We want to say a special thank you to everyone who has booked the cabin over this past year. Our Airbnb calendar has been packed with bookings every single month! We really took a chance on this cabin. We went into this business without any prior experience. I was a brand new realtor in my first year of practicing real estate! It took an entire year to finish the cabin, with lots of bumps and hiccups along the way. But this experience of owning a luxury cabin has taught me that we can do it over and over again. And we will!
We are moving to the state of Washington tbis Friday. My next goal is purchasing land over there and building an a-frame cabin!
We will be renting out the Vernon Lake Cabin for long-term bookings to traveling doctors, nurses, pipeline workers, and anyone else that is in need of a fully furnished home. The cabin is currently booked until September 2025 with a tenant. We will be removing it off of Airbnb this Friday.
The community has been incredibly supportive. We cannot thank you all enough! I have had people reach out to me on Tiktok who have come from across the country just to stay in the cabin.
So let this be your sign, if you have a dream and it feels impossible and you don't know where to start, just start. Figure out the first steps and start moving forward towards that goal. Once everything is said and done, you're going to look back and be amazed at what you accomplished. I own three businesses here in Louisiana and I will be rebuilding all of them in the state of Washington. If I can do it, so can you!
Here are a bunch of photos of our wild adventure!
Alyssa Genova