Road Trippin' Rossy's

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Road Trippin' Rossy's Welcome to the awesome adventures of Jason, Caz, Blake, Cruze, Chance, Brax & Jazzy around the Great

Day 555 & it was time to leave Yass & head to our next destination Albury. At least it is a little warmer here & we're n...

Day 555 & it was time to leave Yass & head to our next destination Albury. At least it is a little warmer here & we're not all freezing our nuts off 🌰🌰🤣🤣

Day 556 & today we did a day trip down to Glenrowan. It's a place I've always wanted to go. To have a look at the Ned Kelly memorabilia & check out the different Kelly sites. Unfortunately the weather isn't so good so walking the trail is out but we did drive some of it, including where Ned was taken down. We visited Kate's Cottage, named after Ned's sister & this place is a treasure trove of all things Ned. We also had a great yarn to the owners so be sure to pop in here as they have so much knowledge about both Ned Kelly & also life in general

Day 554 & today we went back to Canberra for another day of exploring. This time we visited The Dinosaur museum, Questac...

Day 554 & today we went back to Canberra for another day of exploring. This time we visited The Dinosaur museum, Questacon & the Royal Australian Mint. The dinosaur museum was fantastic & the boys couldn't get over how Jazzy knew all the dinosaurs when they didn't even know them. Questacon was also great & when the boys first heard it was science they thought it was going to be boring. They were definitely surprised & spent hours playing & learning. We thought it would be great to go to the mint to compare it to the Perth Mint we had already visited. To say we were disappointed was an understatement. Whilst it was great to see money being made it was nothing compared to the Perth Mint. At least though we have been to both & seen money being made here & bullion being made in Perth

Day 553 & last night we arrived in Yass to stay at the showgrounds for a couple of nights while we visit Canberra. Today...

Day 553 & last night we arrived in Yass to stay at the showgrounds for a couple of nights while we visit Canberra. Today we visited the War Memorial & Parliament House. The war memorial sure has changed a lot since we were last there & I'm sure you could spend a week just seeing & reading everything. Parliament house was also interesting & although there wasn't any sittings today the boys had the fun looking around. They even decided the main hall is probably used for basketball, only for the federal Police to put a downer & say it was just used for meetings & hired out for Deb balls etc. The police dud like the boys suggestion though & wished it was a basketball court. Could you imagine our politicians making decisions with a game of basketball?? Maybe better decisions would be made 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤣🤣

Day 551 & today we spent our last day in Sydney playing basketball with Brandem. Jason forgot how old he was & his capab...

Day 551 & today we spent our last day in Sydney playing basketball with Brandem. Jason forgot how old he was & his capabilities playing against the kids 🤣🤣 & went for a sixer. Luckily nurse Jazzy was on the scene & after a quick trip to the chemist she had him patched up in no time. Tonight we went out for a goodbye dinner with Brandem & Mel & her husband Pete. On the way back to the van we filled up diesel which was down to $1.77 what a bloody bargain 👍👍

Day 552 & as we say Goodbye to Brandon/Uncle Brandem we have all really enjoyed seeing him after 2 years. It's always sad to say Goodbye, but we know it's not forever

Day 549 & today we hung out at Mel's baking, playing the switch & Brax winning at Rumikub again (although I did get to w...

Day 549 & today we hung out at Mel's baking, playing the switch & Brax winning at Rumikub again (although I did get to win 1 game) 🤣🤣

Day 550 & today we took a road trip with Mel to Bathurst. The boys really wanted to go back there & Blake wanted to take his car around the track. So off we drove for the 2 hour trip. It was absolutely freezing up the top of the mountain. We also called into the museum where the kids loved seeing all the different racing cars, bikes & memorabilia. There was even a sprintcar just for the boys. After a bite for a late lunch we headed back on another 2 hour trip. Brandem met us back at the van to stay again & spend time with us before we leave

Day 538 & today we went to the Fire museum here in Penrith. The kids all loved it as both their Poppy (Colin) & their da...

