I can’t believe how hard this resonates with me right now. This is EXACTLY what I’ve been talking about for the past two weeks. Thank you , you hit the mark once again.
theme for September is Resources.
Redefine what resource means to you now.
Use what you have.
Parse out what is a need and what is a want.
We get fooled into thinking our wants are needs, and our needs don’t matter. Recalibrate the spaces in your life where you feel scarce and where you feel abundant. Recalibrate your energetic and emotional fields so that you can feel more resourced in your body.
I love the word resource because it has source in it: we have to source from ourselves, energetically. Once we are relatively resourced, the next step is helping others. You have resources to share that aren’t money. Resources are knowledge, capacity, materials, strategies, philosophies, and networks. The planet needs help. Acknowledge all the subtle and unorthodox ways your actions support repairing and resourcing the earth. Knowing what you have, and what you need will be important in the days to come.
Looking at life from a place of lack, you’ll never think you are enough. But you made it this far. You did it. You were more than enough, this whole time. Your resources are what you learned from your many glorious failures. Your failures are also your resources, because without failure, there is no success. You already have what you need. You already know what to do.”