U 17. stoljeću jezuiti odlučiše na istočnoj strani Kastva izgraditi velebnu crkvu posvećenu sv. Mariji. Svi su Kastavci bez ikakve naknade morali pomagati pri gradnji, pa i siromašna udovica s troje male djece. Kad je na nju došao red da iz zaljeva Preluk (pokraj Opatije) na leđima nosi morski pijesak za gradnju, zamolila je jezuita koji je vodio radove da ju oslobodi obaveze kako bi mogla otići raditi kao sluškinja u neku obitelj da zaradi komad kruha za svoju gladnu djecu. Umjesto da joj to dopusti, redovnik ju potjera na posao udarivši ju tri p**a korbačem. Ponižena i uvrijeđena Kastavka je proklela gradnju: „Dajboh da nikada ne dofinite crekav!“
Prema legendi, jezuiti su tri p**a pokušali dovršiti crkvu, ali se ona uvijek rušila. Do danas se ne zna zašto se rušila i je li ikada uopće bila dovršena.
I danas ruševine te crkve, u narodu nazvane Crekvina, stoje u Kastvu kao povijesni i kulturni spomenik
In the 17th century, the Jesuits decided to build a magnificent church dedicated to St. Mary in the eastern part of Kastav. All the local people had to help build it without any compensation, even a poor widow with three small children. When it was her turn to carry the sand used in construction on her back all the way from Preluk Bay (next to Opatija), she asked a Jesuit who was in charge of the building to free her from the obligation so that she could work as a maid with some family to earn a piece of bread for her hungry children. Instead of letting her go, the monk made her work and even hit her three times with a whip. The humiliated and offended woman cursed the building:"Please God, don't let them ever finish the church!"
According to legend, the Jesuits tried to complete the church three times, but it always collapsed. Today, we don't know why it collapsed or if it was ever finished.
The ruins of this church, known locally as Crekvina, today still stand in Kastav as a historical and cultural monument.