Tourists & Hosts

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Tourists & Hosts We offer committed services and essentials to tourists

Pakistan is one of the best tourist destination in the world and Tourists and Hosts (company) is committed to assist the world to see this tourist destination and enjoy the scenic beauty of Pakistan.

Get Ready Guys, Wait is OverWill Announce Trip Packages Soon.For Any Queries0300-7552009  & Hosts _Tours_Specialists

Get Ready Guys, Wait is Over
Will Announce Trip Packages Soon.
For Any Queries
& Hosts _Tours_Specialists

وادی ناران کے رستے سے تمام گلیشیئرز کو صاف کردیا گیا! اب ناران کا رستہ کھل گیا ہے لیکن اللہ کی مرضی ہے کہ ہم لوگ ناران ن...

وادی ناران کے رستے سے تمام گلیشیئرز کو صاف کردیا گیا! اب ناران کا رستہ کھل گیا ہے لیکن اللہ کی مرضی ہے کہ ہم لوگ ناران نہیں جاسکتے! اللہ ہمارے حال پہ رحم فرمائے اور ہمیں اس وباء سے نجات دلائے، آمین!

Save  # tourism  # corona

Save # tourism # corona

Tourists & Hosts invites you on Trekking and Sightseeing trip To Kalam & Malam Jabba. For all the intrepid explorers and...

Tourists & Hosts invites you on Trekking and Sightseeing trip To Kalam & Malam Jabba. For all the intrepid explorers and those interested in sight-seeing and Trekking, this promises to be a once in a lifetime experience. Attractions include Kalam Valley, Ushu Forest, Matiltan, & Malam Jabba.

---Package from Lahore: Rs.10,500/- per head.
---Package from Islamabad: Rs.10,000/- per head
[ 3-4 Person Sharing Per Room ]
For couple Sharing: 1500/head Extra charges.

: Karachi members can join us in Lahore or Islamabad. Accommodation and pick / drop can be arranged on request.

---Booking Advance: Rs.3000/-
---Remaining payment : At the time of departure.

0300 7552009 | 0306 7552377
--Travel through private air conditioned vehicle.
--Jeep on 8 person sharing
--2 night’s hotel stays as per plan on 3 / 4 pax sharing
--2 Time Quality Meals (3 Breakfasts + 3 Dinner)
--Basic first aid kit.
--All tolls and taxes

--Extras at hotels like hot / soft drinks.
--Insurance and liability
--Any item not mentioned above.

Day 00 Thu
-Departure from Lahore:10:30 pm

Day 01 Fri
-Breakfast in Fizaghat
- Drive to Malam Jabba, Visit Malam Jabba
- Drive to Bahrain, Visit Bahrain and drive to Kalam Valley
-Check in hotel
-Overnight stay at Kalam/Bahrain.

Day 02 Sat
-Breakfast at kalam
-Transfer to jeep and drive to Kalam valley
-Enroute visit of Ushu forest and Matiltan waterfall
-Back to hotel, start bonfire and bbq according to availability
-Overnight stay at Kalam

Day 03 Sun
-Breakfast at Kalam 7:00 am
-Departure for Lahore 8:00 am
-Arrival at Mardan 3:00 pm
-Lunch cm dinner at Mardan/Takhtbai
-Departure for Lahore 4:00 pm
-Arrival in Islamabad 8:00 pm and Lahore till 1:00 am

Pick / Drop :
Travel: Via Motorway/GT Road
Lahore: PSO Pump near Metro Thokar Niaz Beg
Islamabad: Daewoo terminal. beside eme nust

a: Send payment through any of the above mentioned service on the following details.
CNIC: 38401-6486822-1| Mobile: 0306 7552377

b: SMS below details on the following # 0300 7552009
i)Names, Amount Paid, Date Of Payment, Trip Name, Joining From, Total Seats
Visit our office to deposit cash amount and get receipt.
Location : 506 – A1, Jeff Heights, main boulevard, Lahore, Lahore Pakistan - 35400
Office Timings: 10 am - 5:00 pm (Mon-Fri)

Our Terms & Conditions are strictly followed and applied. We encourage you to read and agree with them carefully before booking a trip with us.

