What seeds have you been planting up until now? (Fear, Doubt, Abundance, Adventure)
Because you know that "whatever you sow, you reap" (you know the story from your Bible or Holy Teachings) .
The first time setting foot on the Great Land of Egypt was enchanting- like Woah!! I'm here!! Yo!! WE did it, as this was only a dream. I thought that I would have to die and reincarnate to Egypt before being able to be here. BUT living here- so different. It's not that ancient Egypt, movie s**t. These are not my people from the past life in a time of greatness that I recall from before.
So initially living here, I was unearthed. The picture in the post explains it best. My yoga (life) mind, body, and spirit were shaky. I was really in shock like when that overnight freeze hits NOLA (New Orleans, LA) and you were wearing shorts just that morning. There were no sound, incremental steps in planning. Just the goal of tourism/yoga business * SELF PLUG Nefertari Tours (EXPLORE-ELEVATE-EGYPT) and setting up something stable so my kids can call their own and to not have to rely on a system that does not foster their growth. And though all things were not in place, the Voice, not the show, Myself Internally, kept telling me it's time to go. And the more I tried to ignore it, the louder it called. The image I saw was swamp lands that were fully saturated and sinking and about to be sinking real quick so no time to plan but go ahead and prepare and trust and know that I AM.
So I'm here. And I'm working on my OWN garden.
I'm not looking at my neighbors' garden in comparison. They have their crops that will produce for them and I have mine that will produce for me. We all can't grow carrots.
So I have stopped comparing Egypt to America in most aspects. This takes some weeding out. There is no Dollar Tree, Walmart- fancy people Target, but there are many markets with one- of- a kind and hand made crafts- real treasures.
I'll show y'all when you come.
They ain't got gumbo, red beans, and the good sausage to make jambalaya and my favorite go to NOLA dishes, but the seafood soup not that bad, there are other good dishes and my camel sausage jambalaya cool.
OK! OK! I got a lil delusional and real reachy right here.
Nothing, Nowhere, Nohow come close to that NOLA food!!!
That right there hurt my soul my first Thanksgiving.
*Note: There is no Thanksgiving here, Christopher Columbus didn't discover Egypt, but Habibi be tryna give me a lil piece of America at times.
There are different soils/paths which may make one more or less experienced harvesters in certain areas. It is what it is. No path is greater or less. Just dig.
So much gratitude for even planting seeds (acknowledging life's lessons, gifts, and desires).
I have planted better seeds and there's always work to be done and in due time I will have My green thumb. I've learned to accept help with my gardening Infinite Waters Abraham-Hicks Brené Brown ,my Egyptian and American family (mom, dads, and friends), Habibi and Myself as these were my Heru/ Horus guiding grounding energies, that brought me back to life as I was withering away not tending to my garden allowing my healthy crops to be eaten away ; and the fertilizer that is sometimes flung my way as it assists with the growth.
Stay tuned. I will revisit with some harvesting yoga poses, mantras, and affirmations.
Keep Loving💗 Keep Shining✨ Live Rich 🤑Namaste 🙏🏾