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The ATF just officially published Biden’s pistol ban in the federal register on Tuesday.

MILLIONS of gun owners like YOU now have a 120-day “amnesty” period to send your personal information – including your address, your social security number, your FINGERPRINTS, and a photo of your firearm – to the ATF.

If you don’t comply with this unconstitutional action – and send in your private information or destroy your legally purchased firearm – you could face up to 10 years in jail and a $250,000 fine.

We’re not going to stand by and let unelected bureaucrats rip the Second Amendment to shreds by banning some 40,000,000 pistols with attached “stabilizing braces.”

Our attorneys are working on filing a lawsuit against the ATF to stop them from enforcing this unconstitutional pistol ban and collecting personal information about you and your fi****ms


Earlier this year President Biden signed the death warrant for America…

Executive Order 14067 will essentially cancel your money.

You see Biden and the Fed have teamed up to create a controllable, traceable, programmable digital currency to replace the dollar...

Giving ‘them’ full control to:

Legally spy on how you spend every penny of your money…
Take control of your bank account and your purchases…
Silence any political opponents…

It’s already all underway…

The first phase launches next May with what they are calling “FedNOW” …

Where they will start to track all of our payments…


I made some survival mistakes when I was young and inexperienced, but some when I should have known better.


The same ATF agents who armed Mexican drug cartels and are too scared to go after real criminals, have no problem


Congress is here to serve–not to be served. If Congress can’t do its job and pass a balanced budget, members shouldn’t get paid.

I just re-introduced my “Balanced Budget Accountability Act” to hold Congress accountable and restore fiscal sanity to Washington, D.C.

I've introduced this bill at the start of each new Congress since 2013 because I believe it’s past time we address our public debt crisis for the sake of hardworking Montana families.


Senator Steve Daines




CBDC (central bank digital currency) is in the works. When this happens, there goes our privacy and personal security. Learn how to prepare now.

Wonder how true this is or is it just trying to sell a book.

Wonder how true this is or is it just trying to sell a book.

Secrets From The Medical Underground

Welcome to Fortune and Fun Savings Highway is a professional organization dedicated to providing unique and effective ways for developing true, long-term financial success. We are committed to teaching and living principles of service, integrity, and leadership by example. We place the satisfaction....


In response to Joe Biden’s Executive Order outlawing pistol braces, the ATF just announced their ‘final order’ which makes these accessories subject to the NFA Act!

In other words, the ATF can regulate a pistol brace like they regulate machine guns. And you and I can’t own one unless we possess an ATF Tax Stamp of $200 per year!

And if you have one attached to your firearm after the middle of May when the ATF will be enforcing this rule -- you’ll be facing felony charges!

Similarly, the ATF recently imposed their ‘final order’ on 80% lowers. These homemade fi****ms were considered parts until this order took effect. But now these parts are going to be treated as fi****ms, and subject to the Gun Control Act of 1968.

To be clear, Congress never voted on this.

There were no committee hearings.

The public wasn’t given a chance to weigh in a committee.

This is tyranny at the tip of a pen, from an out-of-control President who hates gun owners and is doing everything he can to weaponize the Federal Government against us!


In response to Joe Biden’s Executive Order outlawing pistol braces, the ATF just announced their ‘final order’ which makes these accessories subject to the NFA Act!

In other words, the ATF can regulate a pistol brace like they regulate machine guns. And you and I can’t own one unless we possess an ATF Tax Stamp of $200 per year!

And if you have one attached to your firearm after the middle of May when the ATF will be enforcing this rule -- you’ll be facing felony charges!

Similarly, the ATF recently imposed their ‘final order’ on 80% lowers. These homemade fi****ms were considered parts until this order took effect. But now these parts are going to be treated as fi****ms, and subject to the Gun Control Act of 1968.

To be clear, Congress never voted on this.

There were no committee hearings.

The public wasn’t given a chance to weigh in on a committee.

This is tyranny at the tip of a pen, from an out-of-control President who hates gun owners and is doing everything he can to weaponize the Federal Government against us!


Take action now: Contact your senators and tell them to oppose the renomination of Nancy Abudu.