1. The members shall not be indulged in any act reflecting moral or character failing during the activities.
2. Using drugs or found party to drug sale or possession is strictly prohibited. If anyone finds or caught using any kind of drug will be expelled from the trip right away on the spot and the person will not be eligible for any kind of refund.
3.Use of violent behavior including altercation, insinuations of indecent kind, verbal and physical abuse and assault, aggravated behavior, or any other act amounting to unbecoming of member are strictly prohibited.
4. All members would give extra care for the local environmental care .Garbage (tins. Water bottles, wrappers etc) shall be suitably disposed without polluting water sources.
5. The host reserves the right to cancel trip without prior notice for any reasons deemed appropriate by them. In such a case the registered participants will receive full refund.
6. During the trip, the itineraries may be affected by reasons beyond control of the hosts. In such situation, organizers will not be held responsible in any case.
7. On steep ascends in mountainous areas, air conditioned of the buses will be operational on on-off basis to keep the vehicles from overheating.
8.Every humanly possible care will be taken for the safety of members, still each venture can be fraught with endangers of unforeseen natural disasters like avalanches and crevasse falls or any other accidents and sometimes such disasters cannot be ruled out. In any such type of accident during the whole tour, the company, group leader and the tour organizers will not be held responsible in any form.
9. In case of theft, lost or damage to personal belongings during the duration of the trip, organizers will not be held responsible in any case.
10. On adventure trek of this type, weather, local politics, transport or a multitude of other factors beyond the control of organizers can result in a change of itinerary. It is, however, very unlikely that the itinerary would be substantially altered; if alterations are necessary the Leader and Guide will decide what is the best alternative, taking into consideration the best interests of the whole group.
11: In case of refund, Company will make refund within 6 working days..
12. Tourists & Hosts is Independent and Private Organization. we do not have any link or agreement with any University or Institute.
13. Organizers reserves the right to assign seats in the Coaster/Hiroof.
14 .The Organizers reserves the right to use event photos for electronic/digital media.
15. Smoking in the transport is strictly prohibited.
16. The Organizers reserves the right to terminate / regret any participant due to indiscipline,
17. Read the Services not Included Portion Carefully
For Upcoming tours Plz Visit

تم چلے آو پہاڑوں کی قسم ❤ایک ہی جگہ دو مختلف موسم 💛درلہ چیلم استور

تم چلے آو پہاڑوں کی قسم ❤
ایک ہی جگہ دو مختلف موسم 💛
درلہ چیلم استور

کیا آپ کو معلوم ہیں کہ جنت نظیر وادی آلائی میں واقع ایک پہاڑی چوٹی جو کہ پریوں کی چوٹی(خاپیرو سوکئ ) کے نام سے موسوم ہے،...

