Moms and their adult daughters who love to travel will adore my upcoming Essence of Bulgaria Queen of Flowers Retreat for Women, June 4 - 11. This is a fabulous opportunity for creating memorable one-on-one experiences together! Limited spots are available in this small group travel opportunity. Rgistration closes soon, so make the decision to join me! Details and pricing available on my website
#motheranddaughtertravels #motheranddaughtertravel
#rose #bulgaria #bulgariatravel #yogaretreat #yogaretreats #womensretreat #womensretreats
#essentialoils #naturalhealth #womenwhotravel #womenwhotraveltheworld
Take the ultimate journey with me to the origins of natural healing. My Southern India Exploration: A Women's Healing Retreat for Body, Mind and Soul Is happening October 27 through November 7. If you are seeking change, clarity, self-awareness and a deeper knowing of constructive, natural approaches you can use to become your best self this year, join me! Details for this next incredible Essential Earth Exploration are now available and registration is open for limited spaces at
This is your year. Join me. 🙏
Take the ultimate journey with me to the origins of natural healing. My Southern India Exploration: A Women's Healing Retreat for Body, Mind and Soul Is happening October 27 through November 7. If you are seeking change, clarity, self-awareness and a deeper knowing of constructive, natural approaches you can use to become your best self this year, join me! Details for this next incredible Essential Earth Exploration are now available and registration is open for limited spaces at
This is your year. Join me. 🙏