Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage is a renowned elephant sanctuary located in Pinnawala, Sri Lanka. Established in 1975 by the Sri Lankan Department of Wildlife Conservation, it serves as a home for orphaned, abandoned, and injured elephants. The orphanage is a major tourist attraction and offers a unique opportunity to observe elephants in a close and natural setting.
Key Features:
1. Elephant Care: The orphanage provides shelter, food, and medical care for elephants, including baby elephants that have lost their herds or mothers.
2. Bathing Rituals: A highlight of a visit to Pinnawala is watching the elephants bathe in the nearby Maha Oya River. This happens twice a day and attracts many visitors.
3. Feeding Sessions: Visitors can witness and sometimes participate in feeding baby elephants with bottles of milk, a delightful experience for families.
4. Breeding Program: The orphanage is one of the few facilities in the world with a successful captive breeding program, with over 20 elephants born there.
5. Tourist Experience: Visitors can walk among the elephants, take photographs, and learn about their behavior and conservation challenges from the guides.
This is located about 90 kilometres from Colombo, Pinnawala is a must-visit destination for those interested in wildlife and cultural tourism. It provides a unique insight into the lives of these majestic creatures while supporting their conservation.