🏴Happy #stdavidsday🌼 to all my #Welsh family and friends. Coming from a #Welshmarches #farming family in #Herefordshire since 1040AD we have many connections with #Wales, most notably being directly descended to last #OwainGlyndwr , rebel #PrinceofWales . The #principalityofwales boasts beautiful beaches, lush rivers, splendid mountains and glorious countryside. It is the #landofsong , #landofpoets and #landofdragons ! National symbols include #daffodils🌼 , #Welshcakes, #leeks and #rugby. #dyddgŵyldewihapus #croesoigymru #Landofmyfathers #Tomjones #greengreengrassofhome 🏴 @britainsbestguides @visit_herefordshire @visitwales #bluebadgetouristguide #aberystwyth #borth #cardiff #devilsbridge #hayonwye #radnorshire #towyn
The incredible #luxmuralis #lightshow @stpaulscathedrallondon ; a truly awe inspiring sight, reimagining the history and impact of #christopherwrens #englishbaroque masterpiece, #stpaulscathedral, the #nationschurch , which rose again, like a #phoenixfromtheflames #resurgam , after the #greatfireoflondon #1666, with the second largest #dome in the world, and now home to national monuments to #wren, #artistscorner, #dukeofwellington , #admiralnelson and the #Falklandswar . #bluebadgeguide #falklands #secretlondon #londonbynight #sonetlumiere #cathedral #visitlondon #wrenchurches #londontours #londonbylondoners #explorelondon #insiderlondon #londonwalkingtours @falklandsinuk @britainsbestguides
#OTD in 1554 the #execution of #LadyJaneGrey and her husband #LordGuildfordDudley took place at the #TowerofLondon . Jane, named by her cousin #edward6 as his #protestant successor over his #halfsister #Catholic #Queenmary1, was an innocent pawn in the religious power struggle takjng place at the time and lasted as a #ninedayqueen before #QueenMary overthrew her. Initially held under house arrest at The Tower in 1553, she and her husband were found guilty of #treason after a failed plot to overthrow #mary by #protestant sympathisers. During their imprisonment #graffiti was carved into the walls of the #Beauchamptower including the name #Jane and #Dudleyfamilycrest . Both LadyJane and #LordDudley were buried at #stpeteradvincularoyalchapel at the Tower. Hear the full story and see locations on a #guidedtour with @undercoverengland . @britainsbestguides
So proud of the amazing #Cowboyband from #hardinsimmonsuniversity in #Abilene #Texas, performing in the #London #NewYearsParade @Lnydp. What great musicians, students, alumni and staff. We had a great time touring #London, including #parliament, #Buckinghampalace, #changingtheguard, #stpaulscathedral, the #RiverThames , the #texasembassy , #Hamptoncourt, #TowerofLondon and #windsorcastle as a #BlueBadgeGuide @britainsbestguides . @hsutx @hsucowboy_country @hardinsimmonsufootball @hsutxcheer
#HappyNewyear to one and all; time to reflect upon a busy and exciting #2024 and look forward to all that #2025 has in store. The #fireworks💥 from the #londoneye🎡 and #riverthames barges lit the nightsky as #Bigben bell inside the #Queenelizabethtower struck midnight to herald the #newyear. @britainsbestguides
Compliments of the season to you and yours from a very #countrychristmas in #Herefordshire, as we celebrate the #crib #nativity service in #Weobley church; complete with #christmasbells, #donkey, #carolsbycandlelight, #carols, #Angels, #shepherds, #wisemen and #christmaslights to discover #therealmeaningofchristmas . @visit_herefordshire @britainsbestguides
What a great #carolathon by @oasiswaterloo for the #waterloo #foodbank @waterloofb held over 12 hours from 7am until 7pm at #Waterloostation ( I only did the last two hours after work); with great voices all around, boosted by the @pinksingers and supported by thousands of #waterloo commuters including the fabulous @sophieellisbextor . #christmas #carols #oholynight🌟 #christmasspirit🎄 @britainsbestguides
You know it’s #Christmastime in the UK when you see your first #pantomime . This cultural institution is hard to explain to visitors from overseas, but involves #nureryrhyme based stories of good overcoming evil, #happyeverafter endings, a #dame, a #hero , a #villain and general chaos in between, involving #audienceparticipation ( #ohnoitdoesnt #ohyesitdoes , #hesbehindyou and much booing). This #panto is #littleredridinghood and the wolf. @britainsbestguides
The amazing #chritsmaights @kewgardens in SW #lLondon looking fantastic and #festive , with imaginative installations throughout the #gardens . #christmasiscoming #sonetlumiere #soundanight #botanicalgardens #gardentours #gardentourguide #christmasdecorations #christmasmagic #toastedmarshmallow #flyingfish #waterfountains @britainsbestguides
Explored the @nationaltrust #Hiddengem that is #lowerbrockhamptonmanorhouse @nt_brockhampton near #Bromyard in #Herefordshire today. A uniquely authentic #medieval #moated C15th #manorhouse (site inhabited from at least the C12th ); with cleverly recreated interiors complimenting the wealth of original features. The ruined #normanchurch and #walks through the #orchards in the estate grounds added to a wonderful visit. @britainsbestguides @visit_herefordshire @visitengland
The evocative seasonal #odetoautumn🍁 by #johnkeats illustrated with pictures from my #guided #bluebadge #walk along the #cotswoldsway this weekend . Music by #English #folkmusic collector #ralphvaughanwilliams.
#autumn #fall #seasons #rambling #trekking #longdistancewalk @britainsbestguides @visitgloucestershire @ramblersgb @walksbritain #romanticpoetry #keats #keatspoetry #keatspoems #keatsodes #keatsodetoautumn #bluebadgetouristguide
The moment you discover that you are a direct descendent of King Edward I (21st Great Grandfather) , and thus King Henry III, King John, King Henry II , Empress Matilda, King Henry I and thus King William I, The Conqueror !!
Owain Glydndwr married off his children into English border landowner families to bolster his border control - Alys to John Scudamore at Kentchurch Court ( our line) , and another daughter into the Crofts at Croft Castle , whose family tree here ( by National Trust), shows the maternal line via many Eleanors, to Edward I !