Ahmed Abul Ella Author, Speaker and Tourist Guide

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كتب عن التاريخ المصري ، محاضرات وتدريب سياحي

Nubians are a group of people who are indigenous to the region which is now northern Sudan and southern Egypt. They orig...

Nubians are a group of people who are indigenous to the region which is now northern Sudan and southern Egypt.
They originate from the early inhabitants of the central Nile Valley, believed to be one of the earliest cradles of civilization.
Today, Nubians in Egypt primarily live in the southern part of the country, especially in Kom Ombo and Nasr al-Nuba north of Aswan, also we find large groups of Nubians scattered in large cities such as Cairo and Alexandria, while Sudanese Nubians live mainly in northern Sudan, particularly in the region between the city of Wadi Halfa on the Egypt-Sudan border and al Dabbah.
Additionally, a small group of Nubians known as the Midob lives in northern Darfur, another group named Birgid lives in Central Darfur and several smaller groups known as the Hill Nubians live in Northern Kordofan in Haraza and a few villages in the northern Noba Mountains in South Kordofan state, Sudan.
The main Nubian groups from north to south (Aswan to Khartoum) are the Kenzi, Matóki, Faadicha, Fadija, Sukkot, Mahas, and Danagla. There also exist two large tribes of fully Arabized Nubians who inhabit Northern Sudan - these groups are known as the Shaigiya and Ja'alin.
Excerpt from the book "Treasures of the Nubian Museum Aswan"
by MR/ Ahmed Abu Al-Ela
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invasion, immigration, assimilation, and integration of Egypt under Arab rule
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الخلافة العباسية ... قصة خياليةالزمان: ٧٤٥ م ... المكان مدينة خراسان - إيرانأبو مسلم الخراساني ، ولد بمدينة البصرة ، جنو...

الخلافة العباسية ... قصة خيالية
الزمان: ٧٤٥ م ... المكان مدينة خراسان - إيران
أبو مسلم الخراساني ، ولد بمدينة البصرة ، جنوب العراق ، لأبوين من أصول فارسية دخلا الإسلام مثل باقي الناس في العراق القديم و إيران ، و عاش معظم شبابه في مدينة خراسان ، حتى عُرف بأبي مسلم الخراساني .. هو شاب شديد الذكاء ، قوي البنيان يهابه الناس و هو قائد بشكل ملفت للنظر .
ومع آخر أيام الخلافة الأموية في دمشق ( العاصمة ) ساد الفساد والاضطراب العاصمة و من ثم باقي أرجاء المملكة المتسعة. حيث أصبح الثراء الأموي لا يصدقه عقل ، و صكت النقود و زاد الخراج بسبب الفتوحات شرقا وغربا و شمالا .
و كما صعدت الدولة الأموية بسرعة مثل نجم ساطع ، اختفت بسرعة ..
و على أثرها تحدث الصديقان : جلس أبو مسلم الخراساني يستمع إلى كلام صديقه محمد أبي العباس ، عن هروبه من بطش الأمويين في مدينة الموصل بأعجوبة ؛ حيث طاردهم الأمويون فى شمال و شرق سوريا لأنهم من نسل «العباس» أصغر أعمام الرسول محمد رسول الله
قال محمد أبو العباس : هل تعتقد يا صديقي أن الناس في سوريا و العراق سيلتفون حولي ، و يقفون ورائي في مواجهة بني أمية ( الأمويين ) في دمشق و الذين سرقوا الخلافة من أكثر من ۱۰۰ عام بعد قتلهم علي و أبنائه ؟.
قال له أبو مسلم الخراساني : لم يتوقف الكلام في العراق على الأقل عن سوء عمل الأمويين و انقسم أهل العراق بين مؤيد لدعوة الشيعة من أبناء علي بن أبي طالب و بين مؤيد لبني العباس و أسرتك ، لأنكم من نسل الرسول الكريم و من قبيلة محمد رسول الله ، كلا الفريقين يرون أن الحق في صفهم .
تكلم الشاب محمد أبو العباس : و لكن شيعة علي بن أبي طالب تمت هزيمتهم ووأد حركتهم في كل مرة كانوا يحاولون فيها الثورة على الأمويين ، حتى أصبحوا ضعافا مفككين ، و اختفي معظم قادتهم و تحولت شيئًا فشيئًا إلى حركة دينية شبه سرية و غير منظمة على هدف واحد أو حتى حول قائد بعينه
رد أبو مسلم الخراساني : يا صديقي .. تلك هي فرصتكم ، لينقض بنو العباس على الأمويين في دمشق ، فإذا استطعنا توحيد الصفوف هنا في الشرق يصبح من الممكن أن نزحف بجيش كبير إلى دمشق و ننهي الخلافة الأموية .
لمعت الفكرة في رأس محمد أبي العباس .. و راقت له الأمنيات
تُرى ماذا حدث بينهم من اتفاق؟
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Hawara pyramid

