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The Deb Standard Elevating Life's Caliber

Learn to sit in contentment ⚜️ As we navigate the growth process in our lives it's natural to seek to do more. We have b...

Learn to sit in contentment ⚜️ As we navigate the growth process in our lives it's natural to seek to do more. We have been conditioned if we do more we will achieve more, gain more, yield more.

What if what is required of you in this season is to do less? What is your breakthrough is dependent on you being able to sit in contentment & trust in God?
Would you be able to DO THAT? Would you be able to be grateful and only have faith God is working it ALL out for your good?

At times the biggest steps we can take is to be still. It's a lesson I still wrestle with. To navigate the balance of what is up for me to do and where I need to surrender & rest in God's promises. Because if God said it He will make it come to pass.

If you are struggling in the area of resting ask yourself what are you afraid of? What fears are causing you to need to perform? Ask God to reveal where you are needing his strength to trust in Him.

Bringing Italy to Us 🤍Dining Experiences hold a special place in my heart. The art of being able to cook together & sit ...

Bringing Italy to Us 🤍

Dining Experiences hold a special place in my heart. The art of being able to cook together & sit around a table to enjoy a meal is life giving.

Italy has been calling my name for a while yet the journey over hasnt occured yet. In the spirit of still being able to enjoy La Dolce Vita I've sought after Italian Dining Experiences. From crafting my first risotto to indulging in a decadent pasta flight.

The results, incredible experiences leading to an even further appreciation for the Italian culture. Expanding our life doesn't need to be restricted by our circumstances. All it takes is some creativity & willingness to step out to embrace the season you are in.

There is opportunities for growth no matter the season you're in. Some growth may only reflect itself internally while o...

There is opportunities for growth no matter the season you're in. Some growth may only reflect itself internally while others become evident outward.

Know this, each step you make forward in leading deeper in your relationship with God even if it seems messy, it may seem you are being buried beneath the soil, it will eventually produce life.

Trust God, trust He is a loving Father who seeks to enrich your life with his goodness & mercy. Keep planting those seeds of faith. In it's due season it will sprout up!

"Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously."
2 Corinthians 9:6 NIV

Ventures Downstream ⚜️ STORYTIME 🔽My bestie asked me if I'd be interested in going tubing during our trip. Outside of ou...

Ventures Downstream ⚜️ STORYTIME 🔽

My bestie asked me if I'd be interested in going tubing during our trip. Outside of our controlled contrete lazy rivers it was an experience I'd never done, so in the spirit of growth and getting outside of my confort zones I said yes.

We arrive and it's a whole ordeal! People bring coolers, even music speakers. I was blown away. The excitement was built! Then the moment of truth of actually getting into the water came.

Your lovely friend had on the WRONG shoes - I'm need you to make river/rock proof shoes 😂

The current was fast, much faster than I'd anticipated. My shoes are on the verge of breaking off and the floor is jagged with rocks. I let go of my tube with the group to be able to hold my stance and then it happened... I saw as the group was taken further and further away. There was nothing to hold on to. I started panicking. I could t keep up, fear overcame me.

One of the girls jumped out to come get me. She held on to me & encouraging me to keep going yet I just ended up freezing and started sobbing. Everything inside me said I couldn't make it. It was too far away. Safety seemed to just be unstable.

Until from behind us another group by a miracle had two free tubes! They told us to jump in! Whole our group literally had someone jump out and hold a group of 15 ppl from keep going down stream. We were saved!

All I could think in that moment was - I was lost, forgotten and safety had passed me and I wouldn't ever be able to catch up. It was here that things ended for me. The catch, it was two feet of water!! I could stand! I could of swam! Yet feat paralized me. It paralized me from enjoying the blessings that would come after overcoming the perceived fear.

How many of us are letting two feet of shift moving rocky water paralize us from our dreams? The good news, God has a plan even if you are struggling. He will send favor and mercies to follow you and lead you to your destiny.

If you are paralized today, unsure how to navigate a situation. Cling onto Jesus, He is your rescue and strength. Know He has safety planned for you!

Hair Glam Sessions Reactived ⚜️🤍

Hair Glam Sessions Reactived ⚜️🤍

The freedom from hurry permits your soul to thrive in the simplest of circumstances. It empowers you to embrace your pre...

The freedom from hurry permits your soul to thrive in the simplest of circumstances.

It empowers you to embrace your present and not be robbed of your joy.

Learning to live a balanced rhythm of life is what will enable you to not only achieve your goals, it will permit you to enjoy each season of life.

Northern Coastal Vibes 🤍⚜️

Northern Coastal Vibes 🤍⚜️

Living a full life goes beyond all the success benchmarks you achieve, it is also the moments you slow down to appreciat...

Living a full life goes beyond all the success benchmarks you achieve, it is also the moments you slow down to appreciate the unique spots you are in.

It breaths life into areas of your life you didn't think designated with you. It opens up a new world of possibilities because you discover that in the stillness there is also beautiful opportunities to enrich your life.

Personally, going from a fast paced success mindset to a soft and slowed down being present in the moment has transformed where I seek value.

It's beautiful how God truly gives us the desires of our hearts while still molding us into the version He has called us to be.

Traveling & Discovering is forever at my core and now so is Rest & Softness.

Learn to embrace both sides into your walk. The goal for an elevated lifestyle is quality not quantity.

Bring intentionalility on how you spend your time, energy, resources and watch how much more fruitful life can be!

"There is nothing better for a person than to eat, drink, and enjoy his work. I have seen that even this is from God’s h...

"There is nothing better for a person than to eat, drink, and enjoy his work. I have seen that even this is from God’s hand,"
Ecclesiastes 2:24 CSB

Slowing down enought to enjoy the fruits of your labor is this seasons lessons on Elevating Life's Caliber.

We often are in hyper speed we neglect to take pleasure in the things we do daily.

Take that lunch break, sip your wine, savor those fruits.

By embracing each present moment you begin to see how rich your life truly is filled with gifts all-around you.

"The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps."Proverbs 16:9 ESVThe thing about our dreams is it d...

"The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps."
Proverbs 16:9 ESV

The thing about our dreams is it doesn't come in a straight path. There will be valley and mountain tops along the way. This is why we need to seek God's will. To align our desires with His direction for our lives. Then in His sovereignty He will bring things to pass.

If God said He will do it, believe that in His divine appointed time He will bring it to pass. Believe there are two truths, there is what we see in our understanding & the word God has spoken.

Walking in faith moves you differently. It gives you a boldness to step into places you are unqualified for. It graces you to humble yourself where you once stood in pride. It heals you in areas you walked in brokeness so long it seemed normal. It anoits you to believe for the immeasurably more even if you can't see it.

So make your plans, take those steps of faith & remember to create space for Him to realign your steps. To discover the story He wants to write in your life.

It's time to return to your first loves ⚜️ "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever...

It's time to return to your first loves ⚜️

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."
Philippians 4:8 NIV

Part of Elevating is also learning to live a rhythm of life which is sustainable to achieve all your goals. We no longer...

Part of Elevating is also learning to live a rhythm of life which is sustainable to achieve all your goals. We no longer live for the grind culture, instead we flow ⚜️

Learning to let go of the internal rush & realizing you have an abundance of time at your disposal when you learn to savor each moment with gratitude, presence and joy.

The cares of ones life begins to melt away and you begin to focus on how you are living in a blessing you once cried for.

Each season of our lives is here to teach us a lesson. Don't skip this current season of your life, because it holds key lessons for the next season you are about to walk into.

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens"
Ecclesiastes 3:1 NIV

Lord, I just want to say Thank You. I am here because you have sustained me. Make my life a living worship to you in eve...

Lord, I just want to say Thank You. I am here because you have sustained me.

Make my life a living worship to you in every thing I do & with this new year you have gifted me be to help elevate others towards you!

35 years of Elevating ⚜️💕

Change the narrative of your story 🤍⚜️

Change the narrative of your story 🤍⚜️

Seek to capture the essence of things which speak to your soul. You've heard it said, "You can't have it all" However yo...

Seek to capture the essence of things which speak to your soul.

You've heard it said, "You can't have it all" However you CAN, because your ALL looks differently for each one of us.

Visualize the diverse touch points you want to experience regularly in your life. Then build a life which captures your vision in life.

In the end, you are co-artist with God in your life.

How you show up to others is how you reflect to yourself. One of the biggest transformative parts during your journey of...

How you show up to others is how you reflect to yourself.

One of the biggest transformative parts during your journey of elevation is embodying all the different aspects of yourself. We are multifaceted individuals, each with unique styles, mindsets & points of view. You don't need to be one dimensional.

By embarrassing your uniqueness & accepting God created you to be more than just a fixed mold. He wants you to be a reflection of Him.

Our God is...
⚜️ Jehovah - I Am
⚜️ El Shaddai - All Sufficient One
⚜️ El Roi - The God Who Sees Me
⚜️ Elohim - All Powerful Creator
⚜️ Immanuel - God With Us

If our God is so vaust, how can we as His creation not be?!

Embrace the beautiful person God has created you to be. Let him mold you, after all you are his greatest masterpiece. As every great artist, he prides on leaving his signature touch in YOU!

The softest version of you requires being intentional. Learn to care without carrying Self care is more than skin deep, ...

