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The happiest moments of our lives have been at home with our daughters!Let me tell you something that all of you already...

The happiest moments of our lives have been at home with our daughters!

Let me tell you something that all of you already know. (as Sylvester Stallone quotes about life)

The world isn't all sunshine and rainbows, and I don't care how tough you are, it will bring you to your knees and keep you there permanently. . . if you let it and/or allow it.

You or me or no one will hit as hard as life. But it's not about how hard you hit. It is about the force with which they can hit you and you can keep moving forward; how much can you bear and move on.

That's how you win! Now if you know what you're worth, go out and get what you're worth. But you have to be willing to take the hits and NOT point fingers saying you're not where you want to be because of him or her or anyone.

The cowards, fearful and / or timid do that and you are not. You are so much better than that!

We will always Love you, no matter what. It does not matter what happens. You are our daughters, our blood and our ALL.

You are the BEST of our life. We love our loving and caring daughters and we are so proud of you!

Do your best and God will do the rest. Love and Gratitude pass it on.

May all the love you give find a million ways to come back to you. God bless you Indeed!


Gracias a todos por visitar y suscribirse a este canal. Bienvenidos.El Código Moisés es un documental de James Twyman. Su mayor aporte es intentar mostrar el...

The Building is only as tall as the Foundation is STRONG enough to build on.  For more information contact Jerson's Conc...

The Building is only as tall as the Foundation is STRONG enough to build on.

For more information contact Jerson's Concrete at (832)873-9997

Jerson's Concrete work speaks volumes of Solutions & Results for both residential and commercial clients in Houston Texas and surrounding counties.
Downtown Houston.
Houston Heights.
Nassau Bay.
The Woodlands and more.

Love it❤️ Absolutely Gorgeous!!!

Jerson's Concrete Experience is valuable, and Improving is a fantastic way to grow. Congratulations ❤️❤️❤️ Great Job!

Getting older is like climbing a great mountain: as you climb, your strength decreases, but your gaze is freer, your vis...

Getting older is like climbing a great mountain: as you climb, your strength decreases, but your gaze is freer, your vision broader and more serene. Happy and Grateful!!

Envejecer es como escalar una gran montaña: mientras se sube las fuerzas disminuyen, pero la mirada es más libre, la vista más amplia y serena. Feliz y Agradecida!!

“I Haven’t Been Everywhere, but It’s on my List.”“Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.”  Contact us t...

“I Haven’t Been Everywhere, but It’s on my List.”

“Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.” Contact us today

“No he estado en todas partes, pero está en mi lista”.

“Viajar es lo único que compras que te da más enriquecimiento”. Contáctanos ahora

We (you and me) love our family, and promoting good values is our priority.Discipline, Money, Time, Relationships.  Thes...

We (you and me) love our family, and promoting good values is our priority.

Discipline, Money, Time, Relationships. These are just a few of the aspects of family life affected by family values.

Happiness is a joy that comes as a result of positive activity.

Happiness is a skill, Emotional Balance is a skill, Compassion and Altruism are skills, and like any skill they need to be developed. That’s what education is about.

Wisdom and Compassion should become the dominating influences that guide our thoughts, our words, and our actions. Remember Families with defined values are able to stand strong!

Love and Gratitude pass on.

Love only grows by sharing. You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others.- Brian Tracy

Keep your Best Wishes, close to your heart and watch what happens.Plant seeds of Happiness, Hope, Success, Love and Grat...

Keep your Best Wishes, close to your heart and watch what happens.

Plant seeds of Happiness, Hope, Success, Love and Gratitude; it will all come back to you in abundance. This is the law of nature.

Today we expect something good to happen to us no matter what occurred yesterday. We ealize the past NO longer holds us captive. It can only continue to hurt us if we hold on to it. Let the past go. A simply abundant world awaits.

When we are Grateful, fear disappears and Abundance appears.

Happiness is part of who we are. Joy is the feeling.

Today we expect something good to happen to us no matter what occurred yesterday. Realize the past no longer holds you captive. It can only continue to hurt you if you hold on to it. Let the past go. A simply abundant world awaits.

There is a lie that acts like a virus within the mind of humanity. And that lie is,
‘There’s not enough good to go around.
There’s lack and there’s limitation and there’s just not enough.’

The truth is that
There’s MORE than enough good to go around.
There is MORE than enough creative ideas.
There is MORE than enough power. There is MORE than enough love. There’s MORE than enough joy.
All of this begins to come through a mind that is aware of its own infinite nature.

There is Enough for EVERYONE.
If we Believe it,
If we can see it,
If we act from it,
It will show up for us.
That's the truth!

We give because the Love of God has been poured into our heart, not to satisfy the law.

We believe that God gives us Hopes and Dreams in a size that's too large, so we have something to grow into.

As long as we remain vigilant at Building our Internal Abundance
an abundance of Integrity,
an abundance of Forgiveness,
an abundance of Service,
an abundance of Love
an abundance of Gratitude
then external lack will disappear.

May our Effort, Confidence and Concern for others be the altar from which we pray for personal abundance.

Blessings Indeed to our Beautiful Family and Friends. May God will overflow your cup, so grab the biggest one you can find!

Indifference and Neglect often do much MORE damage than outright dislike.

"We wizards have mistreated and abused our fellows

Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant."  Your Highest thoughts hold The Key to your H...

Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant."

Your Highest thoughts hold The Key to your Highest Rewards! Holidays are Coming! Blessings Indeed!

Dear Nancy your are God’s way of saying, ‘I thought you could use a Lifelong Friend’. Thank you for being mine. Happy Bi...

Dear Nancy your are God’s way of saying, ‘I thought you could use a Lifelong Friend’. Thank you for being mine. Happy Birthday darling, Love from Mom

Nancy your Commitment, Devotion, Love, Care and Share over the years have not gone unnoticed. You are the light in our lives, and you bring Joy and Happiness.

We hope you continue to Love Life and Never Stop Dreaming. You deserve all the Happiness in the world.

Today, we are sending you a portion of the Love you gave to us all over the years. Happy! Happy! Happy Birthday! and many more to come. God bless you Indeed!

Today we also Celebrating our Sweet and Lovely Granddaughter Ariel 7th Birthday! and . . . my Life Partner! Hubby! Love of my Life! Great man! Beloved Husband Mr. Roberto Sanmiguel 69 birthday!

Triple 888 Celebration how Bless and Grateful we truly are!


We MUST follow the rules in sequence . . . .

To touch any of my cheese, you need to present me two degrees': Shaquille O’Neal's strict rules for his kids to get any inheritance.

He explained his MOST FAMOUS RULE: In order to touch any of my cheese, you need to present me two degrees. O’Neal says that his kids need at least a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree to receive the money he’s earned.
! ! !

Thumbs up!

Be gentle with each other

Wear your seatbelt in the car

We wait until others have finished talking before we talk

We take turns setting the table each night

Knock before going into each other’s rooms

Achieving independence is an essential part of your child’s journey to adulthood. To make this journey successfully, children need freedom to try new things. But they still need your guidance and support too.

It’s best to talk as a family about consequences. This can ensure that everyone understands and agrees on the consequences when/for breaking rules.

Logical Consequences are respectful of the Child's Dignity while punishment often calls upon an element of shame. Logical Consequences respond to the misbehavior in ways that preserve The Dignity of The Child. The message is that the behavior is a problem
Logical Consequences acknowledge mutual rights and mutual respect.

Logical Consequences are directly related to children’s behaviors and help them to fix their mistakes.

Love and Gratitude Pass it on.

Eternal Blessings! R.I.P Mr. George Floyd I know that in all ethnic groups there are all kinds of people and we cannot g...

Eternal Blessings! R.I.P Mr. George Floyd

I know that in all ethnic groups there are all kinds of people and we cannot generalize, I think that The Police are truly admirable, and deserve ALL respect.

I also think that they work under great amounts of stress, pressure and danger.

A retraining at least once a year could be helpful, an annual reevaluation as well a weekly rotation could be an opportunity to recharge the Physical Energy and Mental Health of the Police who are Essential Employees and work at The Frontlines of ALL the Battles for You and for Me.

We are all human, we are always learning.

People ask for justice and impartiality for the four policemen involved since even though the detainee was under control and did not represent any danger, NO ONE did anything to Stop the Crime.

Eternal Blessings! R.I.P Mr. George Floyd

'The Only Wrong Thing To Say Is To Say Nothing:' Meghan Markle



In real life, heroes aren’t parading in skintight suits or flying around with capes. They look like us. There are heroes...

In real life, heroes aren’t parading in skintight suits or flying around with capes. They look like us.

There are heroes all around us; they might be people you know like your mother or brother or sister or your teacher. It might even be you.

Thank to all the Healthcare Workers . . . Doctors, Nurses and Paramedics arround the world.

We're filled with Immense Gratitud to You for all your sacrifices.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Blessings Indeed.

Have an Optimistic and Overflowing Day! Love and Gratitude Pass it on.

En la vida real, los héroes no desfilan con trajes ceñidos ni vuelan con capas.

Se parecen a nosotros. Hay héroes a nuestro alrededor; pueden ser personas que conoces como tu madre o hermano o hermana o tu maestro. Incluso podrías ser tú.

Gracias a todos los trabajadores de la salud Doctors, Enfermeras y Paramédicos de TODO el Mundo.

Estamos llenos de Inmensa Gratitud hacia ustedes por todos sus sacrificios.

¡Gracias! ¡Gracias! ¡Gracias! Dios Les Bendiga Abundantemente!

¡Que tengas un día optimista y desbordante! Amor y Gratitud Pásalo

Have you noticed that there is always something to complain about? The climate, the traffic, the insecurity in the stree...

Have you noticed that there is always something to complain about? The climate, the traffic, the insecurity in the streets, the lies of the politicians, the health, the money that is not enough, etc., etc. The only thing we gain from the COMPLAINT is to feel worse.

"When we criticize, complain or judge, we are emitting a discordant energy. This energy, by the Law of Attraction, will be returned to us but multiplied. This feeds what we complain about and make it BIGGER"

With the complaint We connect with low energy fields that weaken us, making us vulnerable to disease, social conflict and deprivation. On the contrary, if We talk about GRATITUDE We connect to HIGH Energy Fields, in the levels where Personal Power is developed! Peace! Joy! Happiness! Harmony and MORE!

Have an Optimistic and Overflowing Day! Love and Gratitude Pass it on.

ACT RESPONSIBLY. STAY AT HOME “If We can all do our part to follow Public Health Guidelines to Stay At Home We can slow ...


“If We can all do our part to follow Public Health Guidelines to Stay At Home We can slow and/or stop the spread of this disease.

Stay inside so that we can come Together and Celebrate Life! Birthdays and Holidays Soon.”

There will be a time when this Health Guidelines resume, but for NOW, We ALL need to Stay at Home to flatten the curve

Our top priorities are to be Healthy and the Health and Well-being of everyone in our Family.

“We are Proud and Committed to support the Health Guidelines" Stay Home and Save Lives. We are all in this Together.”

It is an honor for us to support "We are not Playing" campaign, reinforcing The Critical Importance of Social Distancing and Staying Home.

Do it in SOLIDARITY for the Heroism of all the Brave on The Front Lines all across the States, the Nation and the World ...

Do it in SOLIDARITY for the Heroism of all the Brave on The Front Lines all across the States, the Nation and the World . . . Let us salute our Heroes of the coronavirus pandemic. All our Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics, all Health Care Workers on The Front Lines, and all our Essential Workers who continue to report for duty, Showing up Time and Time again risking their own lives to save others.

Thank You Each and Everyone for showing up in these Incredible Times, both onsite and offsite, for your Commitment and Performing your work with Excellence for those you serve.

