agency and one of the leading DMC´s in Mexico located in Querétaro.

We offer the highest level of professionalism and impeccable quality in our services and we are more than thrilled to share our insider-tips with you.

Feliz Día del Mariachi 🇲🇽 🎺 Celebrating on January 21st  the soulful melodies and vibrant rhythms of Mariachi on Interna...

Feliz Día del Mariachi 🇲🇽 🎺 Celebrating on January 21st the soulful melodies and vibrant rhythms of Mariachi on International Mariachi Day! 🇲🇽✨ Let the music fill your heart with joy and your soul with warmth. 🎶🌟

¡Feliz Navidad! 🎄✨ Wishing you joy, love, and unforgettable moments this Christmas season. May your celebrations be fill...

¡Feliz Navidad! 🎄✨ Wishing you joy, love, and unforgettable moments this Christmas season. May your celebrations be filled with warmth and the spirit of togetherness. ¡Viva la magia de la Navidad! 🎅🎁

Today we celebrate in Mexico Día de Mu***os" (Day of the Dead) originated several thousand years ago through the culture...

Today we celebrate in Mexico Día de Mu***os" (Day of the Dead) originated several thousand years ago through the cultures of the Aztecs, Toltecs, the Nahua, and other indigenous peoples who considered mourning their deceased as disrespectful. For these pre-Hispanic cultures, death was a natural phase in the long continuum of existence.

The deceased were still regarded as members of the community and were kept alive in spirit and memory, returning to Earth during the Day of the Dead.

Today, the celebrations of the Day of the Dead are a blend of pre-Hispanic, religious rituals, and Christian holidays. The festivities commence on October 31st and extend through November 1st and 2nd - All Saints' and All Souls' Days in the Catholic calendar.

The night of October 31st is dedicated to deceased non-baptized children, the night of November 1st to baptized children, and on the night of November 2nd, the deaths and lives of all other deceased individuals are

🇲🇽 Feliz Día de la Revolución – “By conquering our freedoms we have conquered a new weapon; that weapon is the vote", Fr...

🇲🇽 Feliz Día de la Revolución – “By conquering our freedoms we have conquered a new weapon; that weapon is the vote", Francisco I. Madero

Today, November 20th, marks the anniversary of the Mexican Revolution.

In Mexico City, the festivities traditionally take place on this day in the historic center up to the Zocalo. Acting President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced that this year's anniversary will be celebrated in a very special way. There will be a parade like the event took place back then in 1910, with horses and carriages.

Along with September 16th, the Mexican Independence Day, November 20th is one of the most important (holiday) days in the country.

... No corn no country

... No corn no country

Today is "Día Nacional del Maiz" in México which represents and celebrates the importance of corn in the country. Corn h...

Today is "Día Nacional del Maiz" in México which represents and celebrates the importance of corn in the country. Corn has been the primary basis of daily meals for thousands of years since the earliest known pre-columbian cultures and is nowadays more than just an iconic food in México, but also an emblematic symbol of Mexican culture and society.

Here, corn is “the food with which the gods chose to feed mankind."

Happy world tourism day! 🥰✈️🌍🧭⛰️🏛️🏝️🏜️🕍🚈🛥️🚀🧳⛱️ Travelling enriches our lives  three times: when we dream it, when we liv...

Happy world tourism day! 🥰
Travelling enriches our lives three times: when we dream it, when we live it and when we remember it.
Reisen bereichern uns dreimal: wenn wir sie träumen, wenn wir sie erleben, wenn wir uns an sie erinnern.

🇲🇽🎉❤️ Feliz

🇲🇽🎉❤️ Feliz

🍫❤️🤤Today is International Chocolate Day and which country would be better suited to celebrate than the country of origi...

🍫❤️🤤Today is International Chocolate Day and which country would be better suited to celebrate than the country of origin of cacao - Mexico! From kakawa to cacao and from xocolatl to chocolate, the Maya and Aztec knew how valuable this sweet delicacy was. Follow in the footsteps of this bittersweet temptation on your next Mexican vacation and dip your churros in melted chocolate in the streets of the capital, try a cocoa-infused mole sauce in Oaxaca or visit the Chocolate Museum (Choco Story) in the Yucatan. And don't miss a spiritual and delicious cacao ceremony when you visit Oaxaca.