Day 538 & today we went to the Fire museum here in Penrith. The kids all loved it as both their Poppy (Colin) & their dad have both served in the fire brigade. Col was in for many many years including as Captain, so being here made them very proud. This afternoon Blake, Jason & Cruze decided to try for round 2 on the tyres Blake wanted. This time they found a better ATM that Jason was able to get money out for Blake, who is now waiting on a new card 🤣🤣. Whilst the boys went to pick up the tyres, the rest of us went to the chemist to get some supplies to remove a rather large splinter from Jazzy's hand that she had acquired. We then went to watch some fliers at Ifly before Mel took us back to the caravan where the others had arrived. Blake already had the new wheels on & you couldn't wipe the smile off his face. It makes us so happy seeing the joy his car is bringing him 💙💙

Day 546 & today Mel worked so we just relaxed at the caravan park Day 547 & today we went into Sydney to have a look aro...

Day 546 & today Mel worked so we just relaxed at the caravan park

Day 547 & today we went into Sydney to have a look around the city. First point of call was of course the Harbour Bridge & Opera House. After lunch we took a ferry ride to Darling Harbour, where we had a look in the Sea museum. We then walked back into the city where unfortunately we came across an extremely unpleasant human. A lady roughly in her 60 - 70's who made a choice to get in an elevator with our whole family waited until she was inside to start screaming at us with the most disgusting language because we didn't have a mask on. Rather than stoop to her level I just asked her not to speak like she was in front of our kids. I could have pointed out that she got in the lift with us & could have waited or that regardless of masks not being mandatory, we have exemptions for not wearing one, but sadly I have learnt in this very sad world that we now live in where people have turned on each other, there is no talking with these types of people. Again as she continued to scream at all of us & tell us that we killed the people who have died I asked her not to speak like she was in front of the kids. Chance & Brax were extremely upset about the situation & it wasn't until later that night I found out from Chance that as the lady got out of the elevator she turned to him & said 'I hope it's your mother that dies'. Now I understand that a lot of people are worried & scared with the current world we live in, but the actions & words from this poor excuse of a human are not only disgusting but absolutely uncalled for. We need to remember that the last few years have been hard on everyone & we never know what someone else has been or is going through, so the only way to get through is with kindness 💙💙

Day 545 & today Mel & I went & checked out the market in a beautiful old country town Windsor. It was so nice just spend...

Day 545 & today Mel & I went & checked out the market in a beautiful old country town Windsor. It was so nice just spending the day with the 2 of us.

I met Mel as a 6 year old so have really known her for pretty much my whole life. She was 16 & was my Scottish dancing teacher. As time went on & we both stopped dancing Mel stayed part of my family. She would come around for dinner at our house every Wednesday night & I would often go places with her. We also played indoor softball together & that is where we both were the night my mum died. I was only 14 & we arrived home from softball on that Tuesday night to find my Pa & our neighbour who was a policeman at home. Dad was at the hospital with mum. While I sat on the tree out the front trying to process mum's accident (she had slipped whilst getting out of the bath, knocked herself out & drowned), Mel come & tried to comfort me. She told me everything was going to be ok, but I knew in my heart mum wasn't coming home. She has always been there & we have shared so much in our 39 years of friendship. I love her so much & no matter how much time goes in between our contact it's like we've never been apart 💙💙

Day 542 - 543 & with Mel working we spent the rest of the week back at the tennis courts. Blake & Jason also headed off ...

Day 542 - 543 & with Mel working we spent the rest of the week back at the tennis courts. Blake & Jason also headed off to have a look at some new tyres for Blake's car, but after driving around for hours, Blake forgetting his bank pin # so the machine ate his card & then the guy wouldn't let him transfer the money into his account, the boys decided to give up & just come home.

Day 544 & today we headed to Sydney's Taronga Zoo with Brandem & one of his Navy friends Brendan. It doesn't matter how many times you go or how many different zoo's you visit, it is always a great day. Chance & I decided we think we need a squirrel monkey though, as they are sooooo cute. After leaving the Zoo, Brandem took us back to his barracks HMAS Penguin to show us around. After seeing his room we went down tocheck out where he dived. Cruze's ears pricked up as soon as he heard there was a tennis court, but that didn't surprise us as he usually only listens if he hears the word tennis 🤣🤣
After leaving Brandem's we went for dinner at Mel's. Cruze & Chance played tennis on the switch, while Brax kept winning our games of Rumikub. He always seems to get rid of his tiles even when we don't think he can, bloody smarty pants

Day 541 & today Mel took us for a drive up to the Blue Mountains. We went to Katoomba to see The Three Sister's rock for...

