Indy Odyssey

Indy Odyssey We believe all women have the right to travel and experience the world regardless of their background

We'll be running our first women's group tour in Central Asia this September 4th! 🥳It's a 3-week experience through Kaza...

We'll be running our first women's group tour in Central Asia this September 4th! 🥳

It's a 3-week experience through Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan. The whole thing is overland to be as sustainable as possible.

You'll get to taste traditional dishes like Laghman, take in scenic views of panoramic mountains, and try things you've always wanted to do.

It's women from all kinds of backgrounds, places, and ages.

I know it's not always easy to travel as a woman of colour, so the tour isn't about being diverse for the sake of ticking boxes, but will hopefully bring inclusivity to the forefront as it should be. 🙌

There are 11 spots and a 10% discount! Come alone or bring a friend. 🤗

DM, send a quick email or book a call to find out more!

Are you a fan of weekend breaks or do you prefer longer stays? Let us know in the comments below!

Are you a fan of weekend breaks or do you prefer longer stays?

Let us know in the comments below!

Sometimes you visit a place and you just know it feels like home. Moving to a country that's very different to your own ...

Sometimes you visit a place and you just know it feels like home. Moving to a country that's very different to your own is equally parts scary and thrilling.

It's a chance to meet new people, switch up your routine, try new food, activities and everything in between. Above all, it's character building–like throwing yourself in the deep end and figuring out if you can swim.

With all this said, it's also worth understanding the privilege many of us have in being able to choose to relocate when millions globally don't.

Do you have a similar story?


Sometimes that question hits you when you meet someone for the first time–It's not the best conversation starter!       ...

Sometimes that question hits you when you meet someone for the first time–It's not the best conversation starter!

Travel has the power to transform us in ways we never thought possible. It helps us grow, learn, and connect with others...

Travel has the power to transform us in ways we never thought possible. It helps us grow, learn, and connect with others and the world around us.

So next time you have the chance to travel, take it. Don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and embrace new experiences.

Have you had any life-changing moments through travel? 🌍

Off-the-beaten-path travel is a great way to experience less touristy places that have preserved some of their own way o...

Off-the-beaten-path travel is a great way to experience less touristy places that have preserved some of their own way of life.

You'll have the chance to see beautiful untouched nature, learn about the local customs and try some truly unique and delicious cuisine all while supporting local businesses and communities. You might even discover some hidden gems you wouldn't have found if you stuck to the usual tourist spots.

Comment below on where you want to go!

I started this account a few years ago, just before the pandemic (remember that?) After roaming around the world for nea...

I started this account a few years ago, just before the pandemic (remember that?) After roaming around the world for nearly a decade I felt a deep need to use those experiences to do something meaningful - that's what Indy Odyssey was supposed to be–more than my pet project or a replica travel agency but a sort-of platform that could encourage more women to travel–women like myself that are from minority backgrounds and generally don't get the chance or encouragement to travel.

I was told sooo many times (by industry experts and my peers) to be the face of my 'brand' that if I wanted to make Indy Odyssey work I should write and share my experiences, be vulnerable, take selfies, make reels of my travels, be salesy, be a 'real' influencer that's relatable. I never really felt comfortable doing any of these things because firstly, I'm terribly unphotogenic (I mostly just take landscape shots,) and secondly, social media can be a scary place–so many strangers ready to tear you down in a second.

So, I commend anyone who puts themselves out there! As much as I've realised I don't want to be an influencer, vlogger, blogger or anything much in between, I do want to start sharing some of my own stories, experiences and views in hopes that a few of you may relate, be inspired or feel seen.

After a few years of doing this, I hope to make Indy Odyssey a little more personal (as well as the usual informative posts and travel advice,) but It's daunting! So maybe we can try this together–let me know what kind of content you'd be interested in and feel free to just say hi!

Do you ever feel like taking a social media hiatus? Between the algorithm, the comments and the emotional labour that go...