The softest version of you requires being intentional. Learn to care without carrying
Self care is more than skin deep, it's about setting healthy boundaries even in how much you give to a circumstance. Learn to identify what you are carrying.

How are you being intentional in your self care?

You'll get what you deserve...when you know just how much you're worth 🤍⚜️

You'll get what you deserve...when you know just how much you're worth 🤍⚜️

It's in the moments of vulnerability where your true strength is revealed. One of the beautiful things about learning to...

It's in the moments of vulnerability where your true strength is revealed.

One of the beautiful things about learning to be vulnerable is how empowering it actually is. By sharing the flaws & messy aspects of one's self it enables others to know we may be a Superhero on the outside looking in, yet we are still very much human.

Learning to use Vulnerability leads to...
🔹Establishing Trust
🔹Giving opening to others
🔹New perception on defeats

Over time, you will see your greatest gift is Vulnerability.

"Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working."
James 5:16

If you want to charter new territories you have to be willing to venture into deep waters. Make sure you are equipped wi...

If you want to charter new territories you have to be willing to venture into deep waters. Make sure you are equipped with the right vessel to get you through the journey.

No matter what I go throught, I know my relationship with God is my salvation to keep me safe in crossing the most treturois waters.

"The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him"
Nahum 1:7 NIV

Creating an Elevated Lifestyle means also nourishing your soul. By connecting with nature and it's complexed simplicity ...

Creating an Elevated Lifestyle means also nourishing your soul. By connecting with nature and it's complexed simplicity it enriches your being to value all the beautiful things around you.

At we enjoyed an afternoon of yoga with the cutest special guest! Opening our bodies and hearts to be renewed with an abundance of joy!

Luxury isn't always about the glitz and glam, it's also about simplicity. This Soulful Experience is near the heart of Downtown Orlando offering moments sure to keep you smiling!

What Soulful Experiences do you seek to elevate your lifestyle?

Celebrate the growth you've had so far. We focus on the gaps allowing our joy to minimize the progress we have made in o...

Celebrate the growth you've had so far. We focus on the gaps allowing our joy to minimize the progress we have made in our lives. It's time we stop permitting our small victories to be stolen.

You have overcome obstacles in other seasons you believed would wipe you out. Take a moment, pop that bottle, sip and smile because you are a better version of yourself than you were yesterday.

Plus remember, God's not done with you YET! There is more to come...

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen."
Ephesians 3:20‭-‬21 NIV

The sweetest things in life are in the details ⚜️

The sweetest things in life are in the details ⚜️

A wise person once told me every person you meet has a gift to give you. It may be big or small gifts. Wanted or unwante...

A wise person once told me every person you meet has a gift to give you. It may be big or small gifts. Wanted or unwanted. Nonetheless, you are free to receive their gifts. They were right…

To the loves of the past, present & future…

You’ve taught me how I receive love. Whether it’s cuddles of physical touch, heartfelt love songs serenaded through words of affirmation, hours long submerged in conversations, brought to tears from thoughtful gifts, to sacrificing leaps & bounds in acts of service.

You’ve taught me how to give love.
If we each need something different, the love we give reflects differently. It’s grown me to see others through the lens they receive love.

Most of all, it’s revealed to me how incredibly loved I’ve been throughout my life. I’ve been seen, understood, accepted, desired, valued & celebrated.

To experience love in each diverse, unique and unmatchable ways. What a privilege it has been to love & be loved by YOU ❤️

" Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.
1 John 3:18 NIV

Happy Valentine’s Day Darlings

Special Thank You to for making this day extra special ❤️⚜️

Growth happens with consistency. By take those daily actions you will one day turn around to see how much the work you d...

Growth happens with consistency. By take those daily actions you will one day turn around to see how much the work you did in private now reflects in public.

Don't give up, keep being faithful in what God has called you for in this season. It may not be Insta-Worthy but it is Kingdom worthy.

Your obedience in silence is what is going to move mountains.

Our true identity can only stand on one truth. To become the best version of yourself, begins with knowing who you are c...

Our true identity can only stand on one truth. To become the best version of yourself, begins with knowing who you are called to be.

God knew us, before all the...
🔹 Detours

God knew us, before we even knew ourselves. As we stand firm with Him & His word He begins to reveal through his everlasting mercies not only the plans He has for us, He also reveals who we are to him.

Believe today, you are separated & loved by God. Not only as His creation but as his child. He wants to protect you, discipline you and give you hope for each day. Stand strong on the truths He says about you.

'God the Father knew you and chose you long ago, and his Spirit has made you holy. As a result, you have obeyed him and have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ. May God give you more and more grace and peace."
1 Peter 1:2 NLT

If you seek to learn who that version of yourself is, seek God, spend time in his presence. He answers those who call on him.



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