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Biographies, inspiration and advice from our genera

Have you ever sat back at work and dreamed of throwing it all away to chill out and explore one of the many tropical isl...

Have you ever sat back at work and dreamed of throwing it all away to chill out and explore one of the many tropical islands of Hawaii?

Dan Grabtheearth certainly did, so much so that he actually committed to doing so!

The beautiful sunset you are currently looking at is from a famous spot known as China Walls located on Hawaii’s third largest and most populated island, Oahu.

China Walls is not only famous for its exceptional surf, sights and cliff jumping, it’s also enjoyed by many from geological point of view seeing as it is formed from layers of lava that have hardened over the years.

With over 128 beaches to choose from, Oahu boasts not only a plethora of choices for sand and surf, but also nightlife, sights, parks, hiking trails, shopping and almost an unlimited amount of activities you would rather spend your day doing over work!

Although we will be delving deeper into Dan’s adventures in the next post, coming from a man who loves his food, his most recommended Oahu tip is FOOD! In particular, trying one (or all) of the many Açaí bowls offered around the island. His personal favourites come from Banán Bowls!

Have you ever adventured through Hawaii? If you have, we’d love to hear of your adventures in the comments below, especially your favourite Açaí bowl spot!

Born in the UK, Alia  lived a life many of us can relate to – young & unsure, but dipping our toes into the adult world ...

Born in the UK, Alia lived a life many of us can relate to – young & unsure, but dipping our toes into the adult world regardless working a job to keep us afloat while we work out just who it is we are.

Landing an office job in sales, Alia was doing fine putting in the hours we often perceive as vital in this period of our youth. However, like all of us, she was not put on this planet to be stuck behind a desk. Over time a spark of desire ignited within, eventually resulting in Alia trading her desk for the outdoors to instruct physical activity.

Like a piece of the puzzle slipping in place, Alia felt a new energy overwhelm her, an incredible spark of enthusiasm we all feel upon comprehending that we’re are doing something we love all the while making a living.
Little did she know that was only the beginning.

After settling within the industry, Alia sought herself a scene change & managed to secure herself a contract working overseas in Dubai. She had six weeks to kill before the move & figured she would spend it basking in the South East Asian sun.

It was within these 6 weeks that things really took a turn, that spark once felt ignited into a roaring flame as she immersed herself within cultures other than her own, away from the negativity & distraction of the West, she was able to find presence within lifes moments.
Before she knew it, 6 weeks had turned to 6 months.

Travel has a way of unlocking parts of the mind that everyday life slowly locks away. Like a child seeing the world for the very first time, travel shows us the true power of being present & in turn, unleashes the beauty of life that comes with it.
While trying to express this breakthrough Alia discovered her passion; to write, express and communicate with the world that has given her so much.

Not wanting to go home, Alia is slowly making her way through the East Coast of Australia, exploring the wonder down under as she documents her journey in words.

If you find yourself locked in a blank stare with the horizon trying to fathom your passion, then take a leaf from Alia’s book & chase that horizon until you do. Your passion could be just a one way ticket away.

Where would you like to travel for your honeymoon? How long would you want it to be?The Bahamas for two weeks? Or perhap...

Where would you like to travel for your honeymoon? How long would you want it to be?

The Bahamas for two weeks? Or perhaps 2 month road trip around the USA? Or simply just three weeks off work at home?

Did your answer ring familiar to any of the above? If not, then perhaps you would be more leaning towards what newly weds Dylan & Monique have chosen; everywhere indefinitely.

Marrying in 2016 at just 23 and 22, the two were determined to do things differently. Instead of settling down, they used their honeymoon as an opportunity to do the exact opposite – travel the planet in unison for the foreseeable future.

12 months in & the two have found that travel has brought them closer than ever. Having now covered 17 countries together in their relationship, Dylan & Monique plan to continue their slow & intimate journey through all 7 continents across the globe.

If you are interested in how these two newly wedded adventurers have been able to keep themselves afloat while exploring the globe indefinitely then stay tuned as the will be taking over the Yala Families to better explain what they’ve done, where they’ve been and most importantly, how!

Here's to Sunday's filled with lots of good views and minimal blues ✌️Who else got outdoors like  in the search for moth...

Here's to Sunday's filled with lots of good views and minimal blues ✌️
Who else got outdoors like in the search for mother natures Vitamin Peace? 🙏🏻✌️

“To travel is to live” a motto that Nina has lived by for the majority of her life.”Sure, it’s a nice...

“To travel is to live” a motto that Nina has lived by for the majority of her life.”

Sure, it’s a nice concept, but is it truly possible to live a life predominately revolving around travel? And if it is, how so?

We here at The Yala Families are here to tell you that it most certainly is, like many of our friends, Nina at just 23 years old has begun to do so herself.

Since the beginning of 2017, Nina, an Austrian communications student has been taking travel enthusiasts around the planet both physically and digitally through her work with her website and blog.

The reason as to why she has chosen to commit to this lifestyle and loves it so much is the exact reason that should serve you with motivation if you are looking to do the same; you never know what to expect in travel.

People who look to make a big change in their life like ditching their 9-5 for a laptop and a one way ticket normally fail to do so due to their procrastination through perfectionism. A subconscious habit that acts as a way of preventing you to leave your comfort zone. You spend days, weeks, months or years meticulously planning every single element in the hopes of being able to answer every ‘what if’ and protect from any failure until eventually your current lifestyle gives you a slap in the face and pushes you to continue doing what you’ve always done.

Understanding that a life of travel is as versatile as it is unpredictable can help you accept that the priority is not necessarily overkilling the preparation and research, as like business, the perfect plan will never turn over profit if it all it does is remain that, a plan!

Of course not everyone has made a success out of leading a life predominately abroad, however, I’m sure you will agree that failing while trying is far better than failing to try at all.

Do not get us wrong, Nina did prepare and her leading the lifestyle she does now was no stroke of luck. However, without her taking the risk in doing what needed to be done to take it from planning to practice, she would live like the majority, enjoying a life of travel in tiny annual two week work friendly bites.

Have you ever had your perception of life suddenly change? Did it leave you astonished at how you used think you had lif...

Have you ever had your perception of life suddenly change? Did it leave you astonished at how you used think you had life all figured out.
Like realising you had a piece wrongly placed within a puzzle, things suddenly click - that ‘ahh’ moment we all experience when it comes to trying to figure what this growing up thing is all about.

Like many Americans, Jenna Morgan graduated from college and headed straight into work without thinking twice. She accepted a job in Contract Management in the hopes of pursuing a life long career without the thought of doing anything else.

However, as the days of 9 to 5 trickled by, Jenna’s most influential past travel experience though South Africa continued to blossom within her mind, people telling her it was a ‘trip of a lifetime’ echoed within her mind that eventually led her to ask the question ‘why?’.

Why would such an incredible experience only be enjoyed once in this life? After long nights of thought, Jenna decided that her life must revolve around her own choices and now, she was going to make the choice to integrate these trips of a lifetime into her life.

Upon this realisation, Jenna decided it would be best to take unpaid leave from her career in order study and travel, she could give herself a chance to see if a life of travel was what she truly wanted. It was at this time that she started her blog in order to share her incredible experiences with family and friends.

Since then, Jenna has travelled over 25 countries all the while earning an income to secure the stability of her future – all thanks to her change of life’s perception of the power of independence and freedom of choice.

Living as a contract manager by day and international travel blogger at night, Jenna is most certainly leading a life in which we all could live, however, many of us are either too scared to pursue thanks to their reliance of the comfort zone or simply unaware of the concept at all.

Every amazing lifestyle all started with a dream and the best choice you can make today is exactly that: dream.

Your life's freedom lies within your mind. Remind yourself that the doings of your day is solely determined by you and o...

Your life's freedom lies within your mind. Remind yourself that the doings of your day is solely determined by you and only you.

Understand your life is your responsibility, it is your choice as to whether your life exists within a self made cage or flourishes within the freedom of choice.

Since childhood, Gloria  always taken the road less travelled.Growing up in the United States, Gloria was raised where t...

Since childhood, Gloria always taken the road less travelled.
Growing up in the United States, Gloria was raised where the majority of those around her don’t hold a passport nor the desire to possess one. Surprisingly, instead of this influencing her to keep within the country, it only cultivated and intensified her curiousity for the world that existed beyond the borders of her home.
Post education Gloria was determined to begin her journey on the road, with less than $500 dollars to her name she flew to London in the search of adventure, challenge and discovery.
As a solo travelling African American female, Gloria felt as if she represented a minority of the travel community, being the leader she is, she made it her responsibility to be a personal representative and role model for others in order to empower and encourage her friends, family and followers to follow in her foot steps.
Picking up periods of employment along her journey, Gloria has not only managed to explore over 45 countries spanning over 5 continents, but in the process has also created a name for herself within the industry and is now supporting her travel by doing what she loves.
Regardless of where you are from or who you are, travel has proven to be one of the most liberating and valuable things to do during your youth. Our generation has proven to be one of the most depressed and self critical generations our world has ever seen hence it is more important now than ever to allow yourself to be inspired by the incredible humans like Gloria who are living out their dreams.
It is you and only you who is responsible for living a life that you love, through travel it is common for people to give themselves permission to do so - Understand that freedom is not a circumstance, it is a mindset. People like Gloria are walking examples of this fact.

To a point, I’m sure we all understand that this life is what you make it. However, I wonder just how many people truly ...

To a point, I’m sure we all understand that this life is what you make it. However, I wonder just how many people truly put this theory to practice.

Living on this planet in a time in which we are progressing, changing & growing so fast can certainly prove to be a challenge. With everything & everyone attempting to hold our attention we multi task a juggling act of fitting as much as we can within each day.

Over time, it is no wonder that many of us begin to feel that life is much more complex, convoluted & complicated than once thought. Even so, there are a select few who understand that it is your choice to believe life should be complicated and hard, or simple and minimal, people like Gina .

Since finishing her degree in Germany, Gina decided to pack her bags & travel indefinitely. Deciding she needed some time off between her studies, she figured travel would be the perfect way to unwind, reflect & build appreciation for herself & the times to come.

As of today Gina has adventured through over 20 countries, during so she has worked hard to spend the majority of her time soaking up the small joys of the outdoors. Life holds incredible joy and opportunities of personal content when you allow yourself to simply focus and appreciate one thing.

By leading a life built on the foundation of simplicity, your presence with the moment is magnified allowing you to feel true feelings once more, an ability that many of us have lost. This day & age has us addicted to sensory overload; instead of enjoying a morning walk for the smells, sounds & views, we spend it with music in our ears, a screen in our face and drink in hand – satisfaction seems to always be one more point of stimulation away.

The more time you dedicate to finding joy in the simple things of life, the more you will come to realise how much your day truly is filled with joy, in essence, you need very little to find happiness.

Try to take on Gina’s perspective of the planet, at least for one day. Not only is it therapeutic, it can also be surprisingly insightful. Stop & smell the roses, properly engage in a conversation and remind yourself of just how amazing this world is.

Have you ever reached the top of the hill? Lived out your dreams, or achieved life goals?How did it make you feel? Did y...

Have you ever reached the top of the hill? Lived out your dreams, or achieved life goals?

How did it make you feel? Did you feel as if life was complete? Or left you feeling hungry for more?

Born with the desire to explore, Timothy was determined to find a job that allowed him to see the world - A life goal giving him the drive to do whatever it took to achieve it.

Post education, Timothy sought employment as a flight attendant. Within a year he was living out his childhood dreams, exploring the planet on a daily basis while earning an income at Cathay Pacific.

However, it was in achieving this feat that he realised there was so much more to both life and travel, he was simply stopping by each country for a day or two, barely scratching the surface of their complex and compelling cultures, Timothy realised he needed to get the most out of this existence and shoot for more.

Returning his uniform that week. He looked for ways to break free from the dependency of employment and income in order to become his own boss and lead a life of adventure.

These days Timothy is closer than ever to income independence. Instead of waking to a pre-set routine, his time is spent travelling the planet while freelancing as a model, a travel blogger, actor and vlogger, he often makes television appearances through commercials and shows as he gallivants the world.

As hard as it may be to believe and as cliché as it may sound, we all can achieve anything that we put our minds to.
If you set your self expectations low then your self esteem and satisfaction will follow, without challenge you will always have comfort, however, with comfort comes routine, with routine comes monotony and monotony brings decline.

Your life is always moving, it is will never balance and will stop only in death, you are constantly climbing and falling. When you find the truth in this concept you can bring consciousness to your progress, exposing opportunity in each moment to strive as resist your decline.

Timothy’s story serves not only as an inspiration but also a reminder that all of us have the capability to lead amazing lives, be brazen with your goals, aim big and be bold.

What do you do when you’ve given up life as you know it in order to fly across the planet to be with the one you love, o...

What do you do when you’ve given up life as you know it in order to fly across the planet to be with the one you love, only to hear within the week you’re about to leave, they’ve changed their mind?

Peyton found herself asking this very question while sitting in her boss’ office, “Peyton, are you sure you want to do this?”

Peyton faced the choice of quitting her career in the bank to fly into the unknown without anyone by her side, or, cancelling her flight & crying herself to sleep as she tries to pick up the pieces at home, Washington State.

Although this was one of the toughest and most daunting decision’s Peyton has ever made, it was one she’s forever grateful for doing so.

Instead of quarrelling in heartbreak, Peyton held faith that things would turn around, at just 20 years old, Peyton had her passport stamped for the very first time - leaving the safety of the place she called home with a one way ticket to embark on a journey that has changed her life forever.

Previously believing she was to be living in the comfort of a villa alongside her boyfriend abroad, she had done next to no research into solo backpacking, Peyton frantically spent her flight to Thailand learning as much as she could about hostels, local culture, safety and travel etiquette.

Landing in the organised chaos that is Bangkok alone, Peyton knew she would never look at life the same.

Once a young woman who depended on others to find a sense of safety & satisfaction in life, Peyton now leads an independent existence brimming with adventure & opportunity around every corner she turns. Making friends from around the planet she has developed an open minded & empathetic perspective of the world that is well beyond her years.

If Peyton allowed her initial fears and pain to control her actions, her days would still be filled with the monotony that the majority of the youth accepts as life.
Instead, living in the travelers tropical utopia that is Pai, Thailand, Peyton shares her day with dozens of like minded, life loving explorers experiencing more within a week than many at home would in a year.

Be like Peyton, face your fears and find your freedom.

Hi there everyone! After a lovely two week break from the gram I am happy to say that Yala Families is back with daily c...

Hi there everyone!

After a lovely two week break from the gram I am happy to say that Yala Families is back with daily content.
I very much hope that you all had a fantastic Christmas filled with family, friends, presents and cheer. I also hope you had yourself a wild New Years, celebrating a new year of opportunity around our wonderful planet.

With some weeks to reflect, I’ve decided to structure Yala’s content a little different to that of last year. As our niche is predominately based within our writing, our posts are normally heavy, pushing the 2,200 character limit 95% of the time.
From here on, you will continue see that large biography/personal development based style of feature however only every second to third day, with each other day hosting a smaller caption that is based on advice, tips and stories from destinations, rather than the traveller.

If you do have any comments or suggestions, feel free to send us a DM or leave a comment below.

With smaller captions daily, I will be able to feature more of you, welcoming you into the family and the feed, you can apply for a feature via DM or Email, using our hashtag will always give you a great chance of scoring a feature as I check it daily.

Here’s to 2017 travellers! We live in a year that hosts the highest standards of living in human history, opportunities are everywhere for those who have their eyes open, I can’t wait to see what this year has to bring!

Sweden, the Scandinavian nation boasting the third largest land mass in Europe & incredible history continues to prove i...

Sweden, the Scandinavian nation boasting the third largest land mass in Europe & incredible history continues to prove itself in being a country well worth the dollars you’ll spend in order to explore it.
With history dating well before the Viking Age, this World War neutral country is packed with things to tickle the interest of travellers of all ages from all around the planet.
For those looking to explore this Northern European gem, allow our beautiful local Swedish Yala Member, Joanna to provide some tips.
With Arctic Alps, incredible lakes, beautiful coastlines & gorgeous forest-scapes, it is worth your time planning before you go, the landmass is huge & the country is relatively expensive to explore, ensure to have your time planned effectively.
15% of the country North of the Arctic Circle, you can enjoy periods of their summer where the sun does not set, providing constant daylight for adventures. Conversely, those who love the night can relish in constant darkness without worrying about the sun rising the next day.
The country enjoys relatively warm summers but also experiences incredibly cold winters with their record minimum at a mind blowing -52C! Pack appropriately!
Although the country boasts a lively nightlife & captivating city scenes, we believe that travel in Sweden is best spent enjoying it’s beautiful outdoors; skiing, snowboarding, trekking, island hopping, fishing, cycling, sailing sightseeing, road tripping & travelling via train are the main reasons for many tourists to visit annually & most certainly do not disappoint.
Swede’s are big huggers often embracing friends as a form of greeting as opposed to cheek kisses & handshakes, alcohol isn’t cheap so plan ahead if you plan to drink away the night to come, beer is almost always the most cost effective option.
Finally, if you are serious about saving cash while seeing Sweden, we suggest purchasing city tourism cards or atleast metro cards that provide the cheapest form of transport along with cheap/free entry to tourist sites.
For those looking to learn more about this beautiful country, look no further than our favourite local Swede .

Manali is a valley within the Mountains of Himachal Pradesh, India. The small valley town nestled within the valley is t...

Manali is a valley within the Mountains of Himachal Pradesh, India. The small valley town nestled within the valley is the starting point of an ancient trade route serving the mountainous North.
Also known as ‘the Valley of Gods’, Manali’s modern history started as a small trading outpost and has gradually built in popularity with tourists thanks to it’s incredible summer forest and winter alpine views, nature, wildlife, hot springs, waterfalls, monasteries and temples as well as it being the gate way to the northern mountain cities such as Leh.
If you’re looking to adventure this incredible valley and its surrounds then I suggest you take note on some of the tips has been nice enough to provide:
In order to best see all that Manali has to offer, ensure to hire yourself a taxi for the day. Bargaining is essential, depending on season, you should be aiming for around ₹1,800 split with friends for a day or further discount if you want two to three – Public transport is not very reliable however can be used at a fraction of a cost if you’re up to the challenge.
For those looking to do more dangerous activities, ensure you do your research into the company you go through as paragliding, abseiling and rock climbing instructors are not necessarily qualified nor competent to take care of you if you’re in an accident.
Ensure you have yourself a digital copy of your ID such as photo of your passport on your phone, as most hotels and hostels require your ID when checking in, if you lose your bag you’ll still be able to get a place to sleep!

Resting at an altitude of almost 12,000ft above sea level in the south west of Bolivia lies the world’s largest salt fla...

Resting at an altitude of almost 12,000ft above sea level in the south west of Bolivia lies the world’s largest salt flat, Salar de Uyuni.
They don’t call this transformed prehistoric lake flat for nothing. Even though Salar de Uyuni spans over 10,000 square kilometres, the average surface altitude variation over the flat is less than one meter – Pair this huge, flat, salt covered landscape with some clear skies will provide any instagrammer with a plethora of photos for many feeds to come!
What you may not know about this flat is that it’s estimated 10 billion tonnes of salt holds an estimated 9 million tonnes of lithium; close to 40% of the planets lithium reserves – A vital component of most batteries.
If you are yet to visit Salar de Uyuni take a second to read some tips thanks to our friend
Make sure you take your time getting there, many travellers experience of the flats falls sub par due to altitude sickness thanks to the rush of getting there.
Research your tour provider thoroughly, this flat is 10 times larger than New York City so the professionalism of your guide will very much be a determining influence on your experience of the flats. Plan ahead, read the reviews and book in advance.
Pack and prepare appropriately, the internet is full of packing guides for this unique climate, you will most likely have no internet nor service the whole time you’re here so prepare to disconnect, relax and explore!

Do you know what you’re doing with your life?The majority of us, with myself included, would most probably answer the ab...

Do you know what you’re doing with your life?

The majority of us, with myself included, would most probably answer the above with a hesitant yes, before umming and ahhing as we internally accept that deep down, the true answer is no.

Not knowing exactly what you’re doing or where you’re going in this life is a concept that mentally crumbles many youths in this day & age. Moments after we wake, we fill our minds with superficial feeds portraying fake smiles, incredible achievements & endless selfies passively boasting happiness & success. Before starting our day we find ourselves staring into space dwelling on the fact that everyone else seems to have their lives figured out – A thought that subconsciously directs our day, slowly eating away at our self esteem, our drive & in turn, our joy for life.

In essence, everyone has or will face this stage at some point in life. For some, this struggle with personal identity & direction proves to be their undoing; those possessing self-centred mentality’s fuelled by highly strung ego’s deteriorate at the concept of failing to be perfect while under this self created ‘under the spotlight’ fantasy.
On the other hand, others find joy in the unknown, they humbly flourish with thoughts of opportunity while holding faith that life’s process will slowly, yet beautifully unfold – others like Norah .

Norah, like all of us is still finding her feet on life’s road, however, instead of fearfully avoiding life’s barriers and vulnerabilities, she embraces them.

Since quitting her job, Norah has embarked on a solo journey across the planet. She fearlessly takes on each day as a new opportunity to learn, laugh, love & ultimately live within the moment, surrounded by new friends that collectively learn about this life together.
With just weeks before she moves onwards from Sri Lanka to India, Norah knows that her journey into the lost and unknown has only just begun.

Life is a path filled with infinite and ever-changing possibilities. It is a book that you must write before it can be read, so, instead of spending your days concerned about reading what is to come, be more like Norah; get out and starting writing your journey.

Who says age is a determining factor that dictates the quality of your life?For many, age may certainly feel like the re...

Who says age is a determining factor that dictates the quality of your life?

For many, age may certainly feel like the reason as to why you’re life isn’t quite giving your desired enjoyability.
Perhaps you’ve got another year or two of university before you’re free from the books and have the time to smile. Maybe you’re not old enough to drink and find yourself spending weekends jealously opening snapchats from your buddies out partying up a storm.
Or for some reason, you simply believe that the grass will be greener the year after next. We simply have to grind out our youth in anticipation for the good and grown up times to come.

Even I have found myself in this position; wishing away my younger years, dying to step foot in the big bad world as a mature and established adult.

However, we are lucky enough to be graced by the presence of many youths that hold wisdom beyond their years. People like Brayden .harper, who has created a life that is as inspiring as it is in incredible.
At just 22 years old, Brayden has established himself firmly within the finance industry while continuing to study and travel around the planet.

This young Canadian has adventured through over 33 countries spanning over the majority of our 7 continents all the while climbing the ranks as an investment banker, both securing his success in the future all the while living life to the max in the present.

Our age has nothing to do with how content we are in life and for the matter, neither does money, materials, status or prestige. In the end, it is ourselves who determine how happy we are in this present moment. As easy and tempting as it is to scream victim to current circumstance, it is our own responsibility to find content within our life.

Leading an existence that waits for external triggers to bring joy will simply give you a life of waiting. A life of waiting that slow deteriorates to a life of anger and regret; growing old and bitter as you resent a world that didn’t give you what you wanted.

If life appears greener on the other side of the fence, then it is YOUR job to jump over and inspect for yourself - The fence will never crawl under you.

One thing that Samantha  knows in travel, like many of us, is how things can change in an instant.25th of October, 10.15...

One thing that Samantha knows in travel, like many of us, is how things can change in an instant.

25th of October, 10.15am, 2016.
It was a sunny Tuesday, Sam was sitting by the pool at her Balinese hostel, taking photos with myself & friends before setting off for a day of motorbiking through Kuta & its surrounds.
As she left the outskirts of town, a careless rider overtook a truck on the opposite lane crashing directly into Sam, changing her life within a single moment, fracturing her skull, breaking her knee & shattering her teeth.

After years of travelling, Sam never thought she’d return home in a wheelchair facing 10 months of rest & recovery. However, it is the unpredictability that brings value within travel, forcing you to appreciate the present, embracing the people & places within it.

Before the accident, Sam spent her time teaching English in South Korea, leading booze cruises, tours & island parties through Vietnam, walking the great wall of China, island hopping through the Philippines & exploring the temples of Myanmar.
When looking back on her travels, the accident is the last thing that comes to mind. Rather it was the time spent with countless friends, sharing infinite laughs & creating memories that will keep her smiling for a lifetime.
Every single one of us will face a situation that will in turn, make us, or break us. It is in this moment that defines us as who we are, our life has led us to this point & now you have the choice to deal with the cards you’ve been dealt, or simply give up & fold.

Sam began her journey with the goal of refining her inner strengths as an independent, intelligent & empowered woman in this somewhat male-dominated world.
I can personally say, being lucky enough to meet Sam face to face, that she has done exactly that. Even through the incredibly traumatic times in hospital, she did what she could to find the light within the dark, expressing gratitude as opposed to wallowing in sorrow.

This life at times can be bitter, but oh, so can it be sweet. These tough times don’t mark an end to Sam’s journey, it is only just the beginning.



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