Do you ever feel like taking a social media hiatus? Between the algorithm, the comments and the emotional labour that goes into making quality content–it can be overwhelming. 🙃

We decided to take a step back and think deeply about our purpose and what kind of tours/experiences we want to create, where they should be and when. It's ok to take breaks and reconsider personal and business goals!

There are exciting things to come this year, including bespoke experiences (with some awesome women) and a focus on quality, not quantity, as well as posting updates and interesting content as it feels right. 🙌 We're still figuring things out but have no intention of rushing!

In the meantime thank you to anyone that has stuck around! 😊

P.s our London tour is still bookable and feel free to sign up to our mailing list for updates! What would you be interested in seeing from us- comment below or DM. ✉️


We are looking for tour guides across Europe (and the World) that are interested in creating tours that share untold or buried history, that open people up to different perspectives and highlight those less visible in society.

Being a small female-run business we know that it's not easy to feel seen and heard, which is part of the reason we want to create and operate experiences and tours that uplift women's stories, guides from minority/marginalised backgrounds and history that is overlooked such as colonial history.

We don't want to create experiences that are traditional and focused on mundane architecture, instead, we want to curate tours that are thought-provoking and work towards equality and empathy in our societies.

If you have an idea or a particular tour in mind (ideally it can be something that's a day tour) then reach out to us! We will work on it with you from the research stage to launching it so you'll be a welcome part of our team.

To find out more about us check out our Instagram, Website or get in touch and feel free to ask questions!


Our Paris tour walks through areas of Central Paris, including some notable tourist spots. The difference is that this tour is not about splendid architecture–it's about the history of French colonialism in Algeria and the modern-day issues surrounding the community in Paris today. Because of the nature of the tour we are looking for a guide that has a personal connection to Algeria and some understanding of the country so that the tour is respectful and insightful.

Since this is a part-time, freelance position starting in September, it would be ideal for someone that is a student or looking for additional part-time work. Ideally, we would like to run the tour 2-3 times a week which means someone who has availability during a weekday and weekends would be preferred. Let us know your schedule too- are open!

The tour will last around 2.5 hours and ideally would run early afternoon or around lunchtime on a weekend.
The pay will be a set rate per tour plus commission and tips.
The role may require you to do some research and come up with creative ideas for the tour with our help. (The tour has already been created but we are happy for you to add your touch.)
You will ideally have some prior experience in a customer-facing role, retail role while experience in tourism is highly desired.
You should be friendly, personable and be passionate about issues surrounding diversity, inclusion and equality for all.
You don't have to originally be from Paris although some knowledge of the city is ideal.
Being bilingual in French & English is a must. Although you do not need to be a native level English speaker, it's ideal to be advanced and comfortable speaking English with a small group.

Notre visite guidée se déroulera dans le centre de Paris et passera par des lieux touristiques incontournables. Cependant, il ne s'agira pas d'une visite traditionnelle du centre-ville, mais plutôt d'une visite qui retracera l'histoire du colonialisme français en Algérie et les problèmes contemporains de la communauté algérienne à Paris. Ainsi, pour que la visite soit respectueuse et éclairée, nous sommes à la recherche de quelqu'un qui serait familier avec le pays.

Etant un poste free-lance et à temps partiel, cette offre est idéale pour les étudiant.e.s ou pour les personnes souhaitant une activité complémentaire. Le poste est à pourvoir dès Septembre, et idéalement, les visites guidées se dérouleraient deux à trois fois par semaines. Dès lors, quelqu'un qui serait disponible pendant au moins un jour de semaine et pendant le week-end serait idéal. Toutefois, nous sommes flexibles - n'hésitez donc pas à nous faire part de votre agenda.

