So here we have Romeo & Julíet Brídg£t L0mâx
Husband - gàrrŷ $têvéñ l0mâx
Dáughta - Evé v!ctóría éarnśháw 🏠 in kéighlèŷ
S0n - náthán lòmãx - worx @ the kéighléy bus còmpany. I’m sure dey will want 2 do a drü g$ test once I’ve given dèm a quïck call. Tákin dr*g$ while Workin on the 🚌s nd in charge of a movin vechile. (The saféfty of the public is )
Nïecè - çharl0ttê lòui$é mòøre - 077 932 73375 feel free to give her a call. She’s looking for self employed people for her salon in keighley. (Bardot hair & nail boutique)