You Are Where You Go

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You Are Where You Go "You Are Where You Go: A Traveler's Coming of Age Journey Through 70 Countries and 7 Continents Duri

Happy international women’s day to ALLLL the incredible ladies I’ve traveled with and met while traveling!! 🌎👯‍♀️✈️👭I’ve...

Happy international women’s day to ALLLL the incredible ladies I’ve traveled with and met while traveling!! 🌎👯‍♀️✈️👭

I’ve been seeing posts all day celebrating the fearless type of woman who defies conventional life and stereotypes to create a life of adventure, travel, new experiences, and worldwide friendships for herself — and I had to chime in with this post, because that’s EXACTLY who I am and who I surround myself with in my social circles and travel groups!

Women who have a desire to see the world while they’re young and go beyond the typical life of career-women-turned-mother in a settled-down relationship are MY type of people and I’m so honored to have so many similar adventurous gals in my life 🫶🏼

I could go on and on and on about how travelers are a self-selecting group of kindred spirits who make the best friends — but to give just two prime examples:

I met my best friend , who I’ve spent more time with than probably anyone on this planet from all our weeks & months of traveling and living together, while we were both willingly living in Singapore on the opposite side of the world from our NJ hometowns, and she introduced me to my other best friend and current go-to travel buddy who agreed to go on a two week backpacking trip in Argentina with me before we even met - we had our first intro convo in a hostel in Buenos Aires, then ended up living with each other for months back in the US and we still plan multiple trips a year together and see each other about every other month despite not living in the same city!

These girls - and so many of my other inspiring close friends - have lived abroad, traveled solo, done unconventional trips, pursued atypical career paths, and made sacrifices to follow their passions and make travel a priority in their life — and I’m trying to do the same and help you do that too! 🫶🏼

Sending a huge virtual hug to all of the ladies tagged in these photos, and to any of my other badass female traveler friends who aren’t tagged or pictured — we celebrate you today !! ✈️ 🙌🏽

2022 took me to new heights!!both figuratively for my business and literally like this hot air balloon 🎈 Last November, ...

2022 took me to new heights!!both figuratively for my business and literally like this hot air balloon 🎈

Last November, I published my travel memoir “You Are Where You Go: A Traveler’s Coming of Age Journey Through 70 Countries and 7 Continents During College” and this year I had so many incredible opportunities come my way as a pure result of this passion project memoir existing in the world.

3 years ago today, I had just graduated from NYU a semester early and stepped foot in Antarctica to complete my goal of visiting all 7 continents during the span of 4 years of college.

This year my book sales, speaking engagements, and pay-what-you-wish tips from sharing my travel itineraries covered about 14% of my total travel expenses! It’s not a ton, but is an exciting step as someone who published a book just for fun and talks about travel purely because I love it.

I still love working a full time remote job in tech that gives me both financial stability and location flexibility while continuing to travel the world and build my travel-related personal brand…. Stay tuned for more travel resources coming at you in 2023 👀

I totally neglected updating this account this year in the midst of 43 flights and near-nonstop travel but here are some of my highlights from the world of You Are Where You Go:

- Jan: hosted a book club with the author with my alma mater

- Feb: had my first guest speaker appearance as an author in a school district where my book is integrated in the curriculum after the superintendent found me online

- March: spoke at a National Association of Woman MBAs event about female empowerment through travel

- April: moved to new city (LA!) that best fits my personality and hobbies because… you are where you go! 🥰

- May: got invited completely out of the blue on my first press trip to be featured in The Atlantic - although it ended up conflicting with my personal travel plans, I am so proud that opportunities like this now appear inbound in my inbox !!

- June: gave a keynote at the Travel with Intention Summit

- July: over 100 people expressed interest in traveling on group trips with me

(more in the comments bc too long😅)

This week was an exciting milestone for You Are Where You Go — I got invited to speak with students to inspire them to t...

This week was an exciting milestone for You Are Where You Go — I got invited to speak with students to inspire them to travel in an intentional way that promotes personal development!

8th graders in a class called “Beyond the Classroom” were assigned stories from my book to help learn how travel can be an impactful personalized learning experience. 📚✈️

It’s surreal to see my own book adopted into a class curriculum — I imagine a student writing my book title into their daily assignment agenda and feel incredibly honored to have educators seeing the value in my work and manifesting my goal to inspire young people to prioritize travel as a way to learn and grow.

I had no prior connection to this school or these students but the teachers and superintendent came across my story online and felt it fit in perfectly with their curriculum. Thank you so much for the opportunity!

