Nirala Aspire Low Rise
Nirala Aspire Low Rise Floor project at Noida extension. Good location with all aminities like park road club etc. It's G+4 Story society with Lift. 80% Bank loan available. For More information about this pl contact us.
Nirala Estate Phase II
Nirala Estate Phase II Project at Techzone IV Noida extension. Good location with all aminities like park road club etc it's ready to move society Mivan Construction Project 80% Loan Available for more information pl contact us.
Maa Vaishno Devi Katra
Maa Vaishno Devi Katra Jammu and Kashmir Tour
Shish Mahal ! Pawan Dham ! Shri Ram Temple ! Haridwar ! Har Ki Pauri !
literally Temple of Glass, is a famous temple in Haridwar, built by Swami Vasudev Ji maharaj. The construction began sometime around 1965
The Sheesh Mahal Mandir (Mirror Palace) is the most famous and beautiful part of Haridwar.Sheesh Mahal Mandir is part of the lovely Shri Ram Mandir. What makes this place so special is its unique construction. The walls and ceilings of the hall are beautifully covered with mirrors, which would reflect any splash of beam, so that it light up the hall flagrantly.
Mandir is specially designed with the glass imported. The mirrors on the walls and ceilings have been carved with beautiful designs that reflect even a small ray of light for providing natural light to the entire hall.
Sheesh Mahal Mandir is a famous hall of mirrors situated in Haridwar. The main attraction of Sheesh Mahal is its integral part of the Shri Ram Mandir, it has been uniquely constructed by decorating the ceilings and walls of the hall with mirrors, which reflect light rays. This reflection in turn lights up the entire hall inside the Shri Ram Mandir.
The Walls and ceiling of this hall is carved with beautiful paintings and flowers and that too made with pure glass. The reason behind why this hall was made by glass because in ancient days the queen was not allowed to sleep in open air but she loved to see the stars shining. So the king ordered his architects to make something which could solve the purpose. The most stunning thing about this hall is that if someone burns two candles, then the reflection converts that small light into thousand of stars.
Daksheshwar Mahadev Haridwar
दक्षेस्वर महादेव मंदिर कनखल हरिद्वार उत्तराखण्ड में स्थित है कनखल दक्षेस्वर महादेव मंदिर भारत के प्राचीन मंदिरों में से सबसे अधिक जाना जाता है। दक्षेस्वर महादेव मंदिर भगवान शिव को समर्पित हैं। यह मंदिर शिव भक्तों के लिए भक्ति और आस्था की एक पवित्र जगह है। हिन्दु कैलेंडर के अनुसार सावन का महींना शिव भक्तों के लिए मुख्य आकर्षण के केन्द होता है। भगवान शिव का यह मंदिर सती के पिता राजा दक्ष प्रजापित के नाम पर है। इस मंदिर को रानी दनकौर द्वारा 1810 ई में बनाया गया था तथा 1962 में इस मंदिर का पुनः निर्माण किया गया था।
पौराणिक कथाओं के अनुसार, राजा दक्ष प्रजापति भगवान ब्रह्मा जी के पुत्र थे और सती के पिता थे। सती भगवान शिव की प्रथम पत्नी थी। राजा दक्ष ने इस जगह एक भव्य यज्ञ का आयोजन किया जिसमें सभी देवी-देवताओं, ऋषियों और संतो को आमंत्रित किया। इस यज्ञ में भगवान शिव को आमं