La visite guidée durera 2 heures et demi environ et se déroulera idéalement en début d'après midi ou autour du déjeuner en week-end.
La rémunération sera fixe pour chaque visite, avec une commission et d'éventuels pourboires.
Il vous sera éventuellement demandé de faire votre propre recherche et de proposer des idées créatives pour le projet - avec notre encadrement. (La visite a déjà été préparée, mais vous pourrez ajouter votre touche personnelle)
Une expérience dans la vente, dans l'hospitalité ou tout autre profession qui requiert un contact avec la clientèle est préférable. Une expérience dans le tourisme est fortement souhaitée.
Dynamisme, ouverture et passion pour les questions de diversité, d'inclusivité et d'égalité sont demandés.
Il n'est pas exigé que le guide soit originaire de Paris, mais une connaissance accrue de la ville sera requise.
Un niveau C1 en anglais est requis.

We've been abit radio silent on Instagram but would like to share that we'll be launching our first walking tour this mo...

We've been abit radio silent on Instagram but would like to share that we'll be launching our first walking tour this month! 🙌

If your planning to come to London at any point bookmark this post and if you live in London you'll get to see the city from a whole new perspective. 🇬🇧

Booking is simple- you can do it via the link in bio and head to the book experiences page- it will run every other Saturday so we look forward to inviting some of you! 😊

Feel free to DM with any questions and share with anyone you know that may be interested!

Britain has a habit of highlighting its splendour and notable landmarks to tourists, however, underneath the swanky hote...

Britain has a habit of highlighting its splendour and notable landmarks to tourists, however, underneath the swanky hotels and banks there is a much more sinister history.

We've been working on our first domestic walking tour in London which should finally be able to go ahead safely this August!

It delves into themes of British history and waves of immigration that helped build the country we see today.

We hope it will get people thinking and talking about these topics so they don't continue to be swept aside.

Read the full post at the link in bio! Have you visited the City of London?

Also, if you would be interested in taking our day tour this summer comment let us know or share with anyone who may be interested! 😊

Hey! We are doing some research for our future tours and would love the input of different women! We've put together a s...

Hey! We are doing some research for our future tours and would love the input of different women! We've put together a short survey which should only take a few mins to fill out below. Thank you! 😊

Take this survey powered by Create your own surveys for free.

How are travel restrictions in your country right now? Are you planning for international travel or sticking to domestic...

How are travel restrictions in your country right now? Are you planning for international travel or sticking to domestic travel this year?

Here are some ideas for your staycation! Feel free to add some more ideas in the comments.👇

For many of us, music is an intrinsic part of travelling. Whether you are waiting at the airport or cherishing the sound...

For many of us, music is an intrinsic part of travelling. Whether you are waiting at the airport or cherishing the sounds of performing street musicians, specific tunes or songs are oftentimes liked to a specific moment.

Especially during the pandemic, hearing certain songs on the radio allows me to reminisce about past trips.

Share your favourite tunes in the comments and tell us which place they remind you of. It will be a great way to discover new music and unknown artists as well!

Have you ever found it tricky to pack for a trip? It can be hard to figure out what's appropriate for certain countries ...

Have you ever found it tricky to pack for a trip?

It can be hard to figure out what's appropriate for certain countries so here's our first mini-guide with some popular countries. We hope to continue this with more useful info!

Where should we feature next?

What does ethical travel mean to you? For many it includes animal rights and environmental issues, but  but it also invo...

What does ethical travel mean to you? For many it includes animal rights and environmental issues, but but it also involves how communities are affected by tourism.

It's time we talk have difficult conversations surrounding passport privilege, racism that occurs when poc travel, the mistreatment of local people by tourists and how travel has historically been quite harmful.

We talk about different elements of ethical travel often but we put together a blog post about some of the main (and often overlooked) points. Have a read on our site! 🙌

Even though we may not be able to travel, climb mountains and hike trails we are making achievements everyday. So even i...

Even though we may not be able to travel, climb mountains and hike trails we are making achievements everyday. So even if your'e at home, celebrate your small daily wins. 🙌

Afghanistan is often a country which is misunderstood, when the name comes up people automatically think of war. 🤔There ...

