We have been in a drought and lost our brook back in July… this past Saturday was the first day she’s graced us with her presence again and we couldn’t be more grateful ✨
Took a minute to soak in this spectacular view from the Brook House window while flipping it this morning… impossible not to just stop and admire this wild land.. #fallfoliage #vermontfall #cabinlife #tinyhome #forestmagic #getaway
Learning to speak peacock. He has gotten less panicked around us, and we’ve noticed him playing (or trying to) with our teenage flock. They usually will have moments of chasing one another and spontaneously running across the lawn and he seems to be trying to engage with them. Ultimately they get scared and run away from him so he’ll follow them around… it’s really hilarious and sweet to watch. Peacocks can live for upwards of 20 years so we think he’s roughly the same age comparatively to our teenagers..
#bluepeacock #freerangepeacock #playingchicken