مراكب الشمس ... قصة الإكتشافعندما قامت ثورة الثالث والعشرين من يوليو 1952 عملت الثورة على أن تدعم علاقاتها السياسية بالد...

مراكب الشمس ... قصة الإكتشاف
عندما قامت ثورة الثالث والعشرين من يوليو 1952 عملت الثورة على أن تدعم علاقاتها السياسية بالدول المحيطة بها من دعم مركز قيادة الثورة السياسي خاصة وأن القاهرة كانت مقر جامعة الدول العربية, وكانت الثورة من جانب آخر تدعم الحركة الثقافية وأعمال الكشف الأثري داخل مصر لتدعم الدور الذي كان يقوم الأجانب به قبل الثورة على أكمل وجه.
وفي شتاء عام ١٩٥٤ كانت الأمور تسير هادئة في ساحة منطقة الجيزة الأثرية والتي كان يتولى إدارتها المرحوم الأستاذ / محمد زكي نور الدين - مدير عام آثار الهرم.
كان محمد زكي من الأثريين المصريين النابهين والذي ولد في القاهرة عام ١٩٠٥ وحصل على دبلوم معهد الآثار المصرية من جامعة فؤاد الأول عام ١٩٣٥ وتولى العمل في مجال رعاية الآثار في الفيوم وبني سويف والدلتا, ثم إنتقل للعمل في الأقصر حتى عام ١٩٤٥ عندما عمل بجبانة الجيزة كأمين عام لها وقام بعمل الحفائر في الجيزة وأبوصير وعين شمس وغيرها
وكان يرأس مصلحة الآثار في ذلك الوقت د. مصطفي عامر - أستاذ الآثار المصرية بجامعة فؤاد الأول.
وفي عام ١٩٥٤ قام محمد زكي نور بحفائره جنوب الهرم الأكبر بهدف إزالة كميات ضخمة من الرديم المتراكم بمرور الزمن ومن أعمال بعثات الحفر الأخرى.
وكان د. عبد المنعم أبوبكر يتولي حفائر جامعة فؤاد الأول (كان إسمها جامعة القاهرة آنذاك) بالقرب من أعمال حفر محمد زكي نور, وكان الهدف من أعمال حفر محمد زكي نور إزالة كميات الرديم التي تعوق الحركة خلف الهرم الأكبر وهى المنطقة التي كانت محط أنظار العديد من الزوار ولذلك فقد كان مشروع هيئة الآثار في منطقة الجيزة إزالة تلك الكميات من الرمال في شتاء ١٩٥٣ - ١٩٥٤ ثم جاءت الأخبار تفيد قرب قدوم جلالة الملك عبد العزيز آل سعود ملك المملكة العربية السعودية في أول زيارة لمصر بعد الثورة
تُرى ماذا حدث؟ اكتشف اكثر باقتناء كتاب اكتشافات بالصدفة

مقتطفات من كتاب "إكتشافات بالصدفة" - للأستاذ الكبير / أحمد ابو العلا
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صناعه النبيذ في مصر القديمه ، مقبره باحري ؛ الكاب

QUEEN AHMOSE-NEFERTARI The queen was revered as the "Goddess of Resurrection" and was arguably the most venerated woman ...

