T’was really windy during rooftop yoga on Wednesday. Watch how much the shot moves before the phone is blown all the way over. #alwaysglobalyoga #alwaysbwandering #yoga #yogatimelapse #timelapseyoga #playadelcarmen #playadelcarmenmexico #yogaenplaya #yogaeverywhere #rooftopyoga
Another beautiful day of rooftop yoga and a nice reminder that things don’t always go as planned and that’s ok. Just go with the flow. Fix what you can, when you can and always do your best. #alwaysglobalyoga #alwaysbwandering #yogaeverywhere #rooftopyoga #rooftopyogaplayadelcarmen #playadelcarmenyoga #playadelcarmen #yogatimelapse #outdooryoga #yogaeverydamnday
I’m teaching sunrise yoga classes at Mamitas beach in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. PM me for details! #alwaysglobalyoga #alwaysbwandering #yoga #sunrise #sunriseyoga #sunriseplayadelcarmen #yogaplayadelcarmen #playadelcarmenyoga #wakeuphappy
So, I’ve been in a bit of a funk lately so I decided to get up super early and catch the sunrise on the beach. Did a little free flowing yoga and now I feel awesome and super pumped for my day/week/life. Happy Monday! #alwaysglobalyoga #alwaysbwandering #sunriseyoga #beachyoga #morningyoga #wakeupandyoga #yoga #happymonday #justbreathe #letsdothis #playadelcarmen #mexico