This is for all you educated people that think uneducated people are dumb. Let's see how this works out for you and your family if this country keeps pushing for socialism.
"Do you know how to catch wild pigs?"..
There was a chemistry professor in a large college that had some exchange students in the class. One day while the class was in the lab, the professor noticed one young man, an exchange student, who kept rubbing his back and stretching as if his back hurt.
The professor asked the young man what was the matter. The student told him he had a bullet lodged in his back. He had been shot while fighting communists in his native country who were trying to overthrow his country's government and install a new communist regime. In the midst of his story, he looked at the professor and asked a strange question. He asked: "Do you know how to catch wild pigs?"
The professor thought it was a joke and asked for the punch line. The young man said that it was no joke. "You catch wild pigs by finding a suitable place in the woods and putting corn on the ground. The pigs find it and begin to come every day to eat the free food".
"When they are used to coming every day, you put a fence down one side of the place where they are used to coming. When they get used to the fence, they begin to eat the corn again and you put up another side of the fence". "They get used to that and start to eat again.
You continue until you have all four sides of the fence up with a gate in the last side". "The pigs, which are used to the free corn, start to come through the gate to eat that free corn again. You then slam the gate on them and catch the whole herd".
"Suddenly the wild pigs have lost their freedom. They run around and around inside the fence, but they are caught. Soon they go back to eating the free corn. They are so used to it that they have forgotten how to forage in the woods for themselves, so they accept their captivity."
The young man then told the professor that is exactly what he sees happening in America. The government keeps pushing us toward Communism/Socialism and keeps spreading the free corn out in the form of programs such as supplemental income, tax credit for unearned income, tax exemptions, to***co subsidies, dairy subsidies, payments not to plant crops (CRP), welfare entitlements, medicine, drugs, etc., while we continually lose our freedoms, just a little at a time as the government forces us to participate in many of these programs whether or not we want to.
One should always remember two truths: There is no such thing as a free lunch, and you can never hire someone to provide a service for you cheaper than you can do it yourself. If you see that all of this wonderful government "help" is a problem confronting the future of democracy in America, you might want to share this with your friends.
God help us all when the gate slams shut!
Quote for today: "The problems we face today are there because the people who work for a living are now outnumbered by those that vote for a living."


With rumors of an imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine becoming more and more real, Vladimir Putin has ordered the Russian air force to joint patrol with the Syrian air force near Israel's Golan Heights. The sudden move has sent shivers down Israel's defense es


Almost half of Republican voters said they would back Donald Trump's third presidential bid if he were to run in 2024. A recent Morning Consult poll revealed that almost half of Republican primary voters plan on supporting Trump, as opposed to 33% who said that they would vote for Ron DeSantis, the....

Life can be a war. Sometimes we win our battles, sometimes we don’t. We fight against the world to keep the faith, to ho...

Life can be a war. Sometimes we win our battles, sometimes we don’t. We fight against the world to keep the faith, to hold our families together, to pay bills, and to keep our vehicles running. It seems that this war is simply an unending fight against entropy, chaos, decay, and debt. And the inflation we're facing today makes all of these things even worse.
God commanded Adam to take dominion over the Earth and later commanded Noah in a similar manner. Taking dominion means imposing order on the chaos while putting things into their proper places. The first acts of Creation were acts of imposing order. Light was created, then separated from darkness. Sky, Earth, and Water were then separated from each other. Today, it seems like we also need to separate order from chaos in our lives⁸.

Working from home can bring about order, while creation can be brought about simply by starting a home-based business. We have found one of the best at:

Here are the reasons why we think you might agree.

We incorporate the best Private Savings Programs in the world into our Memberships.
As a Member, You Get Exclusive Employee Discounts and Big Savings!
The result is You Save thousands of dollars on the things you already buy!
Optionally, you can refer others to join so they can save, and you earn monthly recurring income!
If you agree, then go to:


As a man, I used to think I was pretty much just a regular guy, but I was born white, into a two-parent household which now, whether I like it or not, makes me a Privileged Racist with the responsibility for slavery that ended nearly one hundred years before I was even born . . . Say What???

I am a fiscal & moral conservative, which by today's standards, makes me a fascist because I plan, budget & support myself.

I went to High School, got a degree, got in some college & have always held a job. But I now find out that I am not here because I earned it, but because I was "advantaged”

I am a fiscal & moral conservative, which by today's standards, makes me a fascist because I plan, budget & support myself.

I went to High School, got a degree, got in some college & have always held a job. But I now find out that I am not here because I earned it, but because I was "advantaged."

I am heterosexual, which according to "gay" folks, now makes me a homophobe.

I am not a Muslim, which now labels me as an infidel.

I believe in the 2nd Amendment, which makes me a de facto member of the "vast NRA lobby”.

I am older than 60, making me a useless elder who doesn't understand Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat.

