A glorious Spring sunny day for @wimbledon guided tours completed for Wimbledon museum . The lovely guests were treated to seeing the courts being top-dressed with grass seeds and I was delighted to talk farming about Perennial Ryegrass. Such a great place to work.
Cheesy-capers at Cooper’s Hill in The Cotswolds with the folks today as we do our second leg of The a Cotswolds Way .
Today we made it to the half-way point of the 102 mile #cotswolds Way, just south of the beautiful #wooltown of #Painswick in #gloucestershire . 51 miles completed since starting in #chippingcampden , and 51 to go to glorious #Bath. @visitgloucestershire @BBGuides #Cotswoldsway
Great to guide a group of @chi_college @peter_symonds_college @portsmouthuni #6thform students and #uni from the #FalklandIsands 🇫🇰around #London today, arranged by @falklandsinuk. The students visited #Buckinghampalace #parliamentsquare and the @thetoweroflondon, where they met #Falklands #sama82 #veteran #Beefeater #Yeomanwardens . @britainsbestguides
#Spring has sprung in London , with the gloriously brash and cheery coloured flowers lightening the hearts of all who see them with fresh hope and rebirth for the year ahead. London is officially a green city covering 650 square miles / 1600km2, with 8.5 million people, yet 8.4m trees and 48% green space made up by #parks, #gardens, #allotments , #city arms , #gardensquares , #rivers, #trainlines and #canals. #springtime #visitlondon @britainsbestguides
A wonderful student group from #RealMadrid business school @realmadridue studying #sportsbusinessmanagement, made a lovely addition to the @wimbledon guided tours for @wimbledonmuseum . The guests were smart and engaging, whilst I was delighted to answer their insightful questions . Such a great place to work. #wimbledon #Centrecourt #tennis #lawntennis #wimbledonchampionships @britainsbestguides
A real privilege to be shown around the historic #vintnershall, the spiritual home of the international #winetrade since at least 1446, by @guyfairbank on a @guidelondon visit. The Judges room predates the #greatfireoflondon and many historical gems include #Charters by #Elizabeth1 #Mary1 #Charles2 & #James1. #wine
A great tour with @britainsbestguides of #TheOval #Cricket Ground home of @surreycricket . #Oval
The #Irishguards come on duty at #buckinghampalace with the #Welshguards band and mascot #Seamus the #irishwolfhound . Wintertime means the #Kingsguards are in their warm grey frock coats rather than scarlet summer uniform, but has the bonus of a far fewer spectators than the throngs up to 25,000 in the summer for the #changingoftheguards @britainsbestguides #visitlondon #traveloffpeak #royalty @irishguards @welshguards
These brave nurses from the #USA showed their stamina on holiday in #London by being the only tourists to brave the freezing #RiverThames cruise openair deck from #westminster to the #toweroflondon - gaining the admiration of the #ThamesWaterman captain and commentator. #bigben @britainsbestguides
So proud of the amazing #GeorgeSteinbrennerHighSchool @steinbrenner_high_school #WarriorBrigade band @steinbrenner_mwb from #Florida, performing in the #London #NewYearsParade @Lnydp. What great musicians and students. Looking forward to guiding them tomorrow on the #RiverThames and at the #TowerofLondon as a #BlueBadgeGuide @britainsbestguides .
Merry Christmas from singing with the Metropolitan Police Choir as part of my “other job” as Special Constable volunteer officer. #bluebadgetouristguide @metpolicechoir #policechoir #choirsinging @britainsbestguides #specialconstable #christmascarols #wishyouamerrychristmas🎄
Christmas bells in Weobley , Herefordshire. Compliments of the season to you and yours. @britainsbestguides #christmas #Christmasbells #countrychristmas
Now it is December and #advent, the #festiveseason is well under way in #London , with decorations and #chrstmaslights and #christmastrees a plenty. But one of my favourite spots is #skatelondon @somersethouse , here in the crisp cold winter weather. Why not book a festive guided walk around #secretlondon . @britainsbestguides
Proud to help police the #41gunsalute for the #75thbirthday of #hmkingcharlesiii held in #Greenpark by the @kingstrooprha , with musical support by the @irishguards band, and protection by #royalparksconstabulary and the @grenadier.guards , who all braved the torrential rain. @britainsbestguides #guiding #myotherjob #police #specialconstable . #militaryprocession
Two years ago today my life changed forever and for the better, as I finally passed the Blue Badge course following some challenging Covid course and exam delays. Onwards and upwards having met so many lovely people for some great adventures 👍 @britainsbestguides #bluebadgetouristguide #guidelife
A 5am start today, sharing the secrets and history of London’s last great central #market at #smithfield , with exclusive official Smithfield guide access to the early morning meat market by six qualified @colguides including @undercoverengland #Bluebadgeguide @texasfarmbureau @britainsbestguides #secretlondon #farmtours #foodtour #foodtourguide . @nuffieldfarming @hixsonmeatldn @smithfieldlondon @smithfieldbutchers @totally.tailored . https://www.cityoflondonguides.com/tours/smithfield-market-tours-monthly
What a wonderful sunny day for the #stateopeningofparliament and the @theroyalfamily procession along #TheMall , including their majesties #Kingcharles and #queencamilla , followed by #PrincessAnne the #PrincessRoyal and the #DukeofGloucester ; escorted and protected by the @household_cavalry @the_kings_guards @bluesandroyals @irishguards and the #Metpolice. @britainsbestguides @thekingsguardschannel #royalfamily #militaryprocession
November 5th is #GuyFawkes or #Bonfirenight when we celebrate the thwarting of the #Gunpowderplot to blow up #Parliament and the King #OTD in 1605. @britainsbestguides
Enjoyed the amazingly vibrant, uplifting and joyous #Choirofman show at the #Artstheatre in the #WestEnd with important messages about looking out for one another and peoples #mentalhealth and #suicide prevention by supporting the #Campaignagainstlivingmiserably #Calm. #RIP #RussellBurgess. #westendtheatre @britainsbestguides #theatre #pubculture #folkmusic @campaignforrealale