Eleni's Way

Eleni's Way Experiencing travel like a local.

A concierge travel service passionate about organising tours
to places you would have otherwise never had known and where you go beyond feeling like a tourist.


When can I go back to Greece? ⠀

Greece has done a remarkable job in keeping down the numbers of Covid19 cases. The Government looked around them and knew that if they looked anything like Spain or Italy they would be in real trouble. ⠀

Athens and Thessaloniki International Airports are now open for visitors from overseas. But only to select countries including Albania, Australia, Austria, Northern Macedonia, Bulgaria, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Estonia, Japan, Israel, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Malta, Montenegro, Hungary, Romania, New Zealand, Norway, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Czech Republic, and Finland.⠀

Smart move. Because they need to get through this summer and tourism feeds a lot of the Greeks. ⠀
Direct flights to the Greek islands from international destinations are set to resume from July 1st.⁣⠀
Visitors from the non-affected list may also be random tested and there is no quarantine period in place. ⁣⠀

I imagine a lot of us will put this off till next year but some of us won't. But if you're going to go anywhere in Europe and feel safe...I'd say Greece is your best bet.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

I'm always looking for markets when I travel. It's on my TO DO list. And Athens has the obvious ones speckled with loads...

I'm always looking for markets when I travel. It's on my TO DO list. And Athens has the obvious ones speckled with loads of typical touristy products like t-shirts, jewelry, ceramics and the like.They are perfect for a trinket to take home to friends and family. But it's not those markets that I search for. It's the authentic markets, the ones that reflect the heart of a place, where you can find something that is unique, and connects you to someone who once loved it. Collectors, antique sellers and ⠀
bric-a-brac stall holders are what I'm talking about. ⠀

Athens has the flea markets. Absolutely not to be missed. I can get lost for hours, staring and asking questions of the stall holders. There's just so much to look at. Like I'm looking at lives been and gone. It's so intriguing. One of the best places to do this is at Avyssinias Square on a Sunday. Where collectors themselves head out to find worthy additions to their treasures. ⠀
Do you have a favourite or cherished market you discovered in your travels?⠀⠀⠀⠀

The Greek heart, fire, passion and life shows up in so many ways. Food, laughter, rituals (did I mention food?) and of c...

The Greek heart, fire, passion and life shows up in so many ways. Food, laughter, rituals (did I mention food?) and of course dancing. The boys here posing like Greeks (one of them IS Greek) dipping into the joy of living in the moment and embracing travel in such a different way. Don't just stand there....dance!!! The Zorba is joyous 😀, and connecting and makes you feel so alive. I think that's it...that's the feeling I want when I travel. How bout you? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

This image was shared by  and they subsequently had shared it from , the original photographer. One of the special finds...

This image was shared by and they subsequently had shared it from , the original photographer. One of the special finds that takes you by surprise when you visit Aegina, are these German bunkers and watchtowers that are still standing just minutes stroll from Perdika. Albeit they are somewhat ruined but you can pretty much see what the Germans were thinking and their strategy, as you follow the trail from one post to another. I personally think there are stories to be told but these old ruins have been left to tell the obvious story to anyone curious enough to get another reminder of what World War II and the occupation was about. It's not to be missed if you come to Aegina and feel like an early morning or late afternoon stroll because who doesn't love a good history lesson? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Sometimes the best hidden local gems are staring at you in the face. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀                                             ...

Sometimes the best hidden local gems are staring at you in the face. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

This actually happened to me. I didn't move to Greece. I visited back in 2013. Because something told me I needed to. An...

This actually happened to me. I didn't move to Greece. I visited back in 2013. Because something told me I needed to. And I prayed. Prayed for whatever outcome was set up for me. I ate, (put on 3kg in like 10 days!) and I met my now partner who lives with me in Australia. ⠀

Honestly, if you had told me this would happen, I'd tell you I'd have a better chance of winning the Powerball. But that's the thing about letting go. Let life guide you and don't ask questions. Sometimes it nags you until you hear it. ⠀

It will take you where you least expect and perhaps what you most need. You just don't know it yet. ⠀⠀


Concierge travel that take you to places you wouldn't know about. That's where it's at. Quiet. Beautiful. Relaxing. And there's so much more to see here...come with me. ⠀⠀⠀

I could not have said it better myself! 😀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

I could not have said it better myself! 😀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

I was wondering what exactly I wanted to share about my mother...as it's Mother's Day after all. She isn't alive today b...