I think & I reason, and I doubt much of what the "main stream" media tells me, which makes me a "Right-wing conspiracy nut”.

I am proud of my heritage & our inclusive American culture, making me a xenophobe.

I believe in hard work, fair play, & fair compensation according to each individual's merits, which today makes me an anti-socialist.

I believe our system guarantees freedom of effort - not freedom of outcome or subsidies, which must make me a borderline sociopath.

I believe in the defense & protection of America for & by all citizens, now making me a militant.

I am proud of our flag, what it stands for and the many who died to let it fly, so I stand & salute during our National Anthem - so I must be a militant.

I believe God created us and therefore All Lives Matter - so I am a racist.

I am pro-life and against abortions - so I am a misogynist.

I love my father and my brother - so I must be for the patriarchy, and so now I am a chauvinist woman-hating pig. (Please don't tell my wife!)

Please help me come to terms with the new me because I'm just not sure who I am anymore!

Funny - all this nonsense took place over the last 7 or 8 years! And, if all this nonsense wasn't enough to deal with, now I don't even know which restroom to use… and I gotta go more FREQUENTLY now than ever! What in the world am I supposed to be or do now? I think I might chuck ALL of this crap in the crapper and JUST BE ME . . .

you know, an older unapologetic Christian, who is a happy Heterosexual Married Family Man, a successful Independent, Self-supporting, Gun-owning, Hard-working Defender of Capitalism, Free Enterprise and the American way of life, which to me means love for our Country, the American Flag, our Military, our Constitution, and even Apple Pie. And finally, I am someone who is Conservative both fiscally and politically, and who also knows the MSM peddles nothing but "Fake News," which I guess also means I'm as Smart as a WHIP to boot!


And, anyone who does not like it, well, there is still some room in my crapper and they are more than welcome to jump right in, because ANYTHING ELSE IS A LOAD OF CRAP that I no longer have time for! I'll promise to flush often to send you on your way!

If you also are a Proud American, well then, feel free to pass this on!

trump all the way

trump all the way

Almost half of Republican voters said they would back Donald Trump's third presidential bid if he were to run in 2024. A recent Morning Consult poll revealed that almost half of Republican primary voters plan on supporting Trump, as opposed to 33% who said that they would vote for Ron DeSantis, the....

Life can be a war. Sometimes we win our battles, sometimes we don’t. We fight against the world to keep the faith, to ho...

Life can be a war. Sometimes we win our battles, sometimes we don’t. We fight against the world to keep the faith, to hold our families together, to pay bills, and to keep our vehicles running. It seems that this war is simply an unending fight against entropy, chaos, decay, and debt. And the inflation we're facing today makes all of these things even worse.
God commanded Adam to take dominion over the Earth and later commanded Noah in a similar manner. Taking dominion means imposing order on the chaos while putting things into their proper places. The first acts of Creation were acts of imposing order. Light was created, then separated from darkness. Sky, Earth, and Water were then separated from each other. Today, it seems like we also need to separate order from chaos in our lives⁸.

Working from home can bring about order, while creation can be brought about simply by starting a home-based business. We have found one of the best at:

Here are the reasons why we think you might agree.

We incorporate the best Private Savings Programs in the world into our Memberships.
As a Member, You Get Exclusive Employee Discounts and Big Savings!
The result is You Save thousands of dollars on the things you already buy!
Optionally, you can refer others to join so they can save, and you earn monthly recurring income!
If you agree, then go to:

"YES! SHG is the place to be. We saved over $5,100 this year including $1,280 savings on Car Insurance, and we saved thousands on Hotels, Rental Cars and Electronics! Plus we get paid!" ~ Isaiah S. ~ USA

Went to dinner today.

Went to dinner today.


When this guy calls his boss to tell him he's running a little late, he witnesses a car accident and begins the best play-by-play commentary you'll ever hear.

Please share

Please share

President Joe Biden's aides have found additional classified documents at a second location, according to a new report. NBC News first shared the news on Wednesday, though it provided no details regarding the place or details of the new materials. Report: Joe Biden Aides Discover More Classified Doc...