Day 541 & today Mel took us for a drive up to the Blue Mountains. We went to Katoomba to see The Three Sister's rock formation & we visited Scenic World where we rode the steepest train in the world. It was absolutely freezing but at least the sun was out

Day 540 & today we went for a trip with Mel to the home of Home & Away, Palm Beach. We were a little disappointed as the...

Day 540 & today we went for a trip with Mel to the home of Home & Away, Palm Beach. We were a little disappointed as the bait shop & Cafe, along with part of the pier have been demolished & they appear to be building a new one. The boys checked out the surf & talked about getting boards to go out there. Jazzy collected shells along the beach before we took the very steep walk up to the lighthouse

Day 534 - 537 & we left Byron to head down the coast to Coffs Harbour. Unfortunately the rain has set in & we couldn't d...

Day 534 - 537 & we left Byron to head down the coast to Coffs Harbour. Unfortunately the rain has set in & we couldn't do anything whilst in Coffs. We decided to head straight to Sydney as I was really looking forward to catching up with both Melinda my very long time friend & my other little brother Brandon

Day 538 & today we went in to Westfield to meet Melinda for lunch as she was finishing work at 1pm. Brandon also met us in there & then afterwards he came back to the caravan park to stay with us the night.

Day 539 & today we found some tennis courts to have a hit at. Brandon spent the whole day with us so the kids all had a ball playing with him. Jazzy has renamed him Brandem so from now on that is what we will call him 🤣🤣

Day 532 & after 287 days in Queensland it was time to leave. We haven't gone too far over the border though as 1st point...

Day 532 & after 287 days in Queensland it was time to leave. We haven't gone too far over the border though as 1st point of call is the beautiful Byron Bay

Day 533 & today we surprised the boys with surfing lessons. We were originally going to do them for Cruze's birthday, but as that didn't work out we decided to do it here in Byron. JJ the boys instructor was very impressed as they all managed to stand up not long after starting. I had been a little worried about Brax who doesn't usually like to try new things & he even shook his head when we first arrived at the surf shop, but I persistently told him to give it a go. Well wouldn't you know it, Brax was the 1st one to stand up on his board & absolutely loved every second & won't shut up about getting his own board 🌊🌊
In the afternoon we headed up to the lighthouse where we seen dolphins, whales, a turtle, Stingray & fish. Jazzy thought the dolphins were going to a birthday party & said the whales were really loud when they growled 🤣🤣 I just love her imagination 💜💜

Day 525 - 529 & it's been a week of packing, cleaning & sorting as we get ready to leave. Blake also finished up at his ...

Day 525 - 529 & it's been a week of packing, cleaning & sorting as we get ready to leave. Blake also finished up at his work with the boss telling him he has a job any time he wants one. We are so bloody proud of the work ethic he has & the fact that every boss he has had hasn't wanted to lose him. He really is a bloody good kid (even though he's the biggest s**t stirrer of them all 😁😁). We spent Wednesday night celebrating Ethan's 4th birthday & watching Queensland bring home the State of Origin. Brax fell off his scooter & with a massive lump on his elbow it was off to hospital we went. Luckily after x-rays it wasn't broken as 1st thought, but instead he had damaged the little fluid pocket in the elbow which caused the lump often the 1st sign of a break. The dr said he was very lucky & it was probably all the milk he drank that saved him from a break. A bit of RICE for the week will see it healed nicely

Day 530 & it was time to say Goodbye to my little brother. It really was a hard day as it has been so good spending time with him & his family. Knowing he wasn't far away & we could visit any time was always comforting. We also went to say Goodbye to Phil & Vicki. Unfortunately Vicki's mum is not well so it was a very sad time, but I'm so glad we got to see them before we left

Day 521 & Jason finished up at work today. He has only been there a few months but the boss gave him a $150 jacket & the...