I was wondering what exactly I wanted to share about my mother...as it's Mother's Day after all. She isn't alive today but I can tell you a person with passion, life and fierce determination lives on for a while. In me anyway. She never copped out of anything. Ever. Never heard her make an excuse if something was too hard. She just pushed on and persevered. ⠀

I love that. I mean I love it a lot and admire it in others. But what breaks my heart open (and I'm certain some of you relate) is that all of that energy and shear force of nature in those women, was there to give us the best of life. For us not to hold back. But to live. And live well. To take risks. To say "yes" when it mattered. And "no" when it didn't. Sometimes I hold back on my best life and I remember her last words to me as she sat up on her hospital bed before going into her last days..."Do what makes you happy." ⠀


I don't know about you, but being a tourist is like being a wall flower in an amazing party. You just stand there and wa...

I don't know about you, but being a tourist is like being a wall flower in an amazing party. You just stand there and watch everyone having a good time. And you say..."Well I was there too." Yes maybe you were there, but did you feel it? Did you really feel it? Did you get right in there and find out what makes you tick when you travel? What brings you closer to the place you're visiting? What makes for great memories? Surely it's not photos of the same old same old. Surely. ⠀

This deli in Aegina, found in the backstreets, was such a delight to discover. You could find local produce, like cheese, olives, pistachio delights (all local of course), cold cuts of meat, fresh pasta and really anything you could hope for from a local deli. That's what I love about this island....the local stuff IS the touristy stuff. And that takes you off the wall, and into the party of your travel. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Who doesn't remember those moments in travel where you realise you don't have much choice re restaurants so you take the...

Who doesn't remember those moments in travel where you realise you don't have much choice re restaurants so you take the risk and get pleasantly surprised. This was one of those moments. ⠀

On a sailing tour, we had pulled up one evening on Island in the Saronic Gulf, and nothing was open. Just this one taverna. There wasn't anyone eating there, but were starving. The menu read like any classic menu but there were some extra seafood dishes and we opted for the pasta with prawns dish. Oh My Goodness, I can almost taste it now.! The prawns were huge, the paste aldente, and the sauce freshly made just for us.⠀

The minute it hit the table, we began to salivate. It left a wonderful memory in my mind of when you least expect to be impressed...well that's when you're very impressed. And that just stays with you forever. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

I couldn't said better than this brilliant man who is surely missed. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀                                            ...

I couldn't said better than this brilliant man who is surely missed. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

The slow paced fishing village of Perdika doesn’t wreak of white washed tourist lane ways dotted with shops selling Gree...

The slow paced fishing village of Perdika doesn’t wreak of white washed tourist lane ways dotted with shops selling Greek souvenirs. Instead it offers a homely authentic experience of a mix of buildings that are not so perfect. However every now and then you get hit with this. Fantastic earth colours of clay and sea blue. I love the authentic nature of this place. It’s hard to find as a traveler but slowly and surely you blend in and slow down with it.⠀

This taverna sat on the edge of small white pebbled beach in the smallest of villages that might have had no more than s...

This taverna sat on the edge of small white pebbled beach in the smallest of villages that might have had no more than say 100 residents. It was by sheer luck that I found this place on the Mani Peninsula. A historic southern region in the Peloponnese, that stole my heart the minute I discovered it. ⠀

Where we stayed was just above this spot with breathtaking views and the owner of the Airbnb, had a brother who ran this tiny taverna, feeding anyone that discovered it. Freshly fried and day caught fish, taramasalata, lightly dressed Greek Salad or whatever was on the menu for the day. There was no taverna for miles and in the Greek afternoon heat, after a blissful swim, you'd slowly graze on the food, pleasantly wasting the afternoon away. ⠀

The owner really undersold his place to stay, and there's nothing better than being blown away because you just never expected it to be so beautiful. That's the best kind of experience to have when you travel. I think so anyway. ⠀


I can write a lot but really the video takes you there. And we will be there again soon. Stay safe. ⠀

When the time comes and this is over, and it will come....we will be rewarding our commitment to isolation with bursting...