For anyone who might hesitate about sharing their personal stories with the world… do it! Let this be a reminder that you never know where sharing your story will take you or who you might be able to inspire :)

She’s one month old 🥰🥳Over the past four weeks, the best part of any day for me has always been hearing feedback from fr...

She’s one month old 🥰🥳

Over the past four weeks, the best part of any day for me has always been hearing feedback from friends, family, and readers worldwide.

Friends have told me they’ve been inspired to give up their apartment leases and try out the nomadic life after reading my stories.

I’ve gotten countless post-flight texts saying how this book, fittingly about travel, was perfect in-flight entertainment.

I’ve seen photos of my book being read on beaches in foreign countries - the perfect backdrop!

I’ve been invited onto more podcasts than I can even keep track of. My first features in publications will be out in the coming weeks.

I recorded a conversation for the senior capstone course at my alma mater describing my experience writing this book.

I’ve been invited to speak at a school to inspire young students to prioritize going abroad for personal development.

But most importantly — I’ve been reminded that my words and stories have made an impact on the way that other people view travel.

Though the stories in this book are about me and my experiences, the most exciting part is hearing how they have resonated with YOU!

Thank you all again for the feedback and support during this past release month — if you haven’t read it yet, I hope it makes some perfect holiday reading! 🎄

And if you’re in the giving mood… the best Christmas present I could possibly ask for is an honest review on Amazon 😊

My travel memoir “You Are Where You Go” is officially published and available worldwide on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and m...

My travel memoir “You Are Where You Go” is officially published and available worldwide on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and more! 🎉📚

With 70 countries and all 7 continents filling up my passport by the age of 23, my adventures into uncommon corners of the world have shaped me into who I am today.

Now, these stories are out in the world and will hopefully help shape YOU - to always remember that everywhere you go becomes a part of you.

Swipe to see the table of contents as a preview of the unique perspectives and adventures you’ll find within the pages of my book.

Travel is not just an escape from reality. It is a chance to learn, grow, and discover ourselves along the way.

Head to the link in my bio to order a physical copy or download the eBook for only $1.99 (for a limited time)!

If you preordered, your signed copy should be in your mailbox already or very soon❤️

PS - I would absolutely love if you could share this post to spread the word to anyone who could use some travel inspiration! 🌎

Almost a year after writing the first words… my book is done and off to the printing press! Every single page was printe...

Almost a year after writing the first words… my book is done and off to the printing press!

Every single page was printed and hand-reviewed by me and my copyeditor and publishing team over the past few weeks.


Less than 2 months until “You Are Where You Go” is live and available for purchase on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and all ebook formats!

I cried after seeing my final draft cover design (cover reveal coming soon 👀).

I couldn’t stop smiling as I flipped through my own words and life stories professionally formatted into pages of a book.

Now the wait begins until I can hold the first copy of my book in my own hands in a few weeks 🥺

And… until I can sign 250 copies of this book with personal, heartfelt messages to each and every person who preordered it!!

Thank you again for following along on this author journey with me — it’s been an adventure full of ups and downs just like the travel stories that comprise my memoir. Counting down the days until I can share this baby of mine with the world!!

We did it! 🥳 Over $10,000 raised through my book presale campaign via Indiegogo + a few outside donations from organizat...

We did it! 🥳 Over $10,000 raised through my book presale campaign via Indiegogo + a few outside donations from organizations hosting me as an author guest speaker!

I can’t thank you all enough for the love, support, encouragement, and excitement about my book ❤️

It’s because of YOU that my debut travel memoir, You Are Where You Go, about personal development through my journey to 70 countries and all 7 continents during college will be published in both paperback and hardcover editions available via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and local bookstores starting November 23!

Aaaaaand as soon as it’s out, I’ll begin working on an audiobook version as well - hopefully ready for download via Audible by early 2021!

There are over 250 people currently in my beta reader community, and I’m so excited to write personalized notes and send signed copies to everyone who has preordered!

I’ll be giving my beta readers a chance to help choose my final book cover design, an invitation read and give feedback on select chapters before the book goes off to print, and the opportunity to read the digital ebook a few weeks before it’s out in the world!

If you’re one of these beta readers — YOU! ARE! THE! BEST! 🥰

If you’re not a beta reader yet but would like to join this community of people who love the intersection of travel and personal development — it’s your lucky day because I’m accepting a couple final preorders via my website [link in bio!] ☺️

Thank you for believing in me, and for believing my message — you are where you go! ✈️🌎

One month ago, I quit my full time job at  to pursue travel writing and entrepreneurship full time. Thanks to the kindne...

