Coyotes in our area, please be aware.
The Edgartown Police and Animal Control recently received a report of a dog that was bitten by a coyote on Jernegan Pond Road (pet owners witnessed the incident). The dog is recovering from bite injuries and is undergoing precautionary rabies protocols. The incident has been investigated by the MA Environmental Police. The MA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife is also aware of the incident.
Coyotes are found across Massachusetts and can be seen throughout the year. These animals are not naturally aggressive toward humans, preferring to avoid contact whenever possible. Seeing a coyote during daylight hours is normal and does not necessarily indicate that the animal is sick or dangerous. They may be searching for food, especially during colder months, or simply moving through their territory.
Keeping Coyotes Away From Your House, Tips from MassWildlife
o Secure your garbage in barrels with tight-fitting lids
o Do not feed or pet them
o Keep your pets secure, particularly small pets that are a potential food source
o Keep bird feeder areas clean as the seeds attract small animals on which they prey
o Feed your pets indoors
o Close off crawl spaces under porches and sheds
o Don’t let them intimidate you. Don’t hesitate to scare or threaten them off with loud noises, bright lights.
o Protect livestock and remove fallen produce
If a coyote (or any wild animal) is observed displaying aggressive behavior towards people, or it appears to be sick or rabid, call the Police Department (508) 627-4343 or the Dukes County RECC (508) 693-1212. The Massachusetts Environmental Police can also be reached 24 hours a day at: 800-632-8075. Please DO NOT call 911 or the police station to report seeing a coyote unless there is an emergency or immediate threat to humans.
Further information can be found on the following websites: