At Stay in the Bay, we’re proud to maintain an average rating of 4.89 out of 5 over the past 5 years, thanks to the hard work of our incredible cleaning team, the meticulous landscaping crew, and the reliable contractors who promptly address any issues. While our small spaces are designed to provide short-term accommodations for travelers, they don’t significantly impact the broader housing market. In fact, we’ve contributed over $25,000 in sponsorships to local nonprofits and youth sports programs, reflecting our commitment to supporting the community.
However, we want to inform you about upcoming changes in September. The government is increasing the registration fee from $50 to $500 per location and adding other fees. We hope these new changes won’t affect our community-minded approach. Thank you all for your continued support and shares over the years!
Here's the current reviews for our newly built AirBnB on Brookside !!
Remember to tag us when someone's looking to Stay in the Bay!!