This epidemic shall pass, but Thank You! Thank You! Thank You for continuing to operate as an AMAZING team of Heroes/Angeles for our sick in this time of need. We're so Proud of You and Grateful. God Bless You Indeed All Your Life


Live and enjoy your LIFE to the Fullest and with Gratefulness!!

☆☆☆☆NOW is The Time☆☆☆☆

Time and Family are our MOST Valuable Assets!

If we truly Love something, we spend/invest time in it. As TIME is a Valuable Resource, when invested, it makes the person, goal or activity even more important for us.

TIME is free, but it’s Priceless. You can’t own it, but you can Use it. You can’t keep it, but you can Spend it. Once you’ve lost it you can NEVER get it Back. Harvey Mackay

The trouble is, you think you have time. Jack Kornfield

The Future is uncertain but the end is ALWAYS Near. Jim Morrison

Time takes it ALL, whether you want it to or not. Stephen King, The Green Mile

Time is a storm in which we are all lost. William Carlos Williams

Time brings ALL things to pass. Aeschylus

Time . . . Time . . . Time. . . The Time I kill is killing me. Mason Cooley

The 10 Most Important Human Values – Inspirational SpeechEverything you THINK… everything you FEEL… every action you tak...

The 10 Most Important Human Values – Inspirational Speech

Everything you THINK… everything you FEEL… every action you take… is because of your beliefs and VALUES.

You may not be aware of it… You may not be conscious of it… but your VALUES shape your decisions… and your decisions shape your LIFE.

If you value MONEY more than HAPPINESS your life might be full of expensive things, but there will be no joy in that experience.

Your VALUES signal what is important to you. They are emotional states that show you what is important, and what you want to experience. Imagine how different your life would be if you changed a value of MONEY and replaced it with the value of LOVE.

Creating and STATING your values consciously can change the direction of your life.

If you decide to apply any of these values to your life, in your own words, in your own way, your own life will be of more value! The following, are the 10 most important human values. This is only our opinion, you can and should create your own in your own words.

Number 1. Health and Energy.

This might be the most important value of all to some people. It will be the most important value of all to some of those who have experienced serious health problems. Without physical health, it is very unlikely you can experience and enjoy all the other values at their deepest levels.

Great health gives you energy and vitality which enables you to dive deeper into the more important things in life, and give more energy and time to those you love. Make the value of HEALTH and ENERGY a priority in your life, by learning what daily nutrition and exercise is best to fuel your body.

What would it take, for you to be at your physical peak? LEARN it. APPLY it.

Number 2. Love.

The overuse of this word makes it easy to misunderstand the true meaning of it.This is not just romantic love, but LOVE of all things. True, non judgemental LOVE. The love you have for your family, friends. The love you have for your favourite things. The love you have for your passion, and your mission.

Making LOVE a priority in your life means there is no room for HATE or indifference.

You could experience LOVE doing anything or with anyone. You could experience LOVE in yourself, by yourself.

How would your life change if you valued LOVE higher?

Number 3. Gratitude and Appreciation

There’s truly no greater power on earth than gratitude. REAL gratitude shuts down all other negative emotions in the moment.

So, how important is Gratitude to you? Well, how important is it for you to FEEL GOOD? If it is important, you must make gratitude a top VALUE and practice it as a priority every day.

It costs you nothing, but makes you so RICH. It takes nothing away from anyone else, but gives you so much power.

How much more magical would your life be, if you lived in a constant state of appreciation for everything that IS GREAT in your life?

Number 4. Kindness and Compassion.

The world would certainly be a better place if people showed more kindness and compassion. Less judgement, more respect.

It’s placing yourself in someone else’s shoes before you judge them.

Have you ever noticed how good it feels when you are kind to someone for no reason? It feels good to be kind, because it is RIGHT to be kind.

What would your life be like, what would your world be like if you valued kindness and compassion more?

Number 5. Integrity.

Knowing you do the right thing, even when no one is watching, and no one will no either way. The inner knowing you always do what is right. That brings PRIDE and it brings inner PEACE.

When you value INTEGRITY you value doing what is right. It is such a powerful value that not only makes a difference in your own life, but also sets a powerful example to all those close to you. It brings HONESTY and TRUST.

How would your life be different if everyone knew you as a person of INTEGRITY?

Number 6. Giving.

This ties in with Kindness and Compassion… as humans we are built to GIVE. Not just give money, or things, but give ourselves fully to others in need. To serve, selflessly.

Karma always ensures what you give is returned, but that is not WHY you give. You GIVE because that is your nature. It’s not an EFFORT, it is natural, it feels good and you know there is no lack.

How differently would you feel if you valued GIVING higher in your life?

Number 7. Growth.

Human beings are wired to GROW.

GROWTH comes from experience, from LEARNING, from failures, from achievements and INTENTION. Intention to get better. This doesn’t mean get better so you can “win”. It means getting better so you can GIVE MORE to the world. So you can EXPERIENCE more. ENJOY more.

It’s about becoming the greatest version of yourself. Not just FOR yourself, but for others. Setting the example of what is truly possible.Reaching your highest potential with INTENTION.How much better will your life be, when you VALUE GROWTH higher on your list?

Number 8. Peace.

Ahhhhh peace. Peace. Nothing more needs to be said. It’s getting to that place of needing nothing.

It’s being alone, and being in bliss. It’s presence. It’s reaction-less. It’s the silence at the peak of the mountain.

How high do you value peace? How much better would your life be if you had more PEACE in it?

Number 9. Family, Friendship and Connection.

It’s caring about someone more than you care about yourself. It’s putting others first. It’s making time for the people you care about.

It’s giving the people you love, and maybe even strangers, your complete presence, and building that connection. It’s making someone else’s day BETTER just because you were in it.

It’s bringing your BEST SELF to every encounter, so the other person walks away with a smile.

How different would your life be, and countless others if you took this approach? Will you VALUE CONNECTION higher on your list?

Number 10. Happiness.

It’s Joy. It’s Playfulness. It’s Fun. It’s Non-Seriousness. It’s a state of real happiness. When time stops and you LOVE what you are doing.

It’s what we all seek. But we do it in so many different ways. Some try and find it through money. But no type of paper is going to bring it to you. Some try and find it through achievements and success… but they come up empty.

It’s within, and it’s a CHOICE. It’s always available and never on sale. YOU DECIDE when you make this a priority and a top VALUE.

How different would your life be if you had HAPPINESS as your highest VALUE?

Ladies and Gentlemen please let's do our part by STAYING HOME and avoiding social situations where we could unknowingly ...

Ladies and Gentlemen please let's do our part by STAYING HOME and avoiding social situations where we could unknowingly catch COVID-19 or pass it to others.

We can take steps to reduce our own personal risk (and the risk we’ll unknowingly spread it to others), such as:

A) Washing our hands frequently (for at least 20 seconds) with soap and water or a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

B) Avoiding touching our face (particularly our eyes, nose, and mouth).

C) Staying home as much as possible, even if we don’t feel sick.

D) Avoiding crowds and gatherings of 10 or more people.

E) Avoiding all non-essential shopping and travel.

F) Keeping 6 feet of distance between ourself and others when out.

G) Getting plenty of sleep, which helps support our immune system.

H) Following all recommendations from health authorities.

☆☆A-B-C Always Be Careful☆☆

Blessings Indeed! Have a Fabulous Week! Love and Gratitude Pass it on.

WE DECLARE God is going before us making crooked places straight. He has already lined up the right people, the right op...

WE DECLARE God is going before us making crooked places straight. He has already lined up the right people, the right opportunities and solutions to problems We haven’t had. No person, no sickness, no disappointment, can stop His plan. What he promised will come to pass. In Jesus name Amen!! Have a Bless Day Indeed!!

Together We're STRONGER!

Together We're STRONGER!


Good Morning my Atlantic Travel Family and Friends!

Set a goal that makes You want to jump out of bed in the morning, and go Confidently in the direction of Your Dreams! Live the Life You have Imagined!!
Have a Wonderful, Spectacular, Remarkable Day! God is good.