The queen was revered as the "Goddess of Resurrection" and was arguably the most venerated woman in Egyptian history. Senakhtenre and Queen Tetisheri and royal sister and the great royal wife of Pharaoh Ahmose I.
She was the first queen of the 18" Dynasty. She was a daughter of Seqenenre Tao and Ahhotep I the granddaughter of Senakhtenre and Queen Tetisheri and royal sister and the great royal wife of Pharaoh Ahmose I.
Ahmose Nefertari was deified after her death. Ahmose-Nefertari was born in Thebes, during the latter part of the 17th Dynasty. She grew up with several brothers and
Queen Ahmose-Nefertari held many titles, including those of hereditary princess (iryt-p`t), great of grace (wrt-im3t), great of praises (wrt-hzwt), king's mother (mwt-niswt), great king's wife (hmt- niswt-wrt), god's wife (hmt-ntr), united with the white crown (khnmt-nfr-hdjt), king's daughter (s3t-niswt), and king's sister (snt-niswt).
The queen was revered as "Goddess of Resurrection" and was arguably the most venerated woman in Egyptian history.
Ahmose-Nefertari likely died in approximately the 5th or 6th year of Thutmose I.
She was likely buried in Dra Abu el-Naga a mortuary temple there. Her mummy is
cemetery in western Thebes and had assumed to have been retrieved from her
tomb at the end of the New Kingdom and moved to the royal cache.
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Father Justine, St Catherine Codex’s

Coptic LanguageThe Coptic language is derived from the Ancient Egyptian language. The letters were adapted from the Gree...

Coptic Language
The Coptic language is derived from the Ancient Egyptian language. The letters were adapted from the Greek alphabet with additional letters borrowed from the Egyptian Demotic script.
Coptic and Demotic are grammatically closely related to Late Egyptian which was used in Ancient Egypt.
Two distinct Coptic dialects exist, Saaidic in parts of Upper Egypt and Bohairic in Lower Egypt.
Coptic flourished as a literary language from the 2nd to 13th centuries and the Bohairic dialect continues to be the liturgical language of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria.
It was replaced by Egyptian Arabic as a spoken language toward the early modern period, and now Coptic is spoken only liturgically in Coptic churches, along with Modern Standard Arabic.
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1:- Amazon :- https://www.amazon.com/Great-Religious.../dp/B09DMR7DZS
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Statue of Ptah in the Grand Egyptian Museum
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Mystery of the Symbolic Step PyramidsSeven step pyramids can be found in various locations in Egypt. Closest to Saqqara'...

Mystery of the Symbolic Step Pyramids
Seven step pyramids can be found in various locations in Egypt.
Closest to Saqqara's original is the Seila Pyramid overlooking the Fayum Oasis.
There is a single step pyramid in Middle Egypt near the Tombs of Beni Hassan.
The true purpose of these small-step pyramids is still unknown, but archaeologists suggest several theories; most conspicuously, they may symbolize primeval hills as a creation moment.
The true purpose of these small step pyramids is still unknown, but archaeologists suggest several theories; most conspicuously, they may symbolize primeval hills a creation moment.
We find others near Abydos, Edfu, Kom Ombo, and Elephantine Island in Aswan..ists suggests several theories; most conspicuously, they may symbolize primeval hills a creation moment.
Not one of these symbolic pyramids contains a burial chamber.
We find others near Abydos, Edfu, Kom Ombo, and Elephantine Island in Aswan..ists suggest several theories; most conspicuously, they may symbolize primeval hills a creation moment.
You can purchase the book from
1:- Amazon :- https://www.amazon.com/Great-Pyramids-Egypt.../dp/B09WYZH161
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Dr Elizabeth Bloxam, Oxford university
Gneiss Stone

The small temple of abu simbelThis is generally considered to be a façade dedicated to the Royal family's cultic stat- u...

