Building off of what I learned while leading Storefront Shakespeare and during my MLitt and MFA degree programs I am starting a new theater troupe called Odd's Bodkins! Like us on Facebook for regular updates! https://www.facebook.com/oddsbodkinstheater
Our mission is to produce classic plays with unconventional casts and staging that raise up the voices of those normally outside the mainstream of theater culture, as well as to bring a love of Shakespeare to the next generation through workshops and free school performances.
This local touring troupe is now auditioning for new members. We seek talented adults who love Shakespeare and are committed, creative, and reliable. Work will consist of Devised pieces based on Shakespeare as well as full plays by Shakespeare and other Early Modern playwrights. Every performer will receive a monetary stipend for paid performances for which the Troupe is hired. (However, there is no stipend for unpaid performances done for publicity purposes at community events.) Auditions will be at Space Lab 11121 1st St, Mokena, IL 60448 on Sunday November 15th, and Monday November 16th at 4pm or by appointment by emailing [email protected].
We are committed to building an imaginative and vibrant theater troupe that celebrates individual differences and diversity and treats everyone with fairness and respect. Odd’s Bodkins does not discriminate on the basis of an individual’s race, color, religion, age, s*x, gender, s*xual orientation, gender identity, marital status, national or ethnic origin, veteran status, disability, or any other category.
Until I get a website, email, and blog set up for Odd's Bodkins contact us via our page. I desperately need a stage manager to help me coordinate everything. If you are a cheerful, detail oriented person who is willing to work at a great theater start-up for a share of the profits please contact me.