China Visa Service

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China Visa Service Process Chinese visa, company registration, tax agent, trademark application, book hotel and condo and air-tickets,etc


菲律宾退休居留签证主申请人需要提供哪些文件?业务办理微信: quickbiz 或telegram:

填写完整的 SRRV 申请表– 信息必须以打字形式填写,并且必须提供所有信息

医疗证明– 可以从原籍国获得。但是,如有必要,上述文件必须翻译成英文,并且必须在证书签发地进行认证。申请人可以选择从菲律宾任何有执照的医生/诊所/医院获得医疗证明。如果证书是在菲律宾获得的,则无需任何认证。医疗证明自获得之日起仅在 6 个月内有效。

无犯罪记录证明– 申请人需要从原籍国或国外居住地获得此证明。如有必要,上述文件必须翻译成英文,并且必须在获得无犯罪记录证明的地方加注认证。无犯罪记录证明自获得之日起 6 个月内有效;

国家调查局 (NBI) 许可– 如果申请人在申请 SRRV 之前自最后一次入境之日起在菲律宾停留超过 30 天,则需要 NBI 许可(菲律宾文件)。NBI 许可仅在获得之日起一 (1) 年内有效。NBI 许可不能替代经过认证的警察许可。

签证押金的银行证明– 签证押金的数额取决于申请人选择的 SRRV 选项。如果申请人将有两个 (2) 以上的受抚养人,则必须以主申请人的名义为每个额外的受抚养人汇出 15,000.00 美元的额外签证押金,但 SRRV 礼遇下的前菲律宾人除外。

带有菲律宾有效入境/入境签证的原始护照– 申请人(无论是主申请人还是受抚养人)在处理 SRRV 申请期间必须在菲律宾。申请人必须持有有效期至少为 20 个工作日的临时访客签证,以便 PRA 和移民局接受 SRRV 申请。如果临时访客签证的有效期少于 20 个工作日,申请人必须延长签证有效期(退休人员需支付额外费用,费用须支付给移民局)。除颁发给前菲律宾人及其受抚养人的 Balikbayan 签证外,其他签证必须降级为临时访客签证。

照片— 2×2(12 张),白色背景,无眼镜。



额外要求- 婚姻证明(婚姻合同、结婚证),如有必要,必须翻译成英文,并且必须在证书/合同的出处进行加注。


申请纳入的子女必须满足主申请人的所有要求,但银行证明和/或 NBI 许可(如果受抚养子女未满 18 岁)除外。

额外要求 -与委托人的关系证明(出生证明、家庭/户口登记册),如有必要,必须翻译成英文,并且必须在证书颁发地进行认证。


对于加入SRRV Classic-with Pension Scheme的主申请人:

由有关政府和/或私人实体签发的退休福利证明,金额相当于每月 800 美元(单身申请人)或至少每月 1,000 美元(夫妇);

对于通过SRRV Human Touch加入的主要申请人:

显示既往疾病状况并需要医疗/临床护理和服务的医疗证明,2) 由有关政府和/或私人实体颁发的等值或超过 1,500.00 美元的退休福利证明,3) 菲律宾认可的健康保险;

对于根据SRRV 礼遇加入的前菲律宾公民:


对于根据SRRV 礼遇加入的外国公民:


对于符合SRRV 扩展礼遇的外国公民:






在马尼拉处理申请从提交申请起至少需要 20 个工作日(约 1 个月,因为不包括节假日和周末)。如果在宿务处理申请,则需要大约 30-45 个工作日,因为文件会转发到马尼拉。


申请费——起价 1,400 美元,具体金额取决于受抚养人的数量

年费 – 360 美元或 10 美元,具体取决于申请的 SRRV 类型



菲律宾业务办理微信: quickbiz 或telegram:



9(a)临时访问签证:此签证允许停留时间超过 30 天,并且可以在签证到期前申请延期。



配额移民签证:每年仅限 50 个签证,颁发给拥有足够金融资本、特殊技能或能为国家带来利益的资格的外国人。

特殊居民退休人员签证 (SRRV):提供给那些希望永久居住在菲律宾并拥有多次入境特权但必须满足最低存款投资要求的人士。

条约贸易商签证或 9(d)签证:颁发给计划在菲律宾投资至少 120,000 美元并建立业务量的公司投资或在其中工作的美国、德国或日本公民。

特别投资者居留签证 (SIRV):颁发给在符合条件的经济活动中投资至少 75,000 美元的外国公民。只要满足投资要求,此签证允许无限期居留。


就业签证或 9(g) 签证:菲律宾为菲律宾公司招聘的外国人签发的签证。雇主必须申请此签证,该签证通常颁发给拥有该国罕见技能和资格的外国人。初始有效期为 1 至 3 年,可延长至 10 年。