One month ago, I quit my full time job at to pursue travel writing and entrepreneurship full time.

Thanks to the kindness of many friends around the country, I’ve been able to visit 14 cities across 8 states in the past month.

Thanks to the support from friends and family across the world, I’ve sold over 200 copies of my book, 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘈𝘳𝘦 𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘎𝘰: 𝘈 𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘳’𝘴 𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘧 𝘈𝘨𝘦 𝘑𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘺 𝘛𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 70 𝘊𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 7 𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴 𝘋𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘊𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘨𝘦 just during my presale — to global readers spread across 15 countries 🥳

(The average indie author only sells 40 books in their lifetime 🤯)

Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for wanting to read my words and hear my stories. Thank you for supporting my life’s mission to make the world a better place through encouraging increased travel and cultural exchange.

You only have about a week left to preorder my book if you haven’t had a chance to yet!

Order now at:

This is your only chance to get a personalized, signed copy and play a key part in the development of a book!

Anyone who preorders will get their name printed in the Acknowledgments section of the book, can vote on the final book cover design, can read select chapters early, and will get an exclusive You Are Where You Go postcard to take part in a global art project 📬

And for complete transparency: I have personally invested over $7,000 into the creation of this book. I chose to publish with a hybrid publisher who thankfully allows me to keep 100% of the rights and future royalties to my book, unlike a big-name traditional publisher. I have not “made” money from the book (yet) so I truly, deeply appreciate every single preorder or donation! Even if you want to donate just $5 to the crowdfunding campaign to buy me a coffee, I’ll shout you out on the “thank you” section of my publisher book 🥰

Only about 100 days until You Are Where You Go is out in the world!!! 🌎


jumping for joy because my book will be available for preorder THIS WEEK !!!! 🥳

it’s been a loooooong journey since I initially decided back in october 2020 that I wanted to write and publish a book about my travels through 70 countries and all 7 continents in the span of 3 years during college.

by creating this book, I seek to inspire readers like you with examples of how travel is a powerful tool for personal development — AND to empower you with knowledge and mindsets that prove travel does not have to be something you put off until you have “enough” time and money. the best time to travel is now, because you want to learn and grow outside of your comfort zone (asap) to have a more well-informed view of life moving forward!

I’m currently in Houston, Texas with my best friend and fellow author , who published her own book last December and helped encourage me to take the plunge and invest the time and money to become an author myself :’)

the journey is only ever 1% finished when you want to make travel and inspiring others your life’s work - but launching my book presale is a BIIIIG milestone that will help determine the trajectory of my writing career!

sign up at the link in my bio to receive an email (from me, your travel bestie 🥰) when my book presale goes live on Kickstarter this Friday 7/23 at 12pm EST / 9am PST!

thank y’all so much !!!!!! 🤠

What do authors and startup founders have in common? 🤔 a lot more than you think!!After spending the past month living a...

What do authors and startup founders have in common? 🤔 a lot more than you think!!

After spending the past month living at , a co-living and co-working mansion for startup founders and content creators, I learned so much from my peers and gained immense confidence in my conviction to follow my own unique path to pursue my one true passion - building a community of intentional travelers seeking authentic experiences and making the world a better place through increased cultural exchange! 🌎

While living with other creators and startup founders, I realized the author journey aligns with the journey of founders moreso than creators.

When you write a book, you at first dedicate yourself to the creation of a product. You define the mission and vision for your book, and make sure each “feature”, or chapter, aligns. You keep your reader (user) in mind, making sure the content is engaging and meets their expectations and desires.

Then, once the book is written and the product is “built”, you move into an iterative feedback process - getting feedback from a developmental editor, then an editorial assessor, then a copyeditor, then beta readers - and continuously improve your manuscript through each round of feedback.

Then - you go to market! As a marketing major, this has been the most fun part for me 🥳 it’s so true that anyone can build an amazing product, or write an amazing book, but if no one knows about it - then no one can use it or read it.

I’m going deeeep on book marketing efforts to help build a community of travel lovers, not just an audience of one-off readers.

The past month, I’ve been simultaneously working on the product development (aka writing) and go-to-market (aka marketing and public relations) tracks of my publishing journey.

Daily communication with my copyeditor, cover designer, marketing agency, PR firm, and the brands that are partnering for my presale Kickstarter makes me feel like I’m spread across 10 different job functions all while holding the humble title of “author” 😅

But I’m loving the journey !!! And the most exciting part – making the book available for readers to purchase – is only TWO WEEKS AWAY! 🥳🥳🥳



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