Since VI century B.-C, Nisaya lowland was famous for its horses. Antiquity travellers highlighted the Nisayan horse breed, describing its remarkable morphology, heigh, speed and elegant gaits.
Nisayan horses were used to be a royal and valuable present, and are known to be the direct ancestors of actual kurdish horses.
Just connecting to peace at camp after riding
Training session. After winter break, our horses are being trained for spring treks. Just like athletes, their food, resting times, and training sessions are perfectly balanced in order to perform 4 days trekking in Zagros range.
Kurdish horse trotting towards cultural event
Winter trail - balade hivernale - paseo invernal
Winter trail - balade hivernale - paseo invernal
New young trainee / nouveau peit stagiaire / nuevo alumno
New young trainee - nouveau stagiaire - nuevo alumno nuestro :-)
Riding by seasonnal river, Zagros mountain range