📍Wengriýa döwletindäki Bugaç şäherinde Türki döwletleriñ gurultaýy.
Ýewropanyñ ýüreginde Türkmen baýdagyny görmek buýsandyryjy🤩🇹🇲
📍Kurultay of the Turkic nations, in Hungary Bugac.
Video 📹 by @atiko.g
📍Garagum çölü
📍Garagum desert
#tourismturkmenistan #tourismtkm #garagum #desert
Gadymy hem orta asyr Nusaý şäheriniň galyndylary bolan Täze we Köne Nusaý galalary Köpetdagyň etegindäki häzirki Bagyr obasynyň çäklerinde ýerleşýär. Täze Nusaýda geçirilen barlaglar, bu ýerde ýaşaýşyň alamatlarynyň has irki döwürlerde b.e. öňki IV-II müňýyllyklarda dowam edendigini mälim etdi.
Çeşme📝 www.syyahatohom.edu.tm/nissa
Wideo üçin sagboluñ @mariyam__ma_
The fortresses of New and Old Nisa, the remains of the ancient and medieval city of Nisa, are located within the present-day village of Bagir on the outskirts of the Kopetdag. Studies in New Nisa, where the letter of the signs of life in the early days b.e. declared to have continued in the previous IV-II millennia.
📍Garaşsyzlyk binasy, Aşgabat şäheri 😍
📍Independence building in Ashgabat city😍
Wideo üçin sagboluñ @mariyam__ma_
#tourismturkmenistan #tourismtkm #independencebuilding #garaşsyzlykbinasy #ashgabat #centralasia
📍Türkmenistan- owadan suratlaryñ ýygyndysy 😍💚
📍Turkmenistan- collection of beautiful photos 😍💚
Owadan wideo 🎥üçin sagboluñ @imyuskey,
Suratlar 📸😍 @dayanch.b
#tourismturkmenistan #tourismtkm #centralasia
📍Balkan welaýaty Magtumguly etraby (Garrygala). Sumbar derýanyñ boýunda balyk 🐟🐋tutýan oglanlar👏
📍Balkan province district Magtumguly(Garrygala). Fishing 🐟🐋 guys near Sumbar river👏
Thanks for this awsome video @dovletgeldi0701
#tourismtkm #centralasia #balkan #garrygala #fishing
🇹🇲📍Badhyz tebigy goraghanasyndaky ýabany haýwanlaryñ wideosy. Alaja bars, okly kirpi we dag goçy 😍
🇬🇧📍Badhyz state nature reserve. Kittens playing, urial falling from the sky, leopards spraying and porcupines frolicking.😍
Thanks for this beautiful video @naryntrosen
#tourismturkmenistan #tourismtkm #centralasia #badhyz #bathyzgoraghanasy
📍Aşgabat şäheri, günüñ doguşy,hemmäñiziñ ertiriñiz haýyrly bolsun 🌄😍
🇬🇧 Ashgabat city, beautiful sunsrise, good morning everyone 🌄😍
Owadan wideo üçin sagboluñ @elyasti
#tourismtkm #asgabat #centralasia
📍Ak şäherim Aşgabat ☁️☁️😍
Owadan wideo üçin sagboluñ @isodesne 🙏
#tourismturkmenistan #tourismtkm
#centralasia #ashgabat
Welcome to the country of the golden sunrise 😍
Türkmenistan 🇹🇲💚
Welcome to the country of the golden sunrise 😍
📍Ashgabat city at night 🌃🌃😍
Thank you for the video @akmyradow_suleyman
#tourismturkmenistan #tourismtkm #centralasia #ashgabatcity
📍Ashgabat city at night🌃😍😍
Video by @isodesne
#tourismturkmenistan #tourismpage #travelpage #syýahattm #tourismtkm #tourismtm #türkmenistansyýahat #turkmenistan #mycity #trips #travelphotography #tourguide #tourisminfo #centralasia #beatifulphoto #topturkmenistan #natgeo #tripstoasia #centralasia #ashgabat #aşgabat #ашхабад #вечерныйашгабад #nigtlife #night #nightphotography