Day 521 & Jason finished up at work today. He has only been there a few months but the boss gave him a $150 jacket & they shouted him lunch today. I think they have really appreciated having such experience & knowledge around & they've told him if we ever come back he has a job. Tonight we headed to the Redcliffe markets & it looks like they put on a fireworks display for our last week here 🤣🤣

Day 522 & 523 & we have spent more time with Brett, Sarah & the kids. We visited one of Sarah's workplace where we were able to go for a swim. Whilst even the indoor pool was too cold for this chicken, I was more than happy to sit it the spa & watch everyone else in the pool. After the swim we were going to have dinner at Waxy's however when we got there we couldn't get in as only Sarah had her licence on her & even though it was only 6pm on a Sunday you couldn't get in without id 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ So we went for a walk to Cavill Mall instead & enjoyed a meal at the pancake place

Day 524 & today we went to say Goodbye to Ross & Viv. Ross showed us his new boat which everyone totally drooled over 🤣🤣 There was also a few games of pool & lots of reminiscing & laughs

Day 516 - 520 & this week has been Cruze & Chance's last week of tennis training with Pat. The boys have both really enj...

Day 516 - 520 & this week has been Cruze & Chance's last week of tennis training with Pat. The boys have both really enjoyed working with him & have both improved a lot. Even until the very last lesson Pat was still telling the boys that if we ever come back he has a spot for them & he will also get them straight into the tennis performance school (he has been trying to get the boys to go since not long after we met 😊😊). All of the kids from the squad go to the school & the boys are definitely going to miss their new friends. The boys have had a fantastic relationship with Pat & it has almost been the same as Cruze & his old coach Jamie's relationship. I think the fact that our boys love to have a joke & s**t stir means that both player & coach get to have fun & lots of laughs. After all that should always be the Number 1 thing playing sport is about. I'm not sure Pat wil lever get over the fact that Cruze beat him this week though, it seemed to be a sore topic 🤣🤣

Day 515 & today we celebrated Cruze's 13th Birthday. Chance & Brax stayed at Brett's again & Blake worked this morning s...

Day 515 & today we celebrated Cruze's 13th Birthday. Chance & Brax stayed at Brett's again & Blake worked this morning so Jason, Jazzy & I took Cruze out for breakfast. After Blake finished work we headed down to Brett's & then we went to Iplay Adventure in Coomera. Unfortunately Lachlin & Henry weren't with us, but the rest of the kids had a ball. We then went back to Brett's for cake after some shinnanigans in the carpark 🤣🤣

Day 508 - 509 & this weekend the boy's had another tennis tournament. This time Brax also decided to play. They all had ...

Day 508 - 509 & this weekend the boy's had another tennis tournament. This time Brax also decided to play. They all had another great weekend & Cruze made into the double's quarter finals. Chell also came down for a visit, so it was great to see her

Day 510 - 514 & with not long to go before leaving Brissy we are starting to get a few things sorted. Oh & there was more tennis 🎾 🎾🤣🤣

Day 495 - 500 & the boys have been playing lots of tennis in preparation for another tournament on SundayDay 501 & with ...

Day 495 - 500 & the boys have been playing lots of tennis in preparation for another tournament on Sunday

Day 501 & with Cruze, Chance & Brax staying at Brett's last night, Jason, Blake, Jazzy & I headed into the caravan & camping show

Day 502 & this morning as we were about to head to the tennis tournament I noticed the number plates had been stolen from Jason's car. We had left it at the train station yesterday & it seems someone decided they needed them more than us. I joked that we would see them on the news in the next drive by shooting as there has been a few around us lately. Jason rang the police as soon as we got to the tournament & they were really helpful. On with the tournament & Chance had some tough opponents but did really well & Cruze went out in the quarter final. They are both doing really well for only the 2nd tournament & are really enjoying playing again

Day 503 - 507 & this week there has been more tennis & also while Jason & Blake were at work, I took the other kids back to Seaworld

Day 488 - 493 & Blake came back from Darwin & headed off with Cruze on his first drive. Whilst he was in Darwin, Jason g...

