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Balehageru Special Omo valley Package Tour code: Ta/Bt/01Destination: Arbamch , Jinka , Mursi  &Turmi Attraction: Cultur...

Balehageru Special Omo valley Package
Tour code: Ta/Bt/01
Destination: Arbamch , Jinka , Mursi &Turmi
Attraction: Cultural Route of Ethiopia
Accommodation: Hotels& lodges
Transportation: Surface & Flight
Duration: 6 Days / 5 Nights

Detailed Program
Day 1, Arrival at Bole international airport & fly to Jinka
Arrival at bole international airport and connected flight to Jinka in the afternoon after arrival after having some coffee break you will drive To Turmi
Overnight: Camping, Turmi

Day 2, Turmi -omorate , omorate –karo Turmi
This day in morning after having a relaxed breakfast you will drive to Omorate to visit Dasenech tribe then you wii visit Karo Tribe then drive to Turmi Overnight: Camping at Turmi

Day 3, Drive to Mursi then proceed to jinka
This day in the morning you will drive from Turmi to Mursi . These people are curious and famous in that the women wear geometrical lip plates in the slits of their lips and in the afternoon you will drive to Jinka Overnight stay at Jinka

Day 4, Drive Jinka to Arbaminch
In the morning you will drive to Arbaminch with a stop at Tsemay and Bena village. If it is Thursday; you will visit the spectacular Key Afer market where different Omo valley ethnic group meet in harmony. Overnight stay at Arbaminch

Day 5, Arba Minch
In the morning you will take a boat trip on lake Chamo to visit corocodiles, hippos etc. Lake Chamo is rich in a variety of fishes including tiger-fish, giant Nile Perch and catfish. In the bays, a number of hippopotamus emerge at dusk to graze on the grassy shores. Lake Chamo is also sanctuary for several thousand Nile Crocodiles, which are up to 7m in length. Bird life is also enjoyable at the lake. In the afternoon, you will visit the Dorze village who are well known cotton weavers; the Dorze tribe was once warriors. They are famous for their cotton woven cloths and beehive huts.
Overnight stay at Arbaminch

Day 6, Drive to Dorze Village, in the afternoon fly to Addis Ababa
In the morning you will drive to Dorze village who are well known cotton weavers; the Dorze tribe was once warriors. They are famous for their cotton woven cloths and beehive huts then drive back to Arbaminch to fly Addis Ababa and overnight dinner invitation at cultural restaurant with folkloristic dances then transfer to the airport for your departure
visit your expectation

-------------------The Tour ends here!!--------------------------

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With its diverse natural, cultural and historical attractions, Oromia is your #1 choice to exprience so much more!




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ከዳሎል እስከ ትግራይ ድረስ ለአይን የሚማርክ ጉዞ የሚያደርጉት የከረቫን ምስል ነው በጣም የምወደው አካባቢ እና የማይረሱ ትዝታወች አሉኝ

በነገራችን ላይ ይህ ከረቫን በሸዋ አልዩአንባ ገበያ ላይም ይገኛል።
አሉዩአንባ የመጀመሪያው በኢትዮጵያ ስልክ የገባበት የሠለጠነ ንግድ የተጀመረበት ቀረጥ መከፈል የተጀመረበት ታይቶ የማይጠገብ የገበያ ቦታ ከባቲ እና ከሰንበቴ ቀጥሎ 4ብሄሮች የሚገናኙበት ቦታ ነው።

በቅርቡ ጉዞ አልዩአንባ ይጀመራል

ኑ አብረውን ይዙሩ


Happy new Year Balehageru Tour and travel present


ነቃ በል[ Neka bel ] Ethiopian new single music official 2020 አባይ (Neka bel)[ነቃ በል]


የቡሄ የምስራች BUHE ምርጥ የቡሄ ሆያሆየ New music


የቡሄ የምስራች yemeserach # buhe ልዩ የቡሄ ክሊፕ New (Ethiopian) buhe (Traditional )music 2020


