Right folks, I've pinned down Fay to a date so we're doing Sunday 21st this month. The boat will be around the area of Harefield and Denham in West London which is a stunning part of the canal and has some wonderful pubs along it.
The plan is to have all the usual frivolities, and to stop off at a pub for lunch where Fay will entertain a table or two, after which, back to the boat for a discussion and workshop on the why's and wherefores.
I gotta tell you, this really isn't to be missed. Some of you may know Fay, but I'll say I once spent a wonderful day with her out in the countryside away from the hustle and bustle of magic clubs et al, and she is SUCH a wealth of knowledge, information and insight it's untrue. Fay REALLY knows her stuff, and you'd be a fool to pass it up! Like this post and I'll DM you with more information and how to book! Cheers!