Day 488 - 493 & Blake came back from Darwin & headed off with Cruze on his first drive. Whilst he was in Darwin, Jason gave the tray on Blake's Ute a clean up & wow what a difference it made. I have allowed Cruze to go back to tennis even though the dr told him he needs another 2 weeks off as we only have a few more weeks here so won't have time to make up all his lessons. He is on strict advice to take it easy though as he can't afford any more damage otherwise he will be out for the rest of the year. After feeling crappy about not playing for the last couple of weeks, I don't think he will risk being out for longer

Day 494 & tonight we headed into Surfers Paradise with Brett, Sarah & the kids to have a look at Seafire. The fireworks were fantastic, & although I missed the 3rd & best lot while waiting to get dinner with 500 thousand other people 🤣🤣 the kids all enjoyed them & it was a great night out with family

Day 474 & today was an extremely proud day for Jason & I. Blake brought his very 1st car with his hard earned cash aroun...

Day 474 & today was an extremely proud day for Jason & I. Blake brought his very 1st car with his hard earned cash around Australia. After spending weeks looking for something, we finally went to have a look at a Hilux that had been for sale for a while, but was also about $7 - $10k cheaper than the others he'd looked at. I was a little worried because it was so cheap & also the add was in NZ dollars. There was an explanation though as the car belonged to the guys father who had gone home to NZ & the son just wanted it gone. So after checking it out Jason advised Blake that it was a bloody good buy. Blake is smiling like a Cheshire cat

Day 475 - 485 & it's all been about the new car & getting it ready for roadworthy & transfer

Day 486 & tonight we put Blake on a plane back to Darwin to get his P's. Since changing our plans on heading back there we decided to send him over to stay with Col & Jude while he sat his test

Day 487 & we had only just arrived at the speedway when Blake called to tell me to check my messages. He was only supposed to have not long started his test, but when I looked I found a photo of him with a P plate. The instructor/tester told him after his lesson that he didn't really need to do the lesson prior so had marked his test off at the same time with a big Pass. We couldn't be prouder of everything he has achieved

Day 461 - 466 & after another week of tennis training,  Jazzy & I finally got a night off to go & see Frozen the musical...

Day 461 - 466 & after another week of tennis training, Jazzy & I finally got a night off to go & see Frozen the musical. I don't think I have ever seen so much excitement on a little girls face. Jazzy kept jumping on her chair to sing & dance & I had to keep telling her to sit down. We actually were surrounded by adults who all noted how much fun she was having & none of them minded

Day 467 & apparently for Mothers day I get to spend it with Cruze & Chance playing there 1st tennis tournament today. It looks like Cruze is suffering with tennis elbow so has reallybeen strugglingwith pain. With the boys at different venues Jason went with Chance & I stayed with Cruze. Both the boys did really well for their 1st tournament & Cruze even played against the Queensland #1. Whilst he didn't win, he was able to keep up & lost nearly every game in tie breakers. Match fitness definitely played it's part

Day 468 - 473 & with confirmation from the dr that Cruze has tennis elbow things have been extremely quite around here. It probably would have been easier if the dr had just slit Cruze's throat as he is totally devastated that he can't play for the next 2 weeks. It sucks even more when he has to watch Chance from the sidelines

Day 446 - 453 & it's tennis, tennis & more tennis. Cruze & Chance are having 2 x 45 minute private lessons each plus squ...

Day 446 - 453 & it's tennis, tennis & more tennis. Cruze & Chance are having 2 x 45 minute private lessons each plus squad each week. Then we have managed to find a free public court (most courts are hired out at $25 per hour) so we travel 35-40 minutes each way in to tennis every day

Day 454 - 458 & we've gone from the tennis court to the bowling alley & then back to the tennis courts again

Day 459 - 460 & it was time for the sprintcar Australian title. After 2 big nights Brax was disappointed Jock couldn't get the job done, but a big congratulations goes out to Marcus Dumsney who had a great race to become Australia's new #1

Day 429 - 431 & we haven't been doing much latelyDay 432 & today Jason & I celebrated 23 years of marriage. Who would ha...

