"A Charleston Chick in Venice"
I create inspiring, informative travel videos while documenting our future move from Charleston, SC to Venice, Italy. I'm a woman (or man) who's spent my life working hard and making sacrifices. And now, I'm enjoying the fruits of my traveling. Or is it a Boomer? Or Millennial? Hmmm, well regardless of my age, I look, feel (and oft
en act) years younger. I'm curious about Asia, Africa and the Middle East, but honestly, there's just something about Europe. If I could see every country there before I die, I'd be one happy girl (or guy). I believe...
"Every dreamer knows that it is entirely possible to be homesick for a place you've never been..."
-Judith Thurman, Author
Although I love my home, family, and friends, I find myself constantly longing for Europe. It's as if I can't relax until I get there. Traveling awakens something in me. It feels like a dream, but it's not. It's reality. It's heaven. I love taking my family and friends on trips, whether it's a girls weekend in Miami or a cruise down the Loire in France. It's not entirely altruistic, of course. I want them to have the same epiphany I had since I started traveling Europe: That, though we're from different regions, we're all Citizens of the World. As the great poet Maya Angelou once said:
"Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try to understand each other, we may even become friends". I really feel that the more we travelers spread this message, the better off our world will be. And speaking of friends...
I admit, I enjoy hitting up the hot-this-minute restaurant in London. The sexy lounges in Barclelona. But I'm just as, if not more, thrilled to find that charming, family-run trattoria tucked away on a quiet, cobblestoned street in Rome. You see, I want the authentic Europe. I want to sit at one of those (slightly uncomfortable) wrought iron tables, in the corner of a little French bistro, sipping a glass of wine while watching the neighbors gather and gossip. And maybe, after a few glasses, I'll be bold enough to join in. It's happened before. I met a wonderful couple from Glasgow on a Med cruise in 2012. Five years later, they joined my new husband and me on that same ship during our honeymoon. Two years after that, we were guests at their daughter's wedding at a beautiful resort along the Scottish coastline! From the bartender at a pub across from Windsor Castle (Hi, Graham!), to a descendent of one of the founding families of Venice (Hi, Francesco!), my travels have introduced me to a motley mix of people, many of whom have become lifelong friends. Does any of this sound appealing? Or better yet, familiar? If so, let's be friends. Allow me to introduce you to "the places you've never been", but will most certainly be "homesick" for, too. I'm a Digital Travel Creator based in Charleston, SC. I produce informative, entertaining, inspiring videos of my European travels. I'll bring you the beauty of the the majestic cities and quaint countrysides, offer up tips and recommendations on places to see, stay, dine and drink. And, naturally, I'll introduce you to the wonderful friends and characters I meet along the way. And, if what you see inspires you to take your own journey, you're in luck! I'm also a Certified Travel Advisor. My specialty: Creating bespoke, luxury vacations for people like you and me. I'll finish up with two of my absolute favorite travel quotes, by one of the most brilliant raconteurs to ever walk the planet:
"Travel isn't always pretty. It isn't always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that's okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind." More importantly...
"Drink heavily with locals whenever possible".
--Anthony Bourdain, Chef, Traveler