Afghanistan is often a country which is misunderstood, when the name comes up people automatically think of war. 🤔

There is so much more beyond the news headlines - real people with ambitions, hopes and passions. Ghazal was kind enough to write a post about being a Canadian-Afghan and what it was like to discover her heritage. ❤️

Read more here

We have been working on something exciting! Our first virtual tour! 🙌's all ab...

We have been working on something exciting! Our first virtual tour! 🙌

It's all about Kazakhstan through the eyes of women. Since we can't commence our trips to Kazakhstan we thought we'd bring a little piece of it to you!

The online voyage will be led by our local Kazakh guide Gaukhar for a truly authentic experience. Tickets are available via the link above. You will be supporting a female run start-up! It's also a great way to learn something new while buying a zero-waste product.

Use code FRIEND10 incase you want to bring a friend then you will get 10% off your booking to say thank you. 😊


We will be launching our walking tours around South and East London to start with (mainly Brixton and Whitechapel/Shoreditch area to start.) So we are looking for a guide who has grown up or lived in one of these areas. The topic will be around the histories of immigrant communities and these neighbourhoods (plus more.) That's why having a local guide that is also a storyteller is important since it's more personal than many common historical tours.

It would be running once a week (most likely on the weekend) and would be suitable as extra income, since its not full time.
The hours will be between 2-4. The minimum for each tour would be the London living wage but the bonus for each tour will increase depending on how many people join! (More details of this at the interview stage.)
The role would be ideal for a student or someone who requires some flexibility.

Above all, we would love to work with guides that are passionate about their communities and highlighting the diversity of London beyond what people may know. The other requirements are below.

Friendly and personable- able to story-tell with enthusiasm.
Excellent communication skills- a background in customer service, sales or hospitality would be a bonus.
Effective time management skills.
Punctual and reliable.
Enthusiastic about sharing his or her own stories about these neighbourhoods.
A good level of physical fitness as the position requires a few hours of walking.
Being passionate about causes surrounding anti-racism, ethical travel and colonial history is a bonus.
A background in history and/or community work would be a bonus.
This would be a good opportunity for anyone who wants to improve their interpersonal and communication skills. It will also be a good chance for networking since you may be guiding people from all over the world.

Please submit a resume but a cover letter and a deeper context of why you're applying for this role would be more beneficial. Please email or send a cover letter or answer the questions with a little detail to demonstrate your motivations.

Something that is often overlooked is acknowledging how colonialism may have may have affected the countries we visit. P...

Something that is often overlooked is acknowledging how colonialism may have may have affected the countries we visit. Popular tourist destinations such as Morocco, India, Kenya, and South Africa (to name a few) are still dealing with the repercussions of colonialism. 🙇‍♀️

Once we learn about these histories, we will have a fuller picture of how to be responsible tourists when visiting these countries and it also becomes more evident why many people from ex-colonies ended up in the West. Colonialism and tourism are more intertwined than people realise so we will continue to attempt to shed light on these issues. 🤔

This post was written by Imane, who is a second generation is French-Moroccan studying a masters in International And Intercultural Management.

Read more in the blog post if you like! Click the link in bio. 📖

The first time I told my friends I was in Kazakhstan they asked why I would choose to go there, one of them even asked i...

The first time I told my friends I was in Kazakhstan they asked why I would choose to go there, one of them even asked if there was a war happening there. These kinds of sentiments are why we are highlighting countries that are off the beaten path.

So many countries get a bad reputation or are stereotyped based on assumptions, we want show just how incredible lesser known countries are! 🙇‍♀️

We will also be sharing stories and info about local people, business owners, artisans, and photographers. Appreciating and humanising these communities is a step towards changing how people view them. That's why we want to add more countries to our destinations list that are under-appreciated or overlooked yet are life-changing to visit. ✈

Would you want to visit Kazakhstan? 😊

@ Kazakhstan

Sharing more about ourselves on social media isn't easy but here goes! 😊I was always fascinated by maps as a child, even...