多次入境签证:允许持有人在特定有效期内多次前往外国。就菲律宾而言,多次入境签证的有效期为 6 个月或 12 个月。




菲律宾公寓法允许外国人拥有公寓单元,前提是菲律宾人拥有至少 60% 的建筑产权。


由于菲律宾公民拥有 60% 或更多的所有权,因此可以通过公司收购财产。





Requirements for applying Chinese visa


a). Original passport with at least six months of remaining validity and with at least 2 pieces of blank visa page.

b). A photocopy of the passport (the data page that includes the photo, personal information and signature page)

Please note: If you have dual or multiple nationality, you will need to provide all valid original passports. If you have an original passport that has expired before, please provide it as well.

(2)Visa Application Form and Photos

One completed Visa Application Form and the confirmation page of the formwith signatures; two recently-taken (within 6 months) color photos, front view, white background, in 48mm x 33mm size without head covering. Stapled/taped/clipped/detached photos will not be accepted.

Please note: Complete the visa application form online. Please bring a printed and signed visa application form with you when you come to the Visa Center to submit your application. Please fill in the application form truthfully and completely, and carefully check the information filled in the application form to ensure that the basic identity information is accurate.

Please ensure that you have uploaded the correct photograph of the person detailed in the application form when filling in the online application. The Visa Center may reject any application where the uploaded image is of another person. A new application form with an appropriate photograph will be requested if the application form contains another person's photo. If the online form indicates that the photo is not qualified and cannot be uploaded successfully, Please be sure to bring an appropriate photograph to the Center when you come to submit your application.

(3) Proof of legal stay or residence status in the Philippines (applicable to applicants from third countries)

Please submit the original and copy of the proof of residence permit, employment or study in the Philippines.

Please note: Temporary visitors to the Philippines should apply for Chinese visas from the Chinese Embassy/Consulate in the countries in which they live, unless the applicant can provide proof of employment/study or other occupational status and the visa officer will make the final decision on a case-by-case basis. You must also submit a photocopy of the Philippine visa and immigration entry stamp on your passport.

(4) Photocopy of previous Chinese visas (applicable for those who have obtained Chinese visas before)

If you have obtained Chinese visas before, you should provide the photocopy of the latest identical Chinese visa. It might facilitate the Embassy to issue the most appropriate visa to you .

(5) Photocopy of previous Chinese passports or previous Chinese visas (applicable to foreign citizens who used to have Chinese citizenship).

If you are applying for a Chinese visa for the first time, you should provide the last Chinese passport held and a photocopy of its data page.

If you have obtained Chinese visas before and apply for a Chinese visa with a renewed foreign passport that does not contain any Chinese visa, you should provide original previous passport(s) and present the photocopy of the previous passport's data page and the photo page if it is separate, as well as the previous Chinese visa page (If your name on the current passport differs from that on the previous one, you must provide an official document of name change).

(6) Travel itinerary and reservation of round-trip airline ticket and hotel, or An Invitation letter issued for tourist issued by a relevant unit or individual in China (Either will do ) with photocopy of both front and back sides of Chinese ID (for Chinese citizens) or foreign passport and residence permit (for foreign citizens) provided by the inviter.

The invitation letter must be consistent with the information provided in the visa application form.

The invitation letter should contain:

a) Information on the applicant : full name, gender, date of birth, etc.

b) Information on the planned visit: arrival and departure dates, place(s) to be visited, accommodation arrangements, etc..

c) Information on the inviting entity or individual: name, contact telephone number, address, ID number of the individual inviter, official stamp, signature of the legal representative or the inviting individual.

(7) Applicants under 18 years old also need to provide the following in addition to the above materials,

a). Photocopy of the Birth Certificate with parents' names

b) Photocopy of the parents’ passport

c) A consent letter demonstrates that the applicant has permission to travel from every parent who is not accompanying them on the trip.

c). If parent(s) is holding non-Filipino passport, please also provide the original and photocopy of the legal status (work visa, study visa or residence permit) in the Philippines.

d). If the applicant was born of a transnational marriage between China and the Philippines, and is applying for a Chinese visa for the first time, in addition to the above documents, a copy of the residence or visa certificate in the Philippines held by the parent who is a Chinese citizen when the child was born should be provided.

