This image is humorous meta-commentary about 4chan and its contemporary posting culture. On the website's non-p**nographic boards (as implied by the image's cyan background), threads seemingly made to ask innocent questions or spark genuine discussion are created with an unrelated s*xually exciting image. The image's level of eroticism ranging from normal photographs of attractive women, to explicit po*******hy, though most commonly used are "cropped p**n reaction images" (See the relevant entry for more info). Most user of 4chan view these threads negatively, believing that the creators are acting in bad faith, and simply want to spam the board with low quality threads (which, due to the way 4chan functions, flushes out older, possibly high quality, threads), or simply start arguments artificially (See: Flamewars). As expected, these threads usually devolve into commentary about the image, rather than on-topic discussion, with a common response being the one shown in this image. "Built for BBC" is a phrased used on 4chan in response to images, s*xual or not, of non-black women (and, to a lesser extent, men), signifying the poster's belief that they were born for the purpose of having s*x with black men. Due to the anonymous nature of 4chan, it is hard to tell for certain where this phrase is used in earnest, though it is reasonable to assume it is used almost exclusively in an ironic manner, as it serves a similar function to the off-topic p**nographic images, in that it will often derail a thread into discussions of po*******hy and race. For a clarification on the darker skin tone of the commenter, see: "Mutt's Law".