When the time comes and this is over, and it will come....we will be rewarding our commitment to isolation with bursting out of our skin, connecting, laughing, hugging and planning.⠀

Isolation has led to reflection and gratitude for my freedom, when I have it completely. And already I'm planning getaways, tours and new experiences. I will want to reconnect with our dreams because I will value them even more than before. ⠀

Sitting inside, doesn't mean I can't think about those future events. And I can look at breathtaking videos and images of destinations to add to my bucket list. Whether I get to all of them doesn't matter. But to have them in me thoughts is the beginning of the anticipation of living the sort of life I want. And anticipation is better than the deed, better than the memory. ⠀

So anticipate what you might do when this is over. I guarantee you, it will make you smile and wonder. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

This is Maria. She always smiling no matter what. When she's not, you just know something's up. Her greatest joy is welc...

This is Maria. She always smiling no matter what. When she's not, you just know something's up. Her greatest joy is welcoming you to her home. Making sure you've eaten. A lot. Her heart is so big you can't help but cry as you say good bye because she crying anyway and it pulls you in closer to her loving nature. Every single time. ⠀

On a recent trip, where I invited some friends to join me in Aegina, she treated them like family. Her husband Theo, payed close attention as she directed what would he was to do next. But both of them had done this so much, that they seem to just roll out the event effortlessly. Both of them so focused on making sure that our guests were looked after. It was the first unofficial tour I pulled together and they worked their magic as I really wanted my friends to get the real Greek authentic experience. ⠀

But you can't script or plan what can't be seen or described, that which is authentic and real. Once you mess with it it looses it's essence. So the best thing I did was to let them do their thing.⠀

"Our friends are coming from Australia, can you put on a celebration?" A feast?" ⠀

Even though their English was limited, somehow their effort, food, smiles, music and dance seeped through our pours and into our memory. Leaving my friends touched and as they said good bye to her on that last day on the island. Her tears welled so easily as she hugged them and of course I watched them do the same. That stuff you can't orchestrate. You just can't. ⠀


Greeks like other cultures are competitive amongst territorial lines. ⠀⠀" Our church is the biggest"⠀⠀"The food is bette...

Greeks like other cultures are competitive amongst territorial lines. ⠀

" Our church is the biggest"⠀

"The food is better from the south."⠀

"The beaches are best up north." etc. ⠀

But what I heard a lot of was how stunning the sunset was in Aegina..And is. ⠀
"The best!" they said. ⠀

Well I don't care about best. I care about beauty. About what the sunset looks like from anywhere. About how it makes you feel as you watch it's brilliance. About who you were with when you were watching it. About how you know you can go and sit on a rock the next day and watch it all over again. By yourself. With a lover. A friend. A dog. A camera. But like beautiful things in Greece, it makes locals feel proud about their spot, their home, and what it has to offer. And the locals proudly own that this sunset in has plenty to offer. ⠀⠀


We were on our way to Portes Beach another one of those beaches not really visited by tourists in . I would never have known about this spot had it not been for my resident partner. He knew what I was after and this new location didn't disappoint. ⠀

As we drove through the last of the villages as we approached the beach, I immediately noticed a humble, home run taverna on one side. And across the path, the four tables, with blue and white check tablecloths waiting for diners to feast on whatever the menu provided. I knew after our swim on this blistering day, we had to eat there. ⠀

Under the cypress tress and with the Aegean below us, we ate our wild greens and freshly fried haloumi. With copious amounts of aromatic cold pressed local olive oil and lemon (lots of lemon) we devoured every mouthful. I don't remember what else we had. Probably white bait, octopus, fresh sardines or something like that. But does it really matter? ⠀⠀⠀

What a time we're living in? I've lived for 49 years and I've never experienced this kind of thing. At first I refused t...