(8) First Time Chinese Visa Applicant (not applicable to foreign citizens who used to have Chinese citizenship / applicants under 18 years old) please provide the following additional documents:

A) Bank Certificate of Deposit Balance(including the past 6 months bank statement) and the receipt for payment of this certificate (required);

B) BIR-stamped Income Tax Return Form and Certificate of Employment(detailing the salary and the length of employment ) or:

D) Business Registration Certificate(if you are the owner) or

E) Professional ID/Student ID (if applicable);

F) Other relevant documents proving the applicant's economic condition/ employment/study, or supporting the applicant's travel to China, or explaining the travel purpose (if applicable);


1. The applicant shall fill in the application form truthfully, completely and clearly. The application form must be signed in person (minors can be signed by parents or guardians, and indicate the relationship between the two parties).

2. Application doucuments must be authentic and complete. Falsified or incomplete documents will be rejected.

3. Answer the visa officer's questions truthfully.

4. In accordance with relevant Chinese laws and international practices, consular officers have the right to request the applicant to submit other relevant supporting documents, refuse to issue a visa without giving reasons, and may require the applicant to undergo an interview. The consular officer decides whether to issue a visa and the validity, duration of stay and number of entries of the visa according to the individual circumstances of the applicant.

5. When collecting the visa, the applicant has the responsibility to check the visa info. If you have there is any question, please ask immediately.

6. The applicant shall bear the responsibility for the consequences caused by the following circumstances, and please pay attention to avoid them:

(1) The application form is not truthfully filled in, the application form is incomplete, or the declaration information is untrue, resulting in the visa rejection;

(2) Visa rejection results from that passport, photo does not meet the requirements, or relevant required application materials has not been provide;

(3) Applying for a visa too early that results in the expiration of the visa, or failing to apply for the visa due to some reason, and being denied boarding or entry;

(4) The visa expires due to inproper arrangements or third-party reasons and cannot be used;

(5) failing to check the number of entries, validity, stay period and passport validity before departure, resulting in being denied boarding or entry;

(6) Other reasons that the visa cannot be used due to the applicant.

7. All application documents will be kept by the Chinese Embassy. The Visa Center will only return your passport back when you come for collection.


1) 护照 – 有效期至少为 6 个月的护照原件,至少有一张空白签证页,以及护照信息/照片页和紧急联系页的复印件。需提交以前的旧护照。
2) 签证申请表及签名确认页。
3) 一张照片——近期(6个月内)正面照片,白底,尺寸48mm x 33mm,不戴头巾。(具体照片要求请点击此处。) 不接受装订/粘贴/剪裁/分离的照片。
** 不接受邮寄申请。必要时,领事官员可要求申请人提供其他证明文件或补充材料,或要求申请人面谈。
行程单及 往返机票和酒店预订单,或 来自中国的邀请函*(请参阅下面的备注) 以及邀请人的中国身份证/护照和中国居住证复印件。
1) 首次申请中国签证 – 请提供以下附加文件:
A) 银行存款证明余额(包括过去6个月的银行对账单)及该证明的付款收据;
B) 盖有 BIR 印章的所得税申报表;
C) 就业证明(详细说明工资和工作年限);
D) 商业登记证(如果您是业主);
E) 专业 ID/学生 ID(如果适用);
F) 证明申请人经济状况/就业/学习情况,或支持申请人来华旅行,或说明旅行目的的其他相关文件(如适用);
2)以前的中国签证 ——如果您以前获得过中国签证,您应该提交签证复印件,如果签证在您的旧护照上,您还应该提交旧护照。
3) 非菲律宾国民 – 请提交在菲律宾居留、就业或学习的证明。临时赴菲律宾旅游者应向所在国中国使领馆申请中国签证,除非申请人能提供就业/学习或其他职业状况证明,并由签证官做出最终决定视具体情况而定。您还必须提交护照上的菲律宾签证/移民入境印章的复印件。
4) 姓名变更证明 – 如果新护照上的姓名与原护照上的姓名不同,则必须提交当局签发的姓名变更的正式文件(出生证明/婚姻合同)。

Process Chinese visa, company registration, tax agent, trademark application, book hotel and condo a


Chinese work visa process

WeChat: ph-chconsortium


Work Visa

Work visa is also required if you belong to the following categories:

* Those who visit China for technical support, R&D, management or consulting etc., unless for any business activity regarding winning projects, or technical support or training for machinery equipment imported to China, or for any business activity for subsidiaries, branches or representative offices in China and will stay in China for less than 90 days.

