The history of from prehistory to modern history.
The history of the K**a region begins in the days of ancient people. It is known that ancient people lived on the territory of the territory even during the Early Paleolithic (300 - 100 thousand years ago).
There is evidence that modern man lived here many thousands of years ago.
Ideas about human life between the last glaciation and the 2nd century BC very unclear today. Some researchers suggest that approximately 17 thousand years BC here lived the ancestors of the (modern Iranians), who came from the middle Volga. In this regard, some believe that the famous prophet lived here.
There is also a theory that approximately 12 thousand years BC Inhabitants of the mythical , the northern ancestral home of light-skinned Caucasians, came to the territory of the from the northwest. According to these ideas, the settlement of people across Eurasia began from the territory of the K**a region, which led to the formation of all Indo-European peoples of the world (from the Irish in the west to the Indians in the south).
In the middle of the 2nd millennium BC in the upper reaches of the K**a, the Turbino culture (ancestors of the -Ugric peoples) was formed.
In the Middle Ages, a permanent sedentary population was formed in the region.
By about 1000, the city of appeared - the oldest city in the modern Urals. Cherdyn was the center of the historical region of , which in the 10th - 12th centuries carried on extensive trade with the Bulgars, Persia (Iran), Novgorod and the northern peoples. From the 10th century in addition to furs, salt has become one of the main export items.
Russian colonization of the region began in the 11th century. In the 12th century its northern part was already part of the Novgorod Republic. The main value of the Permian land was furs. Later, large deposits of table salt were discovered.
In the 13th century the Permian land fell under the rule of the Golden Horde.
In the 14th - 15th centuries on the Upper K**a there was a Komi-Perm principality with its capital in Cherdyn.
In the 15th century the Verkhnekamsk principality became part of the centralized Russian state, the head of the principality began to be appointed by Moscow, then it became governors from Moscow.
An important moment of colonization was the adoption of Christianity by the indigenous population. In 1455, the Bishop of Great Perm Pitirim made an unsuccessful attempt to baptize the Permian Komi, which ended in his death. The official date of the baptism of Great Perm is considered to be 1462 and is associated with the personality of Bishop Jonah.
From the middle of the 16th century a new stage of colonization of the K**a region begins, associated with the activities of the salt producers Stroganovs. At this time, the influx of the Russian population to the region sharply increases, the number of Russian settlements is growing.
At the end of the 16th century Ivan the Terrible authorized the campaign of the Cossack Ataman , which began from the Permian land. The campaign was sponsored by the and ended with the fall of the Siberian Khanate, after which Western Siberia was annexed to the Russian state. The elimination of the military threat from the Siberian Khanate contributed to the further economic, political and cultural development of the K**a region within the Moscow state. In 1558 the Stroganovs received a charter for the lands along the K**a and Chusovaya rivers. This document obliged them to build forts and settlements for the state, breweries, and cook salt. It was beneficial for the state.
By 1600, in the northern part of Perm the Great, new peoples were finally formed - the Komi and the Komi-Perm.
In 1631, after the discovery of the bog iron ore, the Nevyansk Iron Works was founded. In 1634, the Pyskorsky state-owned plant was founded - the first copper-smelting enterprise in Russia.