HAPPY HALLOWEEN from !! 🎃 Please share with us if you have a favorite memory from your own childhood Halloweens..
GARRETT : “We knew which house had the best candy so we’d make that our first stop, then at the end of the night, I would swap costumes with my best friend and we’d go back for one more round. We thought we were pretty clever but I’m sure the neighbors knew. Shoutout to Karen Holmstead for being the best ever!”
JESSICA : “At the end of the night we would spread out all our candy and tally up our total haul! After we paid the “dad tax” (my dad ate all our tootsie rolls and black licorice) then my siblings and friends would trade for our favs. Shoutout Val Lunstead for trading me all her Junior Mints! 😛”
COMMENT and share with us a favorite memory of your own!! 🌎