Good Morning to my Atlantic Travel Family and Friends! Today We're  Grateful for Today!  Keep Dreaming! Keep Hoping and ...

Good Morning to my Atlantic Travel Family and Friends! Today We're Grateful for Today! Keep Dreaming! Keep Hoping and Keep Planning because The Best Is Yet To Come!

Have an Overflowing and Optimistic Day!! Do Your Best and God will do the rest

5 Things We Should All Be Doing In These Uncertain Times

There’s no doubt about it. We are living in some very uncertain times right now. The spread of disease and illness is only outdone by the spread of fear and panic.

In these uncertain times it is more important than ever to take care of our mental and emotional health… just as much as our physical health.

It is more important than ever to understand that YOU CHOOSE how you respond to each and every situation. YOU CHOOSE what energy you are putting out into the world. YOU CHOOSE the energy you spread to everyone around you.

Will you spread more fear? Or will you be the calm in the storm? Will you be spreading more darkness or will you be the light so others can see?

Here are 5 things everyone should be doing in these uncertain times


NOW, more than ever, it is important that you take time FOR YOURSELF and BY YOURSELF. Spending time alone to clear your mind of negativity and bring yourself back to peace and presence is so important in these times.

Clarity is needed, and the only way you can do that is by clearing the negative clutter out of your mind.

Schedule time alone… at least once per day, and preferably in the morning.

Time to meditate. Time to express and feel all the things you are grateful for… acknowledge your blessings, all the amazing people and things in your life that you may usually take for granted.
Notice how good that feels.

Journal. Set your intentions for the day. How do you want to show up for others? Take a walk. Exercise. Whatever gets your mind clear and in a state of optimism and peaceful clarity.

Never forget your emotional health and mental health are just as important as your physical health… in fact they are undeniably linked. Take care of your-self!

NUMBER 2. Tell those you love how you really feel about them.

REMIND YOURSELF OF WHAT IS TRULY IMPORTANT IN YOUR LIFE. Express gratitude to the people who you are most thankful for.

If you’ve been uncomfortable in expressing yourself in the past, now is the time to get comfortable.

Start small. Write a letter or send a text if you can’t sum up the courage to do it in person. Get your feelings off your mind and out in the open.

Feel the heavy weight release from your life and give that person you love the gift of being appreciated.

As the saying goes… when we get to the end, none of us are going to think we should have spent more time in the office… Remember what and WHO are really important in your life and let them know. NOW.

NUMBER 3. Limit or end news consumption.

What do news programs report? The average day to day beauty of the world… or anything they can find to put you in a state of FEAR and PANIC?

If you guessed the latter you’d be right. FEAR SELLS. PANIC SELLS. Kindness and wellbeing don’t.

FEAR is ENERGY and the more you allow in your life… the more toxic your energy is going to become.

FEAR is the REAL illness in the world today and if you do your research you will soon know it creates DIS-EASE in your body as well. Eliminate that unnecessary stress from your life and consume only positive material daily.

If you do believe the world is going to end, what good is the news going to do for you?

Commit to live out THE REST OF YOUR LIFE in JOY… OPTIMISM… LIGHTNESS, PLAYFULNESS… HAPPINESS. Whether it’s 1 day, 1 year, or 100 more years… whatever you have left… ENJOY IT… love each moment like never before, appreciate every experience you can, experience each moment as if for the first time.

Notice what that energy does for your life, your health and the life experience of all those around you.

NUMBER 4. Develop new skills and knowledge.

Now could be a great time to re-invent yourself. Learn a new skill, upgrade your knowledge. Be open to new perspectives and ideas.

Let go of any FEAR of failure or embarrassment, or any pressure you may have felt from society, family or friends that you SHOULD be doing something else with your life.

Learn more about things you love to learn and make a living from being ALIVE in your work.

NUMBER 5. Stop worrying about things YOU CAN NOT CONTROL.

Let’s get REAL… none of us are going to make it. Every single person listening to this is going to die… At some point in the future we ALL WILL FADE AWAY INTO NOTHINGNESS…

We all know this… so why don’t we live like we know this?

