Ben had never been in an airport lounge before. I took him to 3 in 2 days. By the 2nd visit, he was a natural. Listen to what he says he’s gonna do… 🛝😂😂
#Wanderwithmekela #notstateside #roatanhonduras🇭🇳 #caribbeanlife #imjusthappytobehere #curacao #panama #honduras #airport #loungelife #spoiled #boyfriend
We dove the Superior Producer. You can only dive it when there aren’t any cruise ships in port. Why? Because you have to enter the water from the cruise ship service dock (it’s lower), swim under the cruise ship dock, find the pencil coral, and then turn right to the wreck.
At the wreck, there were so many tarpon. Not something we see as frequently in Roatan. The coral 🪸 is so beautiful and the wreck is easily accessible.
#Wanderwithmekela #notstateside #roatanhonduras🇭🇳 #caribbeanlife #imjusthappytobehere #scubadiving #curacao #900thdive #paditv #wreckdive
Let’s go diving!!
#Wanderwithmekela #notstateside #roatanhonduras🇭🇳 #caribbeanlife #imjusthappytobehear #asmr #scubadiving #curacao #willemstad #divebus
First dive in Curaçao was at Car Pile dive site. We saw so many Christmas tree worms, puffer fish, trumpet fish, and tarpons just to name a few
We chose @dive_bus_curacao to rent tanks for our shore dives. The staff there are great! They gave us tips on which sites to go to and how to navigate them as well as some island tips and info.
#Wanderwithmekela #notstateside #roatanhonduras🇭🇳 #caribbeanlife #imjusthappytobehear #curacao #willemstad #divebuscuracao #carpile #scubadiving #diveinstructors #boyfriend #blowingbubbles
Walking with Ben across the famous Queen Emma Bridge. It’s a floating bridge that was built in 1888.
#Wanderwithmekela #notstateside #roatanhonduras🇭🇳 #caribbeanlife #imjusthappytobehear #curacao #vacations #boyfriend #queenemmabridge #willemstad
Fun day of fun diving with @iamtherealgt @adrian_everett504 and Cory. Do you have a favorite dive buddy??
#Wanderwithmekela #notstateside #roatanhonduras🇭🇳 #caribbeanlife #imjusthappytobehear #scubadiving #divebuddy #friends
I love upside down jellyfish. They captivate me! I could just watch them for hours. Have you seen one before?
#Wanderwithmekela #notstateside #roatanhonduras🇭🇳 #caribbeanlife #imjusthappytobehear #upsidedownjellyfish #jellyfish #scubadiving #padi
Houston Zoo Lights part 1. We got snow!! Watch reel to see it
#Wanderwithmekela #notstateside #roatanhonduras🇭🇳 #caribbeanlife #imjusthappytobehear #christmas #houstonzoolights
Christmas dinner is served!! I cooked a “honey baked” ham, garlic mashed potatoes, zucchini and mushrooms sautéed with garlic, and stuffing, and baked a pumpkin pie. I am exhausted 😩
Not pictured is the cranberry salsa because we’ve been snacking on it.
Yes, we’re gonna have leftovers for DAYYYYYSSSSSSS!!!!
#Wanderwithmekela #notstateside #roatanhonduras🇭🇳 #caribbeanlife #imjusthappytobehear #christmas #ham #christmasdinner #eatallthefood #pumpkinpie #boyfriend