Yay 😀 C’est mardi donc on y va au marché à Grignan..
I love my Tuesday’s. It’s market day in Grignan, so time to stock up on all things seasonal, local, artisanal et fait maison.
Today’s basket includes tomatoes from , mouthwatering strawberries from , homemade pasta, pesto and a tiramisu.. not sure how that got into my pannier!! .. from the lovely Maëlle’s et Leo my weekly bouquet des fleurs from my lovely friend Jenny and OF COURSE une excellent bouteille de Brigand rouge from . That didn’t quite make it back to chez moi!! As it was such a gloriously sunny day, it was presque l’heure d’apéro, and Aurélia had a bottle opener to hand it would have been positively rude not to share a glass avec mes aimes Very lovely it was too.. 🍷
Bonne semaine à tous 😎☀️