It’s a beautiful thing to know and appreciate that human life is temporary. It’s especially beautiful to NOT know when it’s actually going to come to an end. Understanding that each moment is a GIFT. Every new day is a present we get to unwrap not knowing what is going to be inside.

To live in worry and panic about what may or may not happen… to have anxiety about things out of our control is just stupid!

ENJOY EACH MOMENT. Be grateful for every moment you have on earth. Every moment you get to spend with the amazing people in your life.

Get grateful for the gift of your eyes that get to see the ridiculous magic of this earth. The ears that get to hear the beautiful sounds of nature and music that moves you. All your senses and your amazing body that keeps you breathing and your blood pumping without you needing to do a thing.

Whatever is going to happen in the future is none of our business. WHATEVER HAPPENS NOW… how we choose to feel and project our energy NOW… that’s all our responsibility.

Take that responsibility. Join us to fill this world with more POSITIVE ENERGY. More belief that life is good. More belief that health and wellness surround us. More trust that all is well.Peace and love to all of you.

Love and Gratitude Pass it on.

You don't need to know the whole alphabet of Safety. The A - B - C of it will safe you if you follow it.  Always Be Care...

You don't need to know the whole alphabet of Safety. The A - B - C of it will safe you if you follow it. Always Be Careful!

Carefulness cost you nothing. Carelessness may cost you your life.

Prepare and prevent, don't repair and repent

Safety saves sickness, sadness & suffering. Shortcuts cut life short.

Safety isn't expensive, it's priceless!!

You and Me Love our Family! God Bless and Protect our Family Indeed! In the Powerful Name of Jesus of Nazareth! Love and Gratitude Pass it on.

“I Haven’t Been Everywhere, but It’s on my List.”“Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.”  Contact us T...

“I Haven’t Been Everywhere, but It’s on my List.”

“Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.” Contact us Today.

Nation’s Top Health Experts Urge Calm, Offer Advice About Coronavirus Three of the top U.S. public health experts addres...

Nation’s Top Health Experts Urge Calm, Offer Advice About Coronavirus

Three of the top U.S. public health experts addressed concerns over the nation’s COVID-19 outbreak and offered advice related to staying healthy, caring for friends and neighbors, traveling safely and more during AARP’s Coronavirus Information Tele-Town Hall on Tuesday. Here are some of the highlights of what they had to say on key topics, in their own words. You can also listen to a replay of the tele-town hall.

Nancy Messonnier, M.D.
Director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases

On risks to older adults
“The disease clearly affects older adults more seriously. Starting at age 60, there’s an increased risk of death, and the risk increases with age. The highest risk of illness is in people age 80 and older, and especially people who are older and have chronic medical conditions like heart disease, lung disease and diabetes.”

On travel
“If you are in the oldest age group — in your 80s with underlying health issues — truthfully, it’s not a great idea for you to get on any kind of flight. If you are in your mid-60s and otherwise generally healthy, I think it’s fine to take small flights, say, within the U.S. But I’d still be concerned about longer flights.”

Admiral Brett Giroir, M.D.
Assistant Secretary for Health at the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

On coronavirus exposure
“This is a close contact disease. It is generally spread person-to-person if you are in close contact with one another — that is within 6 feet of one another — and it is spread through respiratory droplets that people produce when they cough or sneeze. These droplets can land on your nose or mouth or potentially your hands. And if you touch your face, you can get it.”

On precautions
“Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Disinfect and clean household surfaces and objects. Wash hands with soap and water, and do it for at least 20 seconds. Wash frequently, or you can use hand sanitizer with a high concentration of alcohol.”

Seema Verma
Administrator for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

On testing
“The good news is, no matter what type of [insurance] program you are in, you can get a coronavirus test without cost-sharing.”

On telehealth
“[With telehealth], you can call your doctor, you can Skype with them, you can send them pictures. All are covered services. Your doctor can bill for these.”

More on Coronavirus
Listen to AARP's Q&A with experts
The latest facts on COVID-19
Symptoms and treatment



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