Hello and welcome to Xolovel!
Xolovel, which stands for Love.Solo.Travel, is an online community for people united by our love of exploring the world solo, but not always alone. We’re your one-stop resource for anyone wishing to embark on a solo trip or join other solo travelers.
We believe if you’re always waiting for someone to come with you, you may never be able to do what you want! We want to normalize the idea of traveling solo and meeting travel partners online. If you can find a date online, why not find a friend to travel with online?
We have big plans for Xolovel, but for now we’re starting with a travel blog and social media pages where we'll share our travel experiences and invite others in the Xolovel community to share their own travel experiences.
We've also created the Xolovel Facebook Group to help build a community of like-minded solo travelers. The group provides a private space to find travel partners, plan meetups, and share travel tips.