The small temple of abu simbel
This is generally considered to be a façade dedicated to the Royal family's cultic stat- ues outside, visible to people who would not be entitled to enter the interior of the temple.and dedicated the temple to his wife Queen Tiye, and the goddess Hathor.
The temple is 24m deep (79 ft) and because of the poor fissures in the natural bedrock, the temple axis had to be adjusted from the façade to the pillared hall and into the sanctuary area.
The Small Temple was not the first Ancient Egyptian temple in Nubia dedicated to a Queen. Pharoah Amenhotep III earlier, c. 1390 BC built the Temple of Sadenga (North Sudan today) and dedicated the temple to his wife Queen Tiye and the goddess Hathor.
The Small Temple is remarkable with the 6 standing colossal statues of Ramses II and Nefertari and standing beneath and around their legs are their children, both sons and daughters.
This is generally considered to be a façade dedicated to the Royal family's cultic statues outside, visible to people who would not be entitled to enter the interior of the temple.
At a height of 10m (33 ft) the statues of the king and queen are surprisingly equal, each was carved inside its own niche (unlike the Great Temple where all 4 statues are carved inside one big wide niche).
The small temple of Abu Simbel the great royal wife Nefertari, beloved of Mut, for whom the sun god Re shines, The King ordered a shrine with everlasting craftsmanship excavated in the Nubian mountains
The small temple of Abu Simbel the great royal wife Nefertari, beloved of Mut, for whom the sun god Re shines, The King ordered a shrine with everlasting craftsmanship excavated in the Nubian mountains
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1st Room at GEM
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Book of NumbersThis book covers a period of 28 years in the history of the Israelite Nation. It is composed of 36 books ...

Book of Numbers
This book covers a period of 28 years in the history of the Israelite Nation. It is composed of 36 books and chronicles a period of desert wandering in the wilderness of the Sinai.
The title "Numbers" relates to the general census of the Israelite population in the early chapters and the census taken later on the eve of the Israelites' entry into the Land of Canaan.
The Book of Numbers might well have been called the "Grumbling of a Nation," as it is one long sad story of complaining, murmuring and discontent over Moses' leadership in the desert. Of the entire generation that has seen the marvels of God's deliverance from Egypt, only three men, Moses, Joshua and Caleb, survive to the end of the book. Of these, only two, Joshua and Caleb, actually go on to enjoy God's Promised Land.
It is interesting to note that amongst the 36 chapters of the Book of Numbers, the editor twice gives us an accurate census of the Israelites: Included in the beginning of great Exodus and wandering in the Sinai are 603,558 people, and by the end, after wandering for 40 years, as the Israelites are prepared to arrive on the plains of Moab, there are 601,730. These numbers are repeated several times and it is very interesting to note that the census did not include the whole of the Levi tribe, nor did it include anyone under the age of twenty years, the age at which a boy was considered old enough to join the army. In other words, had everyone been counted, the head count would have been a little over one million people!
The book ends with Moses sending spies to reconnoiter the Land of Canaan in preparation for invading and subsequently laying claim to their "Land of Milk and Honey" promised to them by God.
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The Grand Egyptian Museum Design
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Luxor Temple Cache - DISCOVERY STORY"We found a hard stone in strange colors!"head of workers in Luxor Temple, Ali Fekry...

Luxor Temple Cache - DISCOVERY STORY
"We found a hard stone in strange colors!"head of workers in Luxor Temple, Ali Fekry, gathered his men and his assistant Farouk Sharid at the "big hole," as the workers called it. The big shaft, four meters deep, was very close to the western row of pillars in the inner open courtyard of the temple. It was another sunny Luxor winter day and the Luxor Temple was always crowded in the morning. Many tourist groups filled the temple courtyards and pillared halls.
Fadia Hanna, the Luxor Temple Inspector, was supervising the workers collecting dirt and debris from the big hole. It was tedious work to remove dirt and debris in small buckets made from old rubber materials from the big hole and transport it to another place inside the temple where all the dirt could be meticulously examined.
It was slow work and the weather was becoming unusually cold in Luxor. Toward the middle of the day, the workers shouted:
"We found hard stone in strange colors!"
wonder, what happened? All this and more will be explored in the book By Way of Accident: : The true stories behind the discovery of Egypt's greatest monuments
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1:- Amazon :- https://www.amazon.com/Way-Accident-discovery-greatest-monuments/dp/1523608854
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The Special entrance of Sultan Hassan Mosque
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