* Those who visit China for film production (including advertisement and documentary), fashion shows (including car model, plane advertisement etc.).

*Those who visit China for commercial entertainment performance or shows.
* Coaches, athletes who visit China for a trial for the purpose to be hired.

The original and copy of Employment Permit for Foreigner / Foreign Expert Permit / Notification Letter of Foreigner's Work Permit(copy is acceptable)/ Registration Certificate of Resident Representative Office/ Approval for Commercial Performance.

* Commercial entertainment performance or shows for less than 90 days: The original and copy of Approval of Short-Term Employment for Foreigners Working in P. R. China and Approval for performance issued by a competent Cultural Department/Bureau.

* Other short-term working for less than 90 days: The original and copy of Employment Permit for Foreigner and Approval of Short-Term Employment for Foreigners Working in P. R. China issued by a competent Department/Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security in China.

Process Chinese visa, company registration, tax agent, trademark application, book hotel and condo a


Work Visa

Service wechat:quickbiz or telegram:

Work visa is also required if you belong to the following categories:

* Those who visit China for technical support, R&D, management or consulting etc., unless for any business activity regarding winning projects, or technical support or training for machinery equipment imported to China, or for any business activity for subsidiaries, branches or representative offices in China and will stay in China for less than 90 days.

* Those who visit China for film production (including advertisement and documentary), fashion shows (including car model, plane advertisement etc.).

*Those who visit China for commercial entertainment performance or shows.
* Coaches, athletes who visit China for a trial for the purpose to be hired.

The original and copy of Employment Permit for Foreigner / Foreign Expert Permit / Notification Letter of Foreigner's Work Permit(copy is acceptable)/ Registration Certificate of Resident Representative Office/ Approval for Commercial Performance.

* Commercial entertainment performance or shows for less than 90 days: The original and copy of Approval of Short-Term Employment for Foreigners Working in P. R. China and Approval for performance issued by a competent Cultural Department/Bureau.

* Other short-term working for less than 90 days: The original and copy of Employment Permit for Foreigner and Approval of Short-Term Employment for Foreigners Working in P. R. China issued by a competent Department/Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security in China.

Process Chinese visa, company registration, tax agent, trademark application, book hotel and condo a



业务微信:quickbiz 或 telegram:


* 为技术支持、研发、管理或咨询等目的来华的人员,但中标项目的商业活动、进口机械设备的技术支持或培训、子公司、分公司、代表处的商业活动除外居住在中国且在中国停留时间不超过90天。

* 来华拍摄电影(包括广告、纪录片)、时装表演(包括车模、平面广告等)的人员。

* 以聘用为目的来华试训的教练员、运动员。


* 经营性文艺演出或演出时间不超过90天:主管文化厅(局)出具的《外国人来华短期就业批件》和《演出批件》原件及复印件。


Process Chinese visa, company registration, tax agent, trademark application, book hotel and condo a

✅✅All Available Services   ✅✅Work VisaWork visa (z visa )                        ✅✅Study visa Study visa is available fo...

✅✅All Available Services

✅✅Work Visa
Work visa (z visa )

✅✅Study visa
Study visa is available for
those in china, online and
offline classes.

We clear overstay for all
nationality and visa types

✅✅TESOL/TEFL certificate
100% authentic online exam based

✅✅ HSK certificate 1-6

✅✅Stay (T) visa
T visa is available for one
month confirm.

✅✅ Business visa
Business visa for 3 months, 6 months & 1year

✅✅Transfer work Visa
Transfer work visa is
available for one year

✅✅ Work Visa Extension

✅✅Degree Authentication
And Notarization (Master's diploma, bachelor's degree certificate).