The COVID-19 psy-op was real and went DEEP. How deep? In a stunning report by The San Francisco Standard, an army of doctors and physicians who pushed lockdowns, masks, and experimental COVID-19 shots during the Plandemic did NOT EXIST. They were all fake accounts. According to the outlet’s report



Wife of Jan 6 Political Prisoner Beaten and Blinded in One Eye by Prison Guards Speaks Out — Read Her Letter
about 7 hours ago

A letter from the wife of one of America’s political prisoners, being held captive and denied his civil liberties because he attended a rally for former President Trump on Jan. 6th 2021, appeared in the Gateway Pundit this week, expressing what a disaster America’s judicial system has become- and how the radical leftist uniparty and the corporate media have -together- weaponized politics against average Americans.

Here is the letter:

Hi Everyone,

This is Ryan Samsel’s wife. I am speaking on behalf of Ryan and would like to address, to all of you, some concerns about the abuse that goes on in several of the jails housing J6 Political Prisoners.

A few months after January 30, 2021, when Ryan was arrested, he was detained in the DC Correctional Facility. On March 21, 2021, Ryan was woken up and viciously beaten by the hands of the correctional officers. The COs were clearly directed by a higher power of authority to physically assault Ryan.

Shortly after, Ryan was then moved to Virginia and held in three different facilities (RRJ, CVRJ, then NNRJ).

While in Northern Neck Regional Jail, under the orders of Capt. English, Sgt. Taylor, along with a few others, had Ryan cuffed and beaten while they were all yelling and demanding him to “get down,” so he followed their orders and got down to the ground.

Ryan says:

“The night before, they moved me off of “J” Block for no reason and put me in a cell while visiting with my lawyer. I was ordered to be cuffed in the front by doctors orders because of the blood clots in my arm. Sergeant Taylor, who was a captain at the time, refused these doctors’ orders, forced me to the ground then Captain English stood behind Sergeant Taylor demanding that he stab me, and slam my head into the wall. Then, they returned me to the hole, put me into another cell without a camera but was in view of the block camera and they came back in and beat me, twisted my hands behind me while being uncuffed, then spit in my face and refused to give me food.

Later, I passed out and was forcibly given Narcan (a medication used for someone who is overdosing). The guards told me that I had better say I fell out of my bed, due to drugs. I was refused yet another hospital trip by the prison doctor, and a second doctor was called and told prison officials not to take me to the hospital until he got there. Dr. Dudely (2nd doctor) works at the jail, as well as at the local hospital.

I called my wife for help and she called my lawyers.

Raechel responded:

When speaking with Ryan after the assault it took 3 times to connect with him on the phone because they would cut off the call and would hang up. When we got through to one another he tried talking but I could barely understand what he was saying (Ryan was slurring his words and sounded very disoriented). At points of the conversations he was very quiet and had to yell to get him to talk again. I am not sure if he was going in and out of consciousness. But what I could make out from his words is that he wanted me to help him, call his lawyers and that he could not breathe, and they gave him narcan, to call 911.

US political prisoner Ryan Samsel
The lawyers were able to talk with Ryan after his assault and they were having trouble figuring out what he was saying too. I was yelling saying that they need to do something, help him, he could be dying. I told Ryan to hang in there and we will get him help immediately. I called 911 and called the police. The Lawyers called US Marshall’s and Jail.

Ryan says:

When the ambulance got to the jail the EMTs were told by the jail that there was no inmate named Ryan Samsel there.

At some point I was brought to the hospital and had CT Scan done and the results showed that I had a broken skull and stab marks on my legs. There were pictures of my injuries taken at the hospital, and reports showed that I had no drugs in my system.

After going to the hospital and being returned to the jail, my phone privileges were taken away, and my lawyer refused to acquire the film footage as I had requested. I was refused mail and even a pen/pencil to document anything that happened from the assault. I was put in complete lock down.

At court I had told Judge Kelly what had happened and he ordered the prison to get the needed medical attention for me. The jail gave me a write up 30 days after my court hearing with Judge Kelly.

This brutal assault happened under the orders of Capt. English. I will not let go of what you did to me. The truth will be told, and you will surely regret your cowardness. You have said some nasty and offensive things about me and about the people who died on Jan 6th. I have the facts, and there is video of what you have done.”

In support of my husband I am asking to, please, help Ryan. This is something that cannot go silent. The abuse needs to stop. Enough is enough.

So this is where I am asking people to stand up, be bold, be brave, and speak out.

Write to the local court house, write local newspapers, write to your representatives in congress, etc… Demand investigations into Capt. English for being unprofessional and abusive to Americans who love freedom and God.

Please make sure to support all political prisoners in the jails. Tell them you love them and respect them. Be their voice to bring people together. We are the people who must spread the word. Give all inmates a call-in number.