Sharing more about ourselves on social media isn't easy but here goes! 😊

I was always fascinated by maps as a child, eventually my fascination pushed me to travel as soon as I turned 18. The last few years have taken me across 59 countries for work and travel (mostly solo). This in itself isn’t an achievement but being a 3rd generation British-Pakistani, from a working-class background makes it feel like an overcoming of hurdles.

Being the first in my family to attend university and the first to travel overseas solo or for work was challenging, since it’s a little taboo in some Muslim families. Regardless, all the challenges have made me more driven to encourage other women to travel and achieve their goals. This is what led me to start Indy Odyssey, the belief that all women should have the power to shape their lives.

I acknowledge the privileges my British passport allows me and I know I don’t represent all women so I hope to uplift more diverse voices!

Feel free to say hi! 🙋‍♀️

We'd love to know what kind of travel blog posts you guys like reading? 😊We're currently working on some really interest...

We'd love to know what kind of travel blog posts you guys like reading? 😊

We're currently working on some really interesting topics from sharing stories of inspiring female community leaders to writing about ethical/unethical travel practices.✈

Our latest blog post takes a closer look at voluntourism and how it can be harmful to local communities. Read if you like! 👇🏽

Volunteer programs in Asia, Africa and Latin-America, in particular, have become increasingly popular over the years. Often these projects are short term, ranging from 2 weeks to 3 months with the aim of making a positive impact. Each year numerous well-meaning young people travel overseas to volunt...

Swipe to read. 👉🏽 A litte travel (and just general) etiquette, it might seem obvious to some of us that referring to a w...

Swipe to read. 👉🏽 A litte travel (and just general) etiquette, it might seem obvious to some of us that referring to a woman as exotic is wrong but speaking from experience it's still so common!

Have you travelled solo before? Now more than ever women are forging their own paths and travelling solo. 🙌🏽•One of the ...

Have you travelled solo before? Now more than ever women are forging their own paths and travelling solo. 🙌🏽

One of the best things about solo travel is the freedom to make your own decisions, from where to eat to what activities to do. You get to cater your time and budget to your plans without worrying about what your friends and family prefer.

We want to encourage you to travel ethically, regardless if you take a trip with us! So, thank you for following along, we would love to hear what you think about group and solo travel below. 👇🏽

Link to stats

Also original artwork by 🤗

Swipe to read. 👉🏽 Many global heritages sites are at risk of eventual decay because of mass tourism. Many sites hold sig...

Swipe to read. 👉🏽 Many global heritages sites are at risk of eventual decay because of mass tourism. Many sites hold significance to Indigenous peoples so it's imperative that they are preserved.

We are not explorers or discoverers, as travellers we are guests in foreign lands, it's important that we start to connect the dots that show how tourism that disrespects local peoples and lands is rooted in post-colonialism.

Travel is truly a privilege so let's leverage our privilege to speak out about the damaging aspects of tourism not just the fun, vlog worthy aspects. Please feel free to share your thoughts or experiences, if your prefer to DM us that's absolutely fine!

@ Machu Picchu Peru

As a woman I would be lying if I said that travelling to lesser known places isn't scary. 🙋🏽‍♀️The first thing we think ...

As a woman I would be lying if I said that travelling to lesser known places isn't scary. 🙋🏽‍♀️

The first thing we think about is safety, but one thing experiences have taught me is to not prejudge a country based on stereotypes. Based on what we see in Western media, we should fear travelling to the Middle East, South America, Most of Africa and forget about any country ending in 'Stan.'

It's time to start questioning this ideology that Western countries are automatically safer than the rest of the world. It feeds into the concept that countries with POC are inherently dangerous and lawless, if this was the case why were half of these countries colonised for centuries.

The truth is that especially as women it's wise to research and plan, but you would be surprised of how friendly, welcoming, and safe so many countries feel. You will never know what you think of a place until you travel there. Have you travelled of the beaten track, if not where would you love to go?



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