✅✅Documents Translation
(English to Chinese)

✅✅PU/Invitation letter

✅✅Family Visa

Contact me today for more details
WeChat: quickbiz







✅✅ HSK 证书1-6


✅✅ 商务签证


✅✅ 工作签证延期






如果您需要中国工作签证,在中国注册公司或者开公司,可以拨打我的电报,或者直接添加我的微信,上市公司为您服务,实体办公室或地址,水电费全部包含,无需任何其他 收费,最好的服务。 电报: 微信:quickbiz

如果您需要中国工作签证,在中国注册公司或者开公司,可以拨打我的电报,或者直接添加我的微信,上市公司为您服务,实体办公室或地址,水电费全部包含,无需任何其他 收费,最好的服务。


If you need a Chinese work visa, register a company or open a company in China, you can call my WhatsApp, or directly ad...

If you need a Chinese work visa, register a company or open a company in China, you can call my WhatsApp, or directly add my WeChat, listed companies to serve you, physical offices or addresses, water and electricity are all included without any other charges, the best service.

WeChat: quickbiz

Usually, applying for a Chinese work visa requires a minimum of a bachelor's degree or above. Now if you don't graduate ...

Usually, applying for a Chinese work visa requires a minimum of a bachelor's degree or above. Now if you don't graduate from university, you will also have the opportunity to obtain a work visa from China. If you wish to work legally in China for a long time or establish your own company to do business, but do not have a university diploma. You can contact me anytime!

申请签证延期所需证明材料中国签证受理业务微信: ph-chconsortium 或telegram:外国人申请延长签证停留期限,应当在签证注明的停留期限届满7日前向公安机关出入境管理机构申请,并按照要求提交相关申请证明材料:1、持C字签证者...


中国签证受理业务微信: ph-chconsortium 或telegram:











10、持X2字签证者,应当提交中国境内教育、培训机构出具的在读证明函件。可以延长停留期限不超过180日。 延长签证停留期限,累计不得超过签证原注明的停留期限。



















China visa extension Business WeChat: ph-chconsortium or telegram: Foreigners who apply to extend the period of stay of ...

China visa extension
Business WeChat: ph-chconsortium or telegram:
Foreigners who apply to extend the period of stay of a visa should apply to the exit-entry administration agency of the public security organ 7 days before the expiration of the period of stay indicated on the visa, and submit relevant application supporting materials as required: 1. Those holding C visas should submit documents at or above the county level Certification letter issued by the competent department of the people's government or local civil aviation, railway, highway, port and other transportation companies. The period of stay can be extended for no more than 30 days.

中国签证延期业务微信: ph-chconsortium 或telegram:外国人申请延长签证停留期限,应当在签证注明的停留期限届满7日前向公安机关出入境管理机构申请,并按照要求提交相关申请证明材料: 1、持C字签证者,应当提交县级以上人民...

业务微信: ph-chconsortium 或telegram:
外国人申请延长签证停留期限,应当在签证注明的停留期限届满7日前向公安机关出入境管理机构申请,并按照要求提交相关申请证明材料: 1、持C字签证者,应当提交县级以上人民政府主管部门或者当地民航、铁路、公路、港口等运输公司出具的证明函件。 可以延长停留期限不超过30日。

赴华签证办理WeChat: mnlvisatelegram:

WeChat: mnlvisa



赴中国签证申请请联系业务微信:ph-chconsortium 或 telegram:



中国境内亲属的邀请函 ,须附本人身份证复印件或中国永久居留证复印件、 亲属关系证明原件及复印件。


探亲签证,发给 中国公民的家庭成员或持有中国永久居留许可的外国人的家庭成员在中国居留不超过180天的签证。

中国境内亲属的邀请函 ,须附本人身份证件或中国永久居留证复印件。

赴中国签证申请请联系业务微信:ph-chconsortium 或 telegram:


1) 护照 – 有效期至少为 6 个月的护照原件,至少有一张空白签证页,以及护照信息/照片页和紧急联系页的复印件。需提交以前的旧护照。

2) 签证申请表及签名确认页。

3) 一张照片——近期(6个月内)正面照片,白底,尺寸48mm x 33mm,不戴头巾。(具体照片要求请点击此处。) 不接受装订/粘贴/剪裁/分离的照片。



** 不接受邮寄申请。必要时,领事官员可要求申请人提供其他证明文件或补充材料,或要求申请人面谈。

1) 首次申请中国签证 – 请提供以下附加文件:

A) 银行存款证明余额(包括过去6个月的银行对账单)及该证明的付款收据;

B) 盖有 BIR 印章的所得税申报表;

C) 就业证明(详细说明工资和工作年限);

D) 商业登记证(如果您是业主);

E) 专业 ID/学生 ID(如果适用);