Day 429 - 431 & we haven't been doing much lately

Day 432 & today Jason & I celebrated 23 years of marriage. Who would have thought 23 years ago we'd be here today, 5 kids & living the life travelling around this beautiful country. We certainly have been very blessed 💙💙

Day 433 - 439 & Cruze & Chance have had a big week of tennis camp every day. Blake also picked up a job after going into a local mower shop. 1 hour after going in the boss called him to tell him to start on Monday

Day 440 & Blake started his new job today. The boss can't believe how good he was & even said he is more qualified than the fully qualified mechanic he has. Cruze & Chance were also back at tennis camp

Day 441 - 446 & our lovely neighbour Elaine who is a hairdresser from New Zealand Cruze, Brax, Jazzy & I a new cut & colour. Cruze wanted blue put in his hair & Brax wanted blue & black for his favourite sprintcar driver Jock Goodyer. Elaine is such a beautiful big hearted person & we have been really lucky to meet her. Not only has she taught me to braid & make trees of life, but she also taught me to do basic haircuts to help out when the kids need a trim. I managed to cut Chance, Blake & Jason's hair & didn't stuff them up (all under the wonderful guidance of Elaine of course). After a big week working, playing tennis & changing our hairstyles we all enjoyed a relaxing Easter with a BBQ put on by the showgrounds for everyone staying here

Day 419 - 423 & again we have spent the week playing tennisDay 424 & tonight we headed to Metricon to see the mighty Dee...

Day 419 - 423 & again we have spent the week playing tennis

Day 424 & tonight we headed to Metricon to see the mighty Dee's play the Sun's. Before the game we went to a pre match function where we had the opportunity to hold the Premiership Cup. To say I was like a kid in a candy store was an understatement 🏆🏆 Whilst at the game we caught up with old friends who had moved here from Warragul Steve & Sarah. It was so good to catch up with them. Just like when I was a kid, we were allowed onto the ground after the game. Was so good reminiscing the good old days 🤣🤣🏉🏉

Day 425 - 428 & after a couple of days of kicking back we had a surprise visit from Netta & Trudy who were on their way back to Victoria. We had no idea they were even here so was great to catch up, even if it was only for a couple of hours

Day 408 - 415 & whilst Jason works we are spending most of our days playing tennis & spending time with Jude & ColDay 41...

Day 408 - 415 & whilst Jason works we are spending most of our days playing tennis & spending time with Jude & Col

Day 416 & today is Jason's birthday. Unfortunately he had to work but when he got home we went out for tea at the Werner Tavern. The kids also caught some frogs for dad for hos birthday 🐸🐸

Day 417 & tonight the showgrounds hosted a car show. Lucky for us as we were staying here we got to have a look for free. Obviously the boys all loved it & afterwards they came home to watch sprintcars on the computer

Day 418 & the night skies are making for some great photos. Can you see Chance's friend I nearly walked into on the way to the toilet 🕷🕷 We also said goodbye to Col & Jude today as they start to make their way back to Darwin. To say we are jealous is an understatement. Hopefully we will be there soon though as we plan to go there again in May

Day 406 & today we celebrated Brax's 10th Birthday. At his request we headed to Flip Out where it was clear everyone was...

Day 406 & today we celebrated Brax's 10th Birthday. At his request we headed to Flip Out where it was clear everyone was so happy to have their big brother back

Day 407 & now it's on to the next birthday. This time it was Blake celebrating turning 17. Going out for tea was all he wanted so we headed out with Jude & Col to the local RSL

Day 399 - 404 & the rain has finally settled down & the sun is back out 🌞🌞 The boys have been hounding me to play tennis...

Day 399 - 404 & the rain has finally settled down & the sun is back out 🌞🌞 The boys have been hounding me to play tennis again, so now we will be stopped here for a bit I have signed them up for lessons again

Day 405 & finally the world is a better place again. Blake is back with his family where he belongs 💙💙


Queensland floods Strathpine

Day 377 - 388 & whilst Jason has enjoyed his 1st couple of weeks back at work the boys have not enjoyed getting back int...

Day 377 - 388 & whilst Jason has enjoyed his 1st couple of weeks back at work the boys have not enjoyed getting back into school work 🤣🤣 Brax also really did not enjoy a nice stack he had on his scooter 🤪🤪

Day 388 & today we moved camp out to Dayboro. Another nice little Showgrounds we will call home for the next week. Unfortunately poor Jazzy was vomiting last night so she must have picked up a bug

Day 390 - 394 & what ever Jazzy had she passed on to Jason & myself. Luckily the boys didn't get it. With it constantly raining throughout this week we haven't been able to do much, although it has given me the chance to do a bit of sewing

Day 395 & today the kids & I went for a drive down to visit Phil & Vicki's. Col & Jude are also on their way down to meet us back at Pine Rivers Showgrounds & spend some time with us. Unfortunately there has been so much rain that a lot of areas are now flooded. Jude & Col finally made it after almost getting stuck in both Gympie & Caboolture which are now cut off with floods. We decided to leave Jason's car with them tonight as we weren't sure if we could get back to our van at Dayboro.