Up on his arrival at Addis Ababa Bole Airport, A white man was turned in to a local nobility by a certain traditional leader


የቡሄ በአል አከባበር ላይ የታየ ጉድ/ቡሄ/ # buhe # deberetabor #


ይህ ስራ መታሰቢያነቱ ለተከበሩ አቶ ውብሸት ወርቅ አለማሁ እና ለጋዜጠኛ ካሳሁን አሰፋ ይሁንልን።

ቡሄን በአዲስ አበባ ስጀምር ሁለቱም አብረውኝ ከጎኔ ነበሩ አሁን ግን ሁለቱንም አጣናቸው።

እስኪ የቡሄ ትዝታችሁን አጋሩን

የቡሄ ስጦታ
እንኳን ለቡሄ በዓል አደረሠን
ምርጥ ስራ ሰርተናል ነገ በባለሃገሩ ቲዩብ ላይ ያገኙታል
የራስን አሸራ እናሣርፍ
በባለሐገሩ አስጎብኝ የተዘጋጀ

BALEHAGERU TOURS ETHIOPIADestinations : Menz  Guassa  plateau and Nature Tour Tour Name: Natural and Trekking Tour Mode ...

Destinations : Menz Guassa plateau and Nature Tour
Tour Name: Natural and Trekking Tour
Mode of Transportation: Land or Surface
Duration : 4 Days / 3 Nights

Detailed program
Day 01: Addis – Menz Guassa Community Conservation Area.
This day you will drive to Menz and you will have short trek nearby the mountain top to view the stunning Guassa plateau and have a chance of sighting the endemic Ethiopian wolf. The Ethiopian wolf is the only true wolf species in Africa, and is legally protected. With a total world population of less than 500 individuals surviving in relic mountain tops, it is one of the most endangered mammal species in the world. Overnight at Guassa Community Lodge

Day 02: Guassa Community Lodge – Atse Wuha.
It is a 6 hour trek through a spectacular landscape of moorland where one can experience the highland flora and an impressive array of bird species and wildlife, including the endemic Gelada baboon and the Ethiopian wolf. Overnight Camping at Atse Wuha

Day 03: Atse Wuha – Cheguarit Meda.
Today’s trek will take about 5 hours through untouched juniper forest of yegana; a visit to a Menz village called Tebab will give a chance to learn about the Menz People’s ways of constructing two-story stone huts with thatched roofs and their woven wool rugs and traditional blankets which are considered to be some of Ethiopian finest weavers. Overnight: Camping at Cheguarit.

Day 04: Cheguarit –Debre Berehan-Addis Ababa
Have a short trek to the main road to meet the vehicle and drive to Debrebirhan ,you drive through the ancient capital of the Kingdom of Shewa to have a pleasant rest on the mountain top that overlooks the Great Ethiopian Rift Valley and its extensive escarpments and then proceed to Debrebirhan and then after lunch you will drive to Adis Ababa.
Overnight stay at the hotel of your choice or departure
................................................End of Tour.......................................................

Email: [email protected]
Mob : +251911434066 /Whats app, Telegram, We chat / Address : Inside Taitu Hotel , Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Good morning every one Balehageru Tours Ethiopia is glad to announce you that we  have started  providing Tour Operation...

Good morning every one
Balehageru Tours Ethiopia is glad to announce you that we have started providing Tour Operation services to all over Ethiopia including Historical , cultural , Trekking to the highest point in Ethiopia to Semen Mountain National Park , Adventure tour to Danakil depression / the lowest and the hottest point in Ethiopia / , National Festivals and events like Meskel Festival / founding of the true cross / , Ethiopian Epiphany and other popular events .....when you travel with us make sure are safe and protected from corona by using Face mask , Sanitize r and other protective materials .

for more info please contact us /
Email: [email protected]
Mob : +251911434066 /Whats app, Telegram, We chat / and +251987868686


