We started this incredible expedition on August 3rd with my friend from the Czech Republic. We had four days for this journey. Our only information about the route came from maps and locals who warned us that it was very, very challenging. Armed with this information, we set off to cross a small part of the immense Andes mountain range, where we enjoyed all its natural beauty, including glaciers and beautiful lagoons above 5000 meters above sea level.
Two out of the four days were the toughest; we covered 10 to 12 kilometers each day at around 5300 meters above sea level, feeling the altitude in our lungs as we searched for the path to our destination.
We walked across a glacier with a strong wind hitting our faces, as if trying to stop us.
Finally, we reached our destination, our campsite, where our team awaited us with hot drinks. We then rested for the remainder of the day. Ahh, the nights were very cold, but the sky was wonderful with millions of stars above us.
Here are some photos.
Hugs to all.