Day 396 & our plans to leave Dayboro & head back to Pine Rivers were put on hold for today as the town of Dayboro is under water. Jason headed in towards town to see how bad it was & when he got close by could see all the shops engulfed in flood water. For today we will have to stay put

Day 397 & the water receded in Dayboro so we decided to try & make our way to Pine Rivers. Little did we know that even though we got out, almost every road around was closed off. We were lucky to come across a policeman who helped guide us to how we may be able to get through. The trip should have only taken about 25 minutes but instead 3 1/2 hours & after many panic phone calls we finally found a way through on the only road around still open. The Queensland floods have definitely been disastrous & there is no sign of the rain stopping


Day 365 - 368 & WE HAVE OFFICIALLY BEEN TRAVELLING THIS WONDERFUL COUNTRY FOR 1 WHOLE YEAR 🎉🎉 Wow what a year it has been. So many wonderful places, so many awesome experiences, so many fantastic memories. On the down side.....well there is none & on the up side this has been the BEST decision we have ever made & we wouldn't change a thing

Day 368 & today we left Tannah Merah & headed to our new home at the Pine Rivers Showgrounds. Jason starts his new job in a week

Day 370 - 372 & we have been getting to know our new area & also go back to spend some time with Brett

Day 373 & tonight we brought a little run about car for Jason to use for work. Whilst I was happy to take & pick him up each day, he said this would make it easier for me to go out & not worry about time

Day 374 - 376 & after a couple of days having a look around town we went for a trip up to the Eumundi markets on the Sunshine Coast. I don't think we have ever seen a market this big. I also received a photo from Shaz of Blake & Alix, brother's for life 💙💙

Day 362 & 363 & with haircuts so bloody expensive I decided to try & give Jazzy a haircut to get rid of the straggly bit...

Day 362 & 363 & with haircuts so bloody expensive I decided to try & give Jazzy a haircut to get rid of the straggly bits. Whilst it might not be perfect it definitely looks much better

Day 364 & our parks passes are definitely paying off as we decided to go back to Movie World for the day. Wait times were ridiculous on most of the rides being the holidays & a few rides are closed at the moment, but just to prove Blake wrong I went on the Superman Roller-coaster. Holy crap was it fast at the start & there were times even my fat butt came out of the seat, but even though I had convinced myself I would die, I didn't & I got to rub it in Blake's face as even he was too scared to do it & made a bet I wouldn't

Day 354 - 360 & while the younger boys stayed at Brett & Sarah's to spend time with their cousins we did a little shoppi...

Day 354 - 360 & while the younger boys stayed at Brett & Sarah's to spend time with their cousins we did a little shopping

Day 361 & this morning we went to Paradise Country for a smorgasbord breakfast. Afterwards we had a look around the farm & then met up with Brett for some more shopping

Day 351 & 352 were spent with kicking back. After a massive day for Chance's birthday everyone was pretty tiredDay 353 &...

Day 351 & 352 were spent with kicking back. After a massive day for Chance's birthday everyone was pretty tired

Day 353 & today we celebrated Miss Jazzy's 3rd birthday. How on earth does time go by so quickly. Again we went into Southbank for a swim which has become a favourite spot for the kids. A big thank you again to Brett this time for making Jazzy's cake

Day 350 & luckily for Chance our isolation has ended as today was his 11th birthday. At his request we headed back to Se...

Day 350 & luckily for Chance our isolation has ended as today was his 11th birthday. At his request we headed back to Seaworld for the day. I have no doubt he will work with animals when he grows up as he has so much love for them all. After a big day at Seaworld we headed into Southbank with Brett, Sarah & the kids for a swim & more celebrations. A massive thank you to Uncle Brett for making Chance's birthday cake 🦒🦒




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