ከአቶ አሸናፊ ካሳ ጋር የተደረገ ቆይታ አባይ፣ከግብፅ ጋር ኤንዴት ወዳጅ መሆን እንችላለን? የሚጠቅመንን እንወቅ


በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ በባህልና ቱሪዝም ም/ር መሥሪያ ቤት ውስጥ በሚኒስትር ደረጃ ባህላቸውን አክብረው አስከብረው ቱሪዝሙ ወደፊት እንዲራመድ እና እንዲነቃቃ እያደረጉ ነው።
በእርግጥ አሁን ያለንበት ወቅት የኮረና ቫይረስ በመከሠቱ ቱሪዝሙ እና በቀጥታ በዘርፉ ላይ ያሉት አካላት ቢጎዱም በቅርብ እርቀት ዘርፉን ለመታደግ ከሚመለከተው አካል ጋር በመሆን የሚያደርጉት ጥረት የሚደነቅ ነው።

እንደእኔ እንደ እኔ ሁሉም የመንግስት ኃላፊወች እንደ ዶክተር ሂሩት ባህላቸውን አክብረው ብመለከታቸው ደስ ይለኛል
ባህልን ማክበር ህዝብን ማክበር ነው።

በዕርግጠኝነት በዶክተር ሂሩት እሳቤ እና እንቅስቃሴ በቅርብ እርቀት እራሳችንን ከኮቪድ 19 እየተከላከልን መዳረሻዎች የሚነቃቁበትን ስራ ይፉ ያደርጋሉ ብየ እጠብቃለሁ።

ዶ/ር ሂሩት ካሳው ወደፊት
ኢትዮጵያዊነት ሚስጥር ነው

ማመሥገን ለምትፈልጉ ሼር


ይህ ስራ መታሠቢያነቱ ለጋዜጠኛ ካሳሁን አሠፋ ይሁንልኝ
ካስሺ በጣም የምወደው ኢትዮጵያዊ ነበር
የጣና ጉዳይ የእኔ ነው እያለ ሲንገበገብ ነው ሂወቱ ያለፈው ይህም ክሊፕ በጣና እና እንቦጭ ላይ የተሠራ ነው
ጣና ሃገር ነው
ቪዲዮውን ለማግኘት ነቃ በል
Neka bel ብላችሁ ዩቲዩብ ላይ ታገኙታላችሁ


እኛው ለእኛው ከአቶ አሸናፊ ካሳ ጋር የተደረገ ቆይታ ኢትዮጵያውያን ለምን ሁል ግዜ ቀና ብለው ይሄዳሉ?ኢትዮጵያ ማነች?ኢትዮጵያዊነት ምንድን ነው ? አባይ ማነው?ሙሉውን ይዤ እመጣለሁ

Ethiopian Dam

Ethiopian Dam

ከፈጣሪ በታች መዳኛችን ኢትዮጵያዊነት ብቻ ነው ኢትዮጵያዊነት ሚስጢር ነው የምንለው በምክንያት ነው

visit Ethiopia

visit Ethiopia

ከፈጣሪ በታች መዳኛችን ኢትዮጵያዊነት ብቻ ነው ኢትዮጵያዊነት ሚስጢር ነው የምንለው በምክንያት ነው

visit ethiopia

visit ethiopia

ነቃ በል ኢትዮጵያዊነት ሚስጢር ነው በአባይ እና በጣና ጉዳይ ዝም አንልም። በእንቦጭ እና በአባይ ግድብ ዙሪያ ወደኃላ የሚራመድ የለም


ነቃ በል ኢትዮጵያዊነት ሚስጢር ነው በአባይ እና በጣና ጉዳይ ዝም አንልም። በእንቦጭ እና በአባይ ግድብ ዙሪያ ወደኃላ የሚራመድ የለም


ከፈጣሪ በታች መዳኛችን ኢትዮጵያዊነት ብቻ ነው ኢትዮጵያዊነት ሚስጢር ነው የምንለው በምክንያት ነው


ባለሀገሩ ማንን ነው ያስጠነቀቀው?



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