F) 证明申请人经济状况/就业/学习情况,或支持申请人来华旅行,或说明旅行目的的其他相关文件(如适用);

2)以前的中国签证 ——如果您以前获得过中国签证,您应该提交签证复印件,如果签证在您的旧护照上,您还应该提交旧护照。

3) 非菲律宾国民 – 请提交在菲律宾居留、就业或学习的证明。临时赴菲律宾旅游者应向所在国中国使领馆申请中国签证,除非申请人能提供就业/学习或其他职业状况证明,并由签证官做出最终决定视具体情况而定。您还必须提交护照上的菲律宾签证/移民入境印章的复印件。

4) 姓名变更证明 – 如果新护照上的姓名与原护照上的姓名不同,则必须提交当局签发的姓名变更的正式文件(出生证明/婚姻合同)。

5) 中国护照原件 ——原国籍为中国或在中国(含香港、澳门、台湾)出生的首次申请者,需提交中国护照原件及护照信息页/照片页复印件,和扩展页面(如果适用)。您无需提交所得税申报表和银行对账单。

赴中国签证申请请联系业务微信:ph-chconsortium 或 telegram:





Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Please contact us if you need to apply for a work visa.

Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Please contact us if you need to apply for a work visa.

中国签证大量接单业务微信: mnlvisatelegram:欢迎关注微信公众服务号:fhtbiz 牵手菲华通海外生活更轻松。

业务微信: mnlvisa
欢迎关注微信公众服务号:fhtbiz 牵手菲华通海外生活更轻松。


Basic requirements for VISA Application

1) Passport – Original passport that is valid for at least another 6 months with at least one blank visa page, and a photocopy of the passport's information/photo page and emergency contact page. The previous old passport is required to be submitted.

2) Visa application form and the confirmation page with signatures.

3) One photo – The ID photo should be recent (within 6 months), front view, white background, in 48mm x 33mm size without head covering. Stapled/taped/clipped/detached photos will not be accepted.

4) Proof of legal stay or residence status in the Philippines (applicable to applicants from third countries).

5) Photocopy of previous Chinese passports or previous Chinese visas (applicable to foreign citizens who used to have Chinese citizenship ).

** Mail applications will not be accepted. If necessary, the consular officer may require the applicant to provide other proof documents or supplementary materials, or require an interview with the applicant.

6) Additional documents required as follows according to visa categories:


Family Reunion Visa for family members of Chinese Nationals or family members of foreign nationals with Chinese Permanent Resident Permit to stay in China for more than 180 days.

Invitation letters from relatives in China who must attach a copy of his/her personal ID copy or Chinese Permanent Resident Permit, and original and copy of proofs of kinship.


Family Visitor Visa for family members of Chinese Nationals or family members of foreign nationals with Chinese Permanent Resident Permit to stay in China for less than 180 days.

Invitation letters from relatives in China who must attach a copy of his/her personal ID or Chinese Permanent Resident Permit.

Additional requirements

1) First Time Chinese Visa Applicant – Please provide the following additional documents:

A) Bank Certificate of Deposit Balance(including the past 6 months bank statement) and the receipt for payment of this certificate;

B) BIR-stamped Income Tax Return Form;

C) Certificate of Employment(detailing the salary and the length of employment );

D) Business Registration Certificate(if you are the owner);

E) Professional ID/Student ID (if applicable);

F) Other relevant documents proving the applicant's economic condition/ employment/study, or supporting the applicant's travel to China, or explaining the travel purpose (if applicable);

2)Previous Chinese Visa – If you had obtained a Chinese visa before, you should submit a photocopy of the visa, and if the visa is on your old passport, you should also submit the old passport.

3) Non-Filipino Nationals – Please submit proof of residence permit, employment or study in the Philippines. Temporary visitors to the Philippines should apply for Chinese visas from the Chinese Embassy/Consulate in the countries in which they live, unless the applicant can provide proof of employment/study or other occupational status and the visa officer will make the final decision on a case-by-case basis. You must also submit a photocopy of the Philippine visa/immigration entry stamp on your passport.

4) Certificate of Name Change – If the name in the new passport is different from that in the original one, the official document (birth certificate/marriage contract) issued by authorities for name change must be submitted.

5) Original Chinese Passport – First-time applicant whose former nationality was Chinese, or who was born in China (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan), need to submit the original Chinese passport and a photocopy of the passport's information/photo page, and extension page (if applicable). You do not need to submit income tax return form and bank statement.



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