謝謝來自印尼的 Reza Risma Fadila 參與11/16-11/17穆斯林踩線活動,並分享趣味的影片來表達對大東北角觀光圈的喜愛。
Thank you Reza Risma Fadila for participating in the 11/16-11/17 Muslim Fam Trip. And share fun videos to express your love for Great Northeast Tourism Union.
福隆遊客中心 Fulong Visitor Center
舊草嶺隧道 Old caoling Tunnel
海田行館 Haitian Hotel
宜蘭傳藝園區 Yilan Chuanyi Park
#salamtaiwan #taiwantravel #halal #halaltrip #muslim #muslimtravel #muslimfriendlyenvironment #穆斯林友善環境改善輔導案 #大東北角觀光圈
謝謝來自印尼的 Nur Febria Budi Lestari 參與11/16-11/17穆斯林踩線活動,一同在【 宜蘭傳藝園區 】細細感受藝文之美、玩耍嬉戲、體驗DIY活動、觀看精彩演出,讓人流連忘返。現在園區內也造福穆斯林朋友增設祈禱室及淨下設施,並取得穆斯林友善環境認證。來看看這段趣味的影片:
Thank you Nur Febria Budi Lestari for participating in the 11/16-11/17 Muslim Fam Trip. We went to [Yilan Chuanyi Park] to feel the beauty of art, join DIY activities, and watch wonderful performances, which made us forget to leave. There is also added prayer rooms and ablution equipment for the Muslim friends, and obtained Muslim-friendly environment certification. Let’s take a look at this interesting video.
#salamtaiwan #taiwantravel #halal #halaltrip #muslim #muslimtravel #muslimfriendlyenvironment #穆斯林友善環境改善輔導案 #大東北角觀光圈 #國立傳統藝術中心宜蘭傳藝園區
謝謝來自印尼的 Nurul Annisa 參與11/16-11/17穆斯林踩線活動、並用心製作兩天一夜行程推薦影片。
Thank you Nurul Annisa for participating in the 11/16-11/17 Muslim Fam Trip, and making such a nice video for the 2D1N trip.
八番坑茶坊 Bafankeng Teahouse
阿珠雪在燒 A-Zhu Peanut Ice Cream Roll
九份老街 Jiu Fen Old Street
九份喜來園景觀民宿及朝拜 Jiufen HappyLand B&B
福隆遊客中心 Fulong Visitor Center
福隆騎單車Cycling at Fulong
元町活海鮮餐廳 Yuan Ting Fresh Seafood Restaurant
赫蒂法莊園 Healtdeva Village
宜蘭傳藝園區 Yilan Chuanyi Park
壯圍沙丘 Zhuangwei Sand Dune
#salamtaiwan #taiwantravel #halal #halaltrip #muslim #muslimtravel #muslimfriendlyenvironment #穆斯林友善環境改善輔導案 #大東北角觀光圈
謝謝來自印尼的 YULI ELVINA一家參與11/14-11/15穆斯林踩線活動,【 逸鄉村 YST bakery 】是他們最喜愛的行程之一,不僅是全臺唯一一家全Halal烘焙坊,二樓還有祈禱空間及淨下設備,今年更是積極參與友善餐廳及友善體驗活動的認證,是穆斯林朋友們大力推薦的熱點。
Thank you YULI ELVINA's family for participating in the 11/14-11/15 Muslim Fam Trip. [Yi Siang Countryside] is one of their favorite. Not only it's the only all-Halal bakery in Taiwan, it also has a prayer space and ablution equipment at second floor. This year, they also obtained the certification of muslin-friendly restaurants and activities. It is a hotspot highly recommended by Muslim friends.