Heute ist der internationale Tag der Schokolade und welches Land wäre hier besser geeignet dies zu feiern, als das Ursprungsland des Kakaos - nämlich Mexiko! Von kakawa zu cacao und von Xocolatl zu Schokolade wussten bereits die Mayas und Azteken, wie wertvoll diese süsse Köstlichkeit ist. Machen Sie sich bei Ihrem nächsten Mexiko-Urlaub auf die Spuren dieser bittersüssen Verführung und dippen Sie Ihre Churros in eine heisse Schokolade in den Strassen der Hauptstadt, probieren Sie eine mit Kakao verfeinerte Mole-Sosse in Oaxaca oder besuchen Sie das Schokomuseum in Yucatan (Choco Story).

HAPPY WHALE SHARK DAY!Today is the International Whale Shark Day, the world's largest fish. This gentle and unique sea g...


Today is the International Whale Shark Day, the world's largest fish. This gentle and unique sea giant is one of the very special animals of the Mexican fauna. Snorkel with whale sharks and get up close with these wonderful animals on a very special aquatic adventure in both Baja California South and the Caribbean Coast. This impressive experience is one of the absolute highlights of a trip to Mexico and certainly belongs on everyone's bucket list.


Heute ist der internationale Tag des Walhais, dem grössten Fisch der Welt. Dieser sanfte und einzigarte Meeresriese gehört zu den ganz besonderen Tieren der mexikanischen Fauna. Sowohl in Baja California Süd als auch an der Karibikküste kann man bei einem ganz besonderen aquatischen Abenteuer mit Walhaien schnorcheln und den wunderbaren Tieren ganz nahe kommen. Dieses imposante Erlebnis gehört zum absoluten Highlight einer Mexikoreise und sicherlich auf jedermanns Bucketlist.

Happy World Folklore Day!Folklore in Mexico is colourful, happy and as diverse as the country itself and Mexicans are kn...

Happy World Folklore Day!

Folklore in Mexico is colourful, happy and as diverse as the country itself and Mexicans are known to love their customs and traditions.
In addition to the folk dances in the typical clothes of the individual regions and the music of the mariachis, marimba and rancheras, the Mexican rodeo - called charreria - is also part of the traditional folklore. The charreria is considered Mexico's national sport and the charros (Mexican cowboys) are considered national heroes.
Another important part of Mexican folklore is the beautiful handicrafts, which represent the income of countless Mexicans and vary from region to region. Whether curious alebrijes, beautiful textiles, fine silver jewelery or colorful ceramic art, Mexico is a paradise for unique souvenirs.

Folklore in Mexiko ist bunt, fröhlich und so facettenreich wie das Land selbst und die Mexikaner lieben bekanntlicherweise ihre Bräuche und Traditionen.
Neben den Volkstänzen in den typischen Trachten der einzelnen Regionen und Musik der Mariachis, Marimba und Rancheras, gehört auch das mexikanische Rodeo - Charreria genannt - zur traditionellen Folklore. Die Charreria gilt als Mexikos Nationalsport und die Charros (mexikanische Cowboys) als Nationalhelden.
Ein weiterer wichtiger Bestandteil der mexikanischen Folklore ist das wunderschöne Kunsthandwerk, welches das Einkommen unzähliger Mexikaner repräsentiert und von Region zu Region variiert. Ob kuriose Alebrijes, wunderschöne Textilien, edler Silberschmuck oder bunte Keramikkunst, Mexiko ist das Paradies der einzigartigen Souvenirs.

Happy International Tequila Day!! International Tequila Day is celebrated today, July 24th. The date was chosen because ...

Happy International Tequila Day!!
International Tequila Day is celebrated today, July 24th. The date was chosen because on July 24, 2006, the agave landscapes in the state of Jalisco, from which Mexico's national drink is extracted, were declared a UNESCO World Heritage. And don't forget: Tequila and kisses should always be ordered "double". 🥛🥛😘😘 Salud por México y su Tequila 🇲🇽 🎉

Felíz Día de la Mamá - Happy Mother’s Day to our beautiful team of moms ❤️🌹

Felíz Día de la Mamá - Happy Mother’s Day to our beautiful team of moms ❤️🌹

Cheers to a year full of ups and downs, enlightning experiences, learnings and many happy Mexico travellers.🎆🎆🎆We look f...

Cheers to a year full of ups and downs, enlightning experiences, learnings and many happy Mexico travellers.
We look forward to 2022 and wish you all a new year full of peace, love, health and prosperity.🥂🇲🇽🎉

The Mexican Experts team wishes you all a wonderful Christmas time and all the best for 2022 ❤️🌲🇲🇽

The Mexican Experts team wishes you all a wonderful Christmas time and all the best for 2022 ❤️🌲🇲🇽

Heute werden in Mexiko das Leben und der Tod gefeiert. Nachdem im letzten Jahr aufgrund der Pandemie die Feierlichkeiten...