What a time we're living in? I've lived for 49 years and I've never experienced this kind of thing. At first I refused to watch the news (best choice I ever made really). But I decided one night to watch a current affair type programme and then another. After two hours of horror stories and terrifying images of people screaming out of their balconies while their dead ones lay inside their apartment....my heart began to pound. All night and all day. I was now in "survival mode" and I couldn't turn it off. ⠀

I realised pretty quickly that the fear would actually probably cause me more problems down the line (not to mention mess with my immune system) than the virus itself. Finding the balance between taking prudent and sensible measures and burying my head in the sand was the answer. I think that's when you're inner wise one kicks in.⠀

We had friends over for dinner and sure we talked about the virus but we moved on to other matters that were interesting as well. And I suddenly felt grounded. I was grateful for the distraction. Going about our business as much as possible is the best way to not let this thing take you down with it. Not emotionally anyway. That we can control And one thing I know about life...is that this too shall pass. ⠀⠀⠀⠀

I'm a sucker for locals doing their thing. I mean look at them! Sitting their playing their "tavli" or checkers as we kn...

I'm a sucker for locals doing their thing. I mean look at them! Sitting their playing their "tavli" or checkers as we know it. I think anyway. Oblivious to the hoards of tourists that make their pilgrimage to the Parthenon every single day of the year. Nope. the city belongs to them and it shows. They didn't even notice me taking a pic. Maybe they got used to it...you know being part of the scenery. ⠀

And let's be clear, enjoying a game like this is quite traditional and what a lot of men do and did in Greece in the late morning or afternoon. It's rather typical and that's why I had to snap them because they just got on with what they love and who they are despite the fact that Athens is one big tourist mecca. It's all about ancient sights and museums and tourist shops. But to me it's about the people. Always the people. ⠀

I'm a sucker for locals doing their thing. I mean look at them! Sitting their playing their "tavli" or checkers as we kn...

I'm a sucker for locals doing their thing. I mean look at them! Sitting their playing their "tavli" or checkers as we know it. I think anyway. Oblivious to the hoards of tourists that make their pilgrimage to the Parthenon every single day of the year. Nope. the city belongs to them and it shows. They didn't even notice me taking a pic. Maybe they got used to it...you know being part of the scenery. ⠀

And let's be clear, enjoying a game like this is quite traditional and what a lot of men do and did in Greece in the late morning or afternoon. It's rather typical and that's why I had to snap them because they just got on with what they love and who they are despite the fact that Athens is one big tourist mecca. It's all about ancient sights and museums and tourist shops. But to me it's about the people. Always the people. ⠀


Walk with me. Sit. Drink. Eat. Slow down. Watch sailors pull up on this hidden gem on the back end of Aegina Island. Where there's no touristy shops beckoning for your business...just locals either working in the string of tavernas or enjoying their afternoon with a drink and a friend. Walk with me. Sit. Drink. Eat. ⠀

You know when you find those gems in travel, those moments when you stumble across a path that leads to a stunning beach...

You know when you find those gems in travel, those moments when you stumble across a path that leads to a stunning beach or a tiny hole-in-the wall restaurant that serves stuffed squid with feta and fresh tomatoes with a hint of herbs? ⠀

Those gems, those memories stay with you. They linger and take your travelling memoirs up a notch. There's more to see and find of course. More breathtaking moments. ⠀

Those i live for and they still keep happening. Everywhere I go, I will look for those places. And if you ask a local...they'll tell you. So ask them....they are the gem keepers after all. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

It's never to late to change it up. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

It's never to late to change it up. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Chocolate cake. Apricots. Cherries and a "kouloura" of bread. What would go start with? 🍑⠀⠀⠀,⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀,⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀                ...

Chocolate cake. Apricots. Cherries and a "kouloura" of bread. What would go start with? 🍑⠀⠀⠀

I don't know about you...but one thing that irks me these days when I travel (and I'll say this again)...is swimming amo...

I don't know about you...but one thing that irks me these days when I travel (and I'll say this again)...is swimming amongst the tourists. I mean don't get me wrong, of course it's going to happen and I'm a tourist too when I'm travelling. But there is nothing quite like listening to locals chatting away as they're treading water. Sometimes they're nearby, dipping in for their early morning swim or late afternoon cool off. Sometimes they're quite far away and you can barely make them out. But you can hear them. Woman and men gathered in the water, talking and laughing. There's something so lovely about that. And the sound over the still crystal blue water travels so easily. ⠀

Those swimming spots are not usually full of tourists. They are dotted with locals who have spent years enjoying their summers and their routines are not just daily, but seasonally. They know who they'll probably find there, what time is best to swim, and even whether the water is clean and the perfect temperature to take a dip into. That local knowledge is priceless. And I can't help but fall in love with it. ⠀



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