Bolivia, on the Bucket list
I knew what to expect, going to the highest capital in the world, La Paz, Bolivia, sitting at 13,500 feet above sea level. I knew what happened to me when I landed in Lhasa, Tibet. I was sick for two days and ended up in the hospital to be administered oxygen. I did not want to repeat the experience, so I took high-altitude medicine to prevent being sick again. I was not, but I still huffed and puffed and had to stop often to catch my breath throughout my stay in Bolivia.
LA PAZ is rich with 19th-century churches, museums of artifacts from the pre-Conquest era, and colorful markets.
The city of La Paz started in a deep, broad canyon. Population growth has expanded the city up the canyon walls to the edge of the Altiplano. The government built a fantastic cable car system to deal with the traffic and connect the different parts of the city. Ten lines of cable cars connect all parts of La Paz. Even so, the traffic in the city is unbearable!
In the center of the city is The Murillo Square (Plaza Murillo). The plaza is dominated by a huge Cathedral, the Presidential Palace, and the National Congress. In the square, there are statues of historical personalities from all periods of Bolivian history.
Mercado de las brujas (The Witch Market) is an open-air market selling traditional clothes, herbal medicines, trinkets, and superstitious objects. The Aymarans, the Indigenous people of Bolivia, believe that burying mummified llama fetuses under the house will bring blessings and good health to the family. The Witches Market offers such fetuses.
El Alto is a suburb of La Paz with the largest concentration of Indigenous people in Latin America. The Aymaras of the Altiplano still speak their native language and wear traditional dress. Here, in El Alto, one can find the “cholitas”. Cholita is a derogatory Spanish term used for the Indigenous people in Bolivia. The women used this term for a mission: to fight against discrimination and violence. Violence against women is widespread. Seven in ten experience violence and domestic abuse. Cholitas learned to fight and also teach self-defense. It is quite a show to see these women dressed in petticoats, puffy skirts, and fancy shoes with long braids flying in the air, tossing each other from one end of the ring to the other.
Outside the city of La Paz, there is the archeological site of TIWANAKU, a civilization in Bolivia that was founded around 200 BC and reached its peak around 900 AD. It was for centuries the capital of a vast and powerful empire. Some of the building blocks weighed 130 tons and had to have been lifted by up to 2,600 people since they did not have the concept of the wheel. They had a vast irrigation system used for agriculture with aqueducts and canals, and residential areas with structures made of mud bricks. They had large stone sculptures, pottery, and textiles. The Tiwanaku empire collapsed around 1000 AD when the city was abandoned and severely looted.
"VALLE DE LAS ANIMAS", or Valley of the Souls, is a valley where thousands of geological formations shaped like needles seem to reach for the sky. The indigenous population in the area believes it to be a sacred site where the spirits of the ancestors reside.
THE SALT FLATS in Bolivia are the largest in the world. It covers an area of 4,100 sq miles and sits 11,995 feet above sea level. They are almost completely flat. The layer of salt in some places is over 32.8 feet thick! That’s estimated to be a total of 10 billion tons of salt! During the dry season, the salt crystallizes as the water evaporates, forming hexagonal patterns. During the rainy season, the salt flats transform into a vast mirror, reflecting the sky so perfectly that the horizon seems to disappear. Surrounding the salt flats are several deserts, geysers, colorful lagoons, hot springs, and snow-capped volcanoes. Strangely enough, animals live in this inhospitable land: the rare Andean flamingos, the Culpeo fox, vicunas, Bolivian Vizcacha, and llamas. And there are thousands of gigantic cacti that grow in the middle of the flats. A trip to Uyuni feels like a trip away from Earth.