کیا آپ کو معلوم ہیں کہ جنت نظیر وادی آلائی میں واقع ایک پہاڑی چوٹی جو کہ پریوں کی چوٹی(خاپیرو سوکئ ) کے نام سے موسوم ہے، پاکستان کے سیاحتی مقامات میں سے ایک ہے ،جہاں کی دلکش اور پرلطف ماحول اور قدرت کی اس انمول تخلیق سے لطف اندوز ہونے کو ہر کوئی بے تاب ہے ؟
خاپیرو سوکئ سطح سمندر سے تقریبا15410فٹ کی بلندی پر واقع ہے ۔ اس چوٹی کی دامن میں واقع قدرتی جھیل جس کے بارے میں مشہور ہے کہ اس جھیل میں پریاں نہاتی ہیں، اس چوٹی کی رونق کو دوبالا کرتا ہے۔ بہر حال جیسا کہ ایک کہاوت ہے کہ پھول تک پہنچنے کے لئے کانٹوں سے گزرنا پڑتا ہے۔ ایسے ہی اس چوٹی تک پہنچنے کے لئے سہولیات نہ ہونے کی وجہ سے آپ کو کافی مشقتوں کا سامنا کرنا پڑ سکتا ہے۔ آپ کو کرگ نامی بازار سے شمشیر تک گاڑی میں سفر کرنے کی سہولت مل سکتی ہے۔ اور پھر اس کے بعد پیدل سفر کرتے ہوئے شمشیر سے کلہ گٹہ کے راستے سے یا کس خوڑ کے راستے سے اس چوٹی تک جانا پڑتا ہے۔ راستے میں قسم قسم کے قدرتی کرشمات دیکھنے کو ملتے ہیں۔مثلا سرسبز میدانیں ،بلند چٹانوں سے گرتی آبشاریں، سر سبز و شاداب جنگلات، شبنم کے قطروں سے معطر پھول و ہریالی ،ٹھندے و صاف پانی کے قدرتی چشمے و کنویں جو کہ انسان کے سفری تھکاوٹ کو ختم کرتے ہیں۔

Spring blossom in swat valley

Spring blossom in swat valley

Kalam valley

Kalam valley

Chair Lift in Murree

Chair Lift in Murree

Tourists & Hosts Present One Day Trip to Murree - 3 Destinations "Mushkpuri Top, Dunga Gali & La Montana (very next to M...

Tourists & Hosts Present One Day Trip to Murree - 3 Destinations "Mushkpuri Top, Dunga Gali & La Montana (very next to Monal) Islamabad (With Buffet Dinner, Breakfast)"

Trip Cost:
PKR 3,600/- p.p from Lahore (Discounted)
Advance Payment: PKR 2000/- p p, remaining at the time of departure.
*Note: We do not compromise on the Quality of Transport, Food and Hotels on our tours.

Places to visit:
* Murree (Bypass)
* Dunga Gali with Breakfast.
* Mushkpuri Top
* Barakahu
* Islamabad
* Margala Hills Islamabad with Buffet dinner at La Montana (Very next to Monal)

Trip Schedule:
March 21, 2020, Saturday @ 11:00 pm , Gathering time, Lahore
11:30 pm, Departure from Lahore InShaAllah (PSO pump, Daewoo Terminal Thokar Niaz Beg)
*- Short stay at Bhera (Motorway Service Area)
*- Short Stay at Bara Kahu, Murree Road Islamabad
*- Arrival at Dunga Gali & Breakfast at 07:30 AM
*- Hike Towards Mushkpuri Top 08:30 AM
*- Relaxing excursion at Mushkpuri Top till 1:00PM.
*- Head towards Dunga Gali after 1:00 PM
*- Short Stay at Monkey Point Ayubia or Express Way where we will pass by clouds.
*- Head towards Monal Islamabad
*- Buffet Dinner with 22+ Dishes at La Montana (Very Next to Monal) Islamabad after 05:30 PM
*-Travel back to Lahore 07:00 PM
*- Arrival at Lahore InShaaAllah 12:00 AM
* (1-2) hours’ time flexibility.
*Due to natural causes or traffic jam, itinerary might be altered by the Trip leader.

Facilities provided:
*. Luxury transport (Private Air Conditioned Booked Coaster Saloon/Grand Cabin from Lahore/Islamabad to Islamabad/Lahore).
*. All the toll and taxes
*. All standard meals (Breakfast+Buffet Dinner with 22+ Dishes)
*. Services of a guide
*. Basic Medical Aid

Things to carry:
*. Original CNIC
*. Umbrella
*. Joggers
*. Refreshments during travel
*. Gloves
*. Warm socks
*. Neck comforter Pillow

Services not Included:
*. Any other service which is not mentioned above
*. Jeep expenses (If incurred, 300 to 500/- estimated)

Payment Procedure:
Will only be shared to interested clients.

For further details:
Rana Yasir
+92 300 7552009
** Trip Day & Date: Sