Meet Nadia! | What It's Like Inside the Black Women Travel Mastermind
We're finessing our way through our fears, having tea with the parts of us that have to change, and allowing ourselves to grow.
It's honestly rare: spaces where Black women can be safe to be vulnerable, show up imperfectly, and know that you're still worthy of support, of being tenderly regarded through a range of emotions as we work on experiencing what's right for us individually and eventually collectively. (Often sooner than you think!)
How can you create new habits?
How can you exercise more discipline?
How can you work with your personal ebb and flow to be present for the work and be even more present for yourself?
Accountability helps!
People hire personal trainers to oversee their fitness journies. Or therapists to help them make sense of their lives. And even financial advisors to get their coins together.
If you're starting something new, or find yourself in a rut, a little assistance might help.
So what are you waiting for?!?! Join us for the Black Women Travel Mastermind!
💜 You don't have to have a business/stream of income already up and going
💜 You're ready to take more consistent, correct for you action
💜 You'd love some accountability to be clear about what you want, and to do the stuff you say you want to do
💜 You want to do it your way, but aren't sure about your path
Reserve your seat now!
Meet Kathy! | What It's Like Inside the Black Women Travel Mastermind
I started the Black Women Travel Mastermind in January this year and through the year, sixteen fabulous women showed up and showed OUT for deep chats, strategy, and centering our whole selves to sort out our travel and work lives.
It was ALL THAT ok?!
We're starting again for January 2023 and you should be there!
💜 You don't have to have a business/stream of income already up and going
💜 You're ready to take more consistent, correct for you action
💜 You'd love some accountability to be clear about what you want, and to do the stuff you say you want to do
💜 You want to do it your way, but aren't sure about your path
Get more info about the Black Women Travel Mastermind here!
Life-fulfillment: How to Own Your Purpose, Power, and Profits | Speaker Lequita Brooks for IBWTJ22✈️
Join us for The Online Experience for the 3rd Annual International Black Women Travel Jubilee!
Get more info and buy tickets here!
IBWTJ22 Session:
Life-fulfillment: Owning Your Purpose, Power, and Profits
Life-fulfillment is the ultimate goal for all of us. It looks different in every season of your life. That is Okay! Enjoy the journey. Embrace the present. Plan for the future to unlock your purpose, power, and profits.
1. Discuss Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and the practical application to apply to one's life.
2. Define self-fulfillment for oneself to improve practice effectiveness with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
3. Develop the action steps and goals to create a personalized self-fulfillment plan to live a more fulfilling life.
Meet Speaker Lequita Brooks!
Lequita Brooks transformed her life from social assistance recipient to six-figure business owner as a result of attaining her MSW and LCSW in Florida to be a present parent and provide financially. I love Social Work and becoming a Social Worker was the best decision ever!
Get more info and buy tickets here!
Stepping Away from Comfort | Speaker Kathy Hampton for IBWTJ22✈️
Join us for The Online Experience for the 3rd Annual International Black Women Travel Jubilee!
Get more info and buy tickets here!
IBWTJ22 Session:
Stepping Away from Comfort
This workshop focuses on preparation and shifting (mentally and physically) away from what is common and comfortable to unfamiliar environments that one travels to.
1) it takes action,
2) don't wait any longer
3) you have it all inside
4) do it your way
Meet Speaker Kathy Hampton!
Kathy is relatively new to travel for pleasure, exploration and scouting for relocation. Most recently Kathy quit her corporate job and took the leap to become a digital nomad and remote/virtual consultant.
With a desire to help Black women move away from what no longer serves them, Kathy's additional interest is Wellside Retreats, a transformational destination retreat business that encourages women to move toward what they desire and will serve them well. She has two young adult children.
Get more info and buy tickets here!
Monetizing Your Secret Sauce | Speaker Chrishan Wright for IBWTJ22✈️
Join us for The Online Experience for the 3rd Annual International Black Women Travel Jubilee!
Get more info and buy tickets here!
IBWTJ22 Session:
Monetizing Your Secret Sauce
Whether it is their personal brand, existing brand or a new brand, participants will learn how to leverage their secret sauce to make magic money.
- Identifying your brand strength
- Foundational aspects of your online presence
- Building your ecosystem (ie: community)
- Identifying what monetization methods are right for your brand
Meet Speaker Chrishan Wright!
Chrishan Wright is the founder of Blaxit Global, a platform dedicated to empowering and inspiring members of the African diaspora to pursue a life abroad. Chrishan is also the host and producer of the Blaxit Global podcast.
Since its launch, Blaxit Global has been featured in numerous media outlets including The New York Times, Huffpost, Travel Noire, InStyle Magazine, The Miami Times, PBS, The Houston Chronicle, The Washington Post, and The Associated Press.
Chrishan is an award-winning digital marketing expert with extensive consumer packaged goods and pharmaceutical experience. She’s received several prestigious industry awards including the 2019 Gold ARF David Ogilvy Award for the Advil PM Dance Campaign, and the “40 Under Forty” award from The Network Journal magazine.
Get more info and buy tickets here!
Dealing with Procrastination, Doubt, + Fear | Speaker Paula Simon for #IBWTJ22✈️
Join us for The Online Experience for the 3rd Annual International Black Women Travel Jubilee!
Get more info and buy tickets here!
IBWTJ22 Session:
IF NOT Now, THEN When? Dealing with procrastination, doubt and fear
Acknowledging the three major areas that prevent women from making decisions in life, and especially traveling.
Establishing a plan to to make the necessary changes; also to sustain them on the journey
1. You will never feel 100% certain.
2. Treat your dreams like a premature baby.
3. The fear will get better with time.
4. There is Grace in your journey.
5. The world needs your unique talent.
Meet Speaker Paula Simon!
Paula is a Believer, mother, grandmother, and Financial Advisor for over 18 years and has worked in the Financial industry for over 30 years.
She's passionate about women being more proactive in their lives, seeing changes as an opportunity to grow and not to be scared.
Her relationship with God is significant to the way she navigates life. In times of uncertainty, she reverts to her Foundational Tools, using those tools to overcome discomfort, doubt, and fear.
She loves God, travelling, people-watching, Curry, and Saturday Night Fever Soundtrack.
Her favorite person is her granddaughter Robin Allison.
Get more info and buy tickets here!
Rewind! #IBWTJ20 | Black Women Travel Conference
Rewind! #IBWTJ21 | Black Women Travel Conference
Rewind! #IBWTJ21 | Black Women Travel Conference
Rewind! #IBWTJ21 | Black Women Travel Conference
Rewind! #IBWTJ21 | Black Women Travel Conference
Rewind! #IBWTJ21 | Black Women Travel Conference
Rewind! #IBWTJ21 | Black Women Travel Conference
Rewind! #IBWTJ21 | Black Women Travel Conference
Rewind! #IBWTJ21 | Black Women Travel Conference
Rewind! #IBWTJ21 | Black Women Travel Conference
Rewind! #IBWTJ21 | Black Women Travel Conference
Rewind! #IBWTJ21 | Black Women Travel Conference