#salamtaiwan #taiwantravel #halal #halaltrip #muslim #muslimtravel #muslimfriendlyenvironment #穆斯林友善環境改善輔導案 #大東北角觀光圈 #逸鄉村冬山總店
謝謝來自印尼的 Septian Emma Dwi Jatmika 推薦大東北角觀光圈兩天一夜行程,完善的穆斯林友善環境,讓穆斯林朋友們十分安心。
Thank you Septian Emma Dwi Jatmika for recommending a 2D1N itinerary to the Great Northeast Tourism Union. There are many Muslim-friendly environments that make Muslim friends feel at ease.
菁桐老街 Jingtong Old Street
菁桐放天燈 Jingtong releases sky lanterns
台灣藍鵲咖啡坊 Taiwan Blue Magpie Cafe
幸福山行民宿 Pingshihouse B&B
南雅奇岩 Nanya rocks
童話村生態渡假農場 Fairy Tale Village Ecological Farm
冬山河遊船 Dongshan River Boat Ride
逸鄉村冬山總店 Yi Siang Countryside
勝洋休閒農場 Sheng Yang Farm
#salamtaiwan #taiwantravel #halal #halaltrip #muslim #muslimtravel #muslimfriendlyenvironment #穆斯林友善環境改善輔導案 #大東北角觀光圈
謝謝來自印尼的 Ayu Noviyanti Putri 參與11/14-11/15穆斯林踩線活動、推薦【台灣藍鵲咖啡坊 Taiwan Blue Magpie Cafe】,不僅能享用Halal認證美食,還能欣賞優美景色,是個讓穆斯林朋友們放鬆身心的好所在。
Thank you Ayu Noviyanti Putri for participating in the 11/14-11/15 Muslim Fam Trip and recommending [Taiwan Blue Magpie Cafe] restaurant. Not only enjoy Halal certified food, but also enjoy the beautiful scenery. It is a place where Muslims can enjoy A great place for friends to relax.
#salamtaiwan #taiwantravel #halal #halaltrip #muslim #muslimtravel #muslimfriendlyenvironment #穆斯林友善環境改善輔導案 #大東北角觀光圈 #台灣藍鵲咖啡坊
#鮮物本舖 接手父親養殖事業,以在地生態循環方式,讓海葡萄、白蝦及貢寮鮑(九孔)同時產生多元經濟價值,減少用藥及對環境的傷害,生長速度慢、人工逐一將石頭翻開取出,再加上要用人工將海菜打碎喂食透過管線噴射到池中,1年才能長大約2-3cm, 品嚐著如此的鮮味真的一點也不貴了。
#大東北角穆斯林友善 #穆斯林網紅踩線
#nicestore Taking over the aquaculture farm business from his father, the owner breeds #Caulerpa seaweed, shrimps, and #abalone in the way that creates extra tourism value while minimizing the drug used and the impact on the environment. For this the aquaculture products grow slowly. For feeding, seaweeds are crushed and flushed into the farming pond, to trade for a 2-3 cm of growth in size per year. During the harvest, one has to find the abalone hiding underneath their natural rocky shelters. Such meticulousness and freshness really worth the price.
#NortheastCoastTourism #necoast #MuslimFriendlyEnvironment #MuslimTravel #TaiwanTravel
#芙玉寶 #香皂DIY
#halaltw_ #icdhalal #tammy_cpp #salamtaiwan #pingtung
#muslimtravel #taiwantravel
#屏東觀光圈 #穆斯林與清真驗證推廣案 #大鵬灣國家風景區管理處
Good morning
#halaltw_ #icdhalal #tammy_cpp #salamtaiwan #pingtung
#muslimtravel #taiwantravel
#屏東觀光圈 #穆斯林與清真驗證推廣案 #大鵬灣國家風景區管理處
#屏東觀光圈穆斯林驗證推廣計畫 踩線團 來到 #勝利星村
#halaltw_ #icdhalal #tammy_cpp #salamtaiwan #pingtung
#muslimtravel #taiwantravel
#屏東觀光圈 #穆斯林與清真驗證推廣案 #大鵬灣國家風景區管理處
#五大旅行社 楊嵐詰董事長
#大東北角觀光圈 穆斯林推展計畫 #教育訓練
大東北角觀光圈業者穆斯林友善環境改善第二期輔導計畫9/26-9/27教育訓練.歡迎旅館、民宿、休閒農場、餐廳、觀光工廠、博物館與景點,或對穆斯林旅遊市場有興趣之業者免費報名參加,09/26(三)煙波花時間 宜蘭傳藝,9/27(四)逸鄉村_冬山總店,每場次限額30人,報名連結:https://forms.gle/pdZmnFC5Zg2GYMrN7
#穆斯林旅遊 #伊斯蘭 #穆斯林友善環境 #大東北角 #風景管理處 #觀光圈 #迎接全球穆斯林旅遊市場搶先布局
Do you feel the scorching heat when you are sightseeing in Fulong? You can cool yourself and rest awhile in Fulong Visitor Center. This place is next to the Fulong Beach, so it’s easy to be recognized.
They have all the interesting information about their nature, culture, and tourism spot in the north east coast of Taiwan.
Most importantly, they provide muslim friendly facilities such as prayer room and toilet for ablution.
So, not only cooled your body, but also it can soothe your soul. Perfect.
Kepanasan pas di Pantai Fulong dan mau cari tempat ngadem? Ke sini ajaa. Ada tempat sholatnya juga lhoo.
Fulong Visitor Center lokasinya pas sebelum gerbang masuk Pantai Fulong. Informasi tentang keindahan alam, budaya, dan spot wisata area Pinggir Pantai Timur Laut Taiwan bisa kita temukan di sini, disajikan dengan ringkas namun menarik.
Di lantai dua gedung ini juga terdapat tempat shalat dan toilet ramah muslim. Pas banget kan? Nggak cuman bisa ngademin badan tapi juga ngademin hati.
#discoverhalalintaiwan #halaltw_ #icdhalal #salamtaiwan #necoast #taiwantravel
Free Background Music by Yevhen Lokhmatov
Good Time in Taiwan for Muslim Travel – Essence
【Good Time in Taiwan for Muslim Travel – Essence 】
Taiwan has been committed to create a Muslim-friendly tourism environment for many years. Currently, there are many Muslim-certified tourist attractions, restaurants, accommodations, and fun activities. You are invited to experience it through the video
Other themed videos :
Good Time in Taiwan for Muslim Travel – Have fun: https://fb.watch/dBAwGpnrx8/
Good Time in Taiwan for Muslim Travel – Accommodations: https://fb.watch/dBAvuI-lpp/
Good Time in Taiwan for Muslim Travel – Food: https://fb.watch/dFion7Es3a/
Good Time in Taiwan for Muslim Travel - Attractions: https://fb.watch/dKW_y7IHk0/
【Good Time in Taiwan for Muslim Travel – Esensi 】
Taiwan telah berkomitmen untuk menciptakan lingkungan pariwisata yang ramah Muslim selama bertahun-tahun. Saat ini, terdapat banyak tempat wisata, restoran, hotel, dan aktivitas menyenangkan yang bersertifikat Muslim. Saksikan keseruan pengalaman ini melalui video berikut!
video bertema lainnya
Good Time in Taiwan for Muslim Travel –Kegiatan yang menyenangkan : https://fb.watch/dBAwGpnrx8/
Good Time in Taiwan for Muslim Travel –Hotel : https://fb.watch/dBAvuI-lpp/
Good Time in Taiwan for Muslim Travel – Makanan : https://fb.watch/dFion7Es3a/
Good Time in Taiwan for Muslim Travel - Atraksi : https://fb.watch/dKW_y7IHk0/
#salamtaiwan #halaltw_ #discoverhalalintaiwan
#muslimtravel #muslimfriendlyenvironment
#taiwantourismbureaumalaysia #taiwantourismbureauid #traveltaiwansg #taiwanlearningtrip
#觀光局 #台灣 #TAIWAN