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If you haven't been to the Grand canyon you wouldn't know how grand it is.
Major changes in how you travel!
What do you think of the new laws?
Angels Falls is 3212 ft and is located in a difficult place to get to in Venezuela.
I think it's crazy to watch videos of people base jumping off of this guy.
On my bucket list. Probably will wait for a government change down there.
Have you been somewhere so beautiful that no one believes you when they show them?
📍 Roatan Honduras
There's no way a video can show you how big El Capitan. But here's my go at it.
Take the ultimate mental break. Take a hike to better your mental health. Go wander a river. Go to the mountains
Yosemite National Park. ❤️
Do you want to go to Banff with me?
I mean I guess the tall buildings, the history, and the food is worthwhile. 🤣
Make sure you get lost and find yourself.
There's a whole world out there. You're bound to learn something new.