Heute werden in Mexiko das Leben und der Tod gefeiert. Nachdem im letzten Jahr aufgrund der Pandemie die Feierlichkeiten ausfallen mussten, geht es in diesem Jahr umso bunter zu.
Der Día de Mu***os entstand vor mehreren Tausend Jahren durch die Kulturen der Azteken, Tolteken, der Nahua und anderer Urvölker, die das Betrauern ihrer Toten als respektlos empfanden. Für diese prä-hispanischen Kulturen war der Tod eine natürliche Phase im langen Kontinuum des Daseins. Die Toten galten noch immer als Mitglieder der Gemeinschaft und wurden im Geiste und in Erinnerungen am Leben gehalten und während des Día de Mu***os kehrten sie auf die Erde zurück.
Heutzutage sind die Feierlichkeiten zum Día de Mu***os eine Mischung aus prä-hispanischen, religiösen Riten und christlichen Festen. Sie beginnen am 31. Oktober, erstrecken sich dann über den 1. und 2. November und finden zuhause und auf dem Friedhof statt.

💀🇲🇽❤️ It's this time of the year again. Very soon México will celebrate the Day of the Death, a wonderful and unique gif...

💀🇲🇽❤️ It's this time of the year again. Very soon México will celebrate the Day of the Death, a wonderful and unique gift of the fusion of indigenous and christian cultures.


Happy World Tourism Day ❤️

Happy World Tourism Day ❤️


BDMX INCOMING es una agencia receptiva germano mexicana y DMC con sede en Querétaro, el corazón colonial de México. Nuestro mercado principal son Agencias y Operadoras Europeos y tras la reactivación de turismo estamos buscando ampliar nuestro equipo.

Una de las cosas que nos distingue en el mercado es la alta calidad de servicio de estamos ofreciendo a nuestros clientes y para garantizar y optimizar esa excelente calidad buscamos apoyo.

¡Si tienes ganas de trabajar en un equipo internacional, innovador y muy motivado y cumples con los requisitos y características solicitadas nos daría mucho gusto conocerte!

● Fecha de inicio: 01. de noviembre
● Área: Reservaciones y Operaciones
● Vacaciones: 20 días/año

● Nivel de inglés: mínimo B2
● Licenciatura en turismo
● Experiencia de trabajo de mínimo dos años
● Manejo de equipo de cómputo (MS Office), facilidad en computación
● Conocimientos geográficos y turísticos del destino México
● Conocimientos de hotelería
● Disponibilidad de viajar

● Realizar y gestionar reservas individuales y grupos
● Bloqueos y reservas (hoteles, guías turísticos, transporte).
● Supervisar procesos operativos de proveedores
● Briefing de guías turísticos, conductores, socios de transporte y hoteles
● Administración de información y accesorios
● Contacto de emergencia
● Realizar viajes de inspección y supervisión de proveedores

● Tu forma de trabajo es independiente y estructurada
● Eres responsable y dinámico
● Rápida resolución de problemas
● Tienes una alta resistencia a situaciones estresantes
● Cuentas con excelentes habilidades de comunicación
● Te sabes comunicar muy bien en inglés, ya que hablarás mucho con clientes que no hablan español
● Tienes iniciativa y te gusta implementar propias ideas
● Le pones mucha atención a los detalles
● Cuentas con espíritu de equipo y actitud de servicio
● Te encanta viajar en México
● Manejas bien y eficientemente tu tiempo


👉 Mark gives us an insight how the state of Yucatan is protecting its people from the pandemic and shares some curious measures you can probable only find in Mexico.


Marcel talks about the impact of the Coronavirus on tourism and the "new normal" on the Riviera Maya where the first hotels have opened their doors this in June.🌴☀️🦎

Let´s dream about strolling through the streets of Campeche 🌅❤️⛪🇲🇽 👉 Declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, Campeche ...

Let´s dream about strolling through the streets of Campeche 🌅❤️⛪🇲🇽
👉 Declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, Campeche keeps memories of the past in its neighborhoods, temples, squares and elegant Spanish-style mansions. The impressive fort was built to protect the City from Pirate attacks ☠️
Put it as a MUST SEE on your bucket list for Mexico - you will fall in love too!

📸 🙌



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