Let all voices be heard. We stand together, not just 6ers but all who struggle together for freedom. We are one people against big government. This is not a black, white, gay, straight issue. This is the right thing, and an honest system where all people are treated fairly, for all people.

We Love You All.


“Please give to Ryan Samsel’s GiveSendGo account here. This man desperately needs funding,” Jim Hoft added to the report.

Please help and if you can't or won't please tell me why


Reasons Why Everyone should build an ongoing residual income ... just in case ...
Cashflow For Retirement

See the excerpt below of yet one more recent example reported in the news of reasons why everyone should build ongoing residual income … just in case of... a hurricane, a flood, a tornado, any natural disaster, happenings in Iraq or any other unstable oil-producing country, regulatory situations, changes in politics, policies, laws, regulations, technology, unusual cost increases, corporate fraud in high places, changing times, or a myriad of other reasons. The list is endless.
While nothing in life is guaranteed, it is my personal and professional opinion that for myself, and MY family, being an Independent Insureme Reps is the best, most foolproof, crash-proof, disaster-proof, safest, simplest, and most rewarding thing I've ever done. Any it's the absolutely best career in which I have ever engaged, for a myriad of reasons. It's my best choice after 40 years in business, which includes the military, owning several businesses and investments. Insureme is exactly the right company, and the right product, at exactly the right time, and it's fun and simple.
All one needs to do is to quite naturally, and very simply, tell their own story to several people every day, use a resource tool or two, and say, "Why don't you lower your mandatory insurance cost and see what it does for you?" It's a very simple and most rewarding business that is working extremely well for thousands around the US. Anyone who tries Insureme normally saves $600 To $700 on their mandatory insurance cost. The more people whom you tell about it, the more will lower their insurance cost, and the more who lower their insurance cost, the more will buy, and who will tell others... who will tell others... who will tell others... and the beat goes on, and on, and on!! The Insureme story is rapidly moving all over the US, at the speed of the internet!! And you either are, or you can be, in on the beginning of it!!
I-insureme has ACCOMPLISHED the IMPOSSIBLE. . . we have made it possible to earn long-term residual P&C income beginning with only a 30-member team (a 2X4 matrix). Build a team of only 30 Reps (we’ll show you how) and you can earn a long-term residual income of $554 a month within your first six months. Increase your team (again, we’ll show you how, every step of the way) to a total of 120 Reps, and the income jumps to $2757 a month. A team totaling 340 Reps earns you an astonishing $8460 a month, and all this can be accomplished within your first year by following our step-by-step business plan. Our business plan does not require a 2X9 matrix (involving a team of 1022 people), with only the highest levels earning any real money.

That's right; you earn TOP MONEY with ONLY 4 levels. Honestly, it has gone from "It takes a Superman" to now "Anyone can do it" if they are but determined to succeed and will follow our step-by-step business plan! You can earn residual income that can last even beyond the rest of your life. What would money like this do for your family or your retirement plans? Even easier, it all starts with you JOINING our business and finding just TWO people who want to save money buying a product we sell that is required by law for both them, and you, to have. To see how this will work for you, go to and watch (rewatch) the Steps 1 and 2 videos for the amazing updates. Remember, you can only benefit from it if you know about it!

*******Like I said, this is a TRUE game changer. Oh, BTW, we also have lowered the cost to join our business!******
Watch the videos and then click JOIN to make OUR business YOUR business! Any questions, you can ask them online by scheduling a 1-on-1 telephone consultation or you can reply to this email and I'll get back to you. This is a REAL way for you to earn long-term money working from home that will allow you to take financial control of your life again and also to restart or augment your retirement plans!

It's much better in my opinion than being in on Henry T. Ford's launch of the Model T Ford automobile back in 1908. We don't have to build cars, and a network of roads, highways, interstates, gas refineries, gas stations and car repair and maintenance facilities, and thousands of parts for construction and maintenance!! Even with these huge obstacles and challenges, within 25 years, 90% of the US adult population was driving and using automobiles, whereas 20 years before the advent of the Henry Ford's Model T and his revolutionary Production Line, 100% of the US population had no automobiles, and either walked, or used horseback, and horse-drawn buggies and wagons for most of their transportation needs. That was a part of the Industrial Revolution which began about 1750. We are, or can and should all be, part of the huge and exploding "Insureme Revolution."
If you want to know the multiple good reasons to become a part of "The Insureme Revolution" read some comment from people who tried it:
"I have been in the P&C world for 15 years. I wish I had this opportunity when I started." - Chris R.

"In my first week, I took action by following instructions on the website. I obtained my declaration pages from my current insurance brokers. Of course, they knew why I was asking. The next day I received a phone call from SME with a quote to cover my home, auto, two rental properties, and adding an umbrella policy with a well-known insurer. My savings are approximately $900 per year. I am also earning about $120 per year in referral fees on my own policy!" - Bill R.

"Insureme encompasses the information age model with a necessary product, a legally legitimate business structure, and established a system to develop a mutually-profitable relationship." - Haddie J.
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See those who truly jump in and seriously participate in the Insureme Revolution become Healthy, Rich and Free!! ... While those who hesitate and hold back will get left behind, saying, "I could have... If only I would have..." That's what happens to the Procrastinators of Life who wait until it's just too late. We're heading for the future, and the future is now. Make the Choice now to
Join The Insureme Revolution!! CLICK HERE TO JOIN NOW
People fall into one of three groups:
(1) Those who make things happen,
(2) Those who watch things happen, and
(3) Those who wonder what happened."
Everyone has a Choice, and everyone does choose into which group they fall. The last two groups are the ones headed down dead end's, in a rut, on an endless treadmill, treading water until one day they can no longer walk, run, or continue treading water, and when that happens, they will quietly "sink below the waves" of the "Sea of Life," with their songs unsung, and their music unplayed. And many of those who are in the last two groups inevitably live lives of quiet desperation. This is very sad, isn't it? Especially when everyone has a choice. But you can choose, and offer a choice to others. That is really good news, isn't it? So, what will you choose? What will you do? It's totally up to you. Call 201-372-8000 to make a choice ---- CLICK THIS LINK TO JOIN NOW>>>> JOIN
Choose to be a part of "Group 1." That is my recommendation to each of you, and to everyone. Be a Line Crosser, and cross over to the other side. Make things happen!!... for yourself, and for your family, and your heirs. Say, "If it going to be, it's up to me!! ... and Indeed It Is!! It's all up to you. In the final analysis, it's all up to you!! Win, Lose, or Draw... It your Choice, and its your Call... So Choose Well my friends … Choose Well. Come Cross The Line, and join US!!
As Dr. Phil says: "How is what you are doing working for you?" And how long will it work?... As long as you can tread water ... and no longer.
Now see the excerpt below of the sad plight of gas station owners all across America, and across the entire World. Just one small slice of "How it is!!" Things and times always change, creating opportunities for many, and disasters for those who do not change. There are hundreds of other examples that may be cited, but this makes the point clearly.
Yes...Everyone should build an Ongoing Residual Income... just in case... One that grows every month, and multiplies every year, without employees, overhead, or liability!! Doing that create real security, and peace of mind for you and your family.
If this strikes a chord, and makes sense to you, give Tanya and Dennis Rhea a call at 210-372-8000 or made the move and join –
In order for things to change, you've got to change. You can make excuses, or make money, but you cannot make both.
This is intended to be a Wake up Call to all those Americans who are in denial of these facts. It is because of this denial, and refusal to face reality, that 95% of all Americans who reach the age of 65, or should, are either dead, broke, or still working, regardless of their intelligence, education, training, or experience. Think about that... and do something about it!!
We... you and I, can be real Life Enrichers. We have good gifts to offer...The Gifts of Good Health, and Prosperity. Are you going to share and tell what you know and have, and thereby Enrich The Lives of Others, or are you going to commit The Sin of the Desert, and tell no one? Life is full of Choices. As for me and my house, we have Chosen to tell everyone.
Mixed in with the dreamers and procrastinators are the hard-eyed hull thumpers, those couples who have tired of dreaming and have said to each other, "Now is the time to do something. We're not getting any younger, prices aren't getting lower, and the interest rates are probably going to stay high or get higher. Let's do it now (start living)!" These are the lucky ones. These are the people who recognize that God or Mother Nature or the Fickle Finger of Fate doesn't issue non-cancel-able contracts guaranteeing a long life or everlasting heath and vitality. These are the wise few who have faced up to the unpleasant truth that "someday" may never come and that the future. . .their future. . .may be distressingly and frighteningly short.
The rest of the crowd or world is made up of the dreamers who will never quite work up the courage to make the move and will spend the rest of their lives saying, "If only. . ." and, "We shoulda. . .
If this strikes a chord, and makes sense to you, and you are looking for a better life for you and your family, or residual income, or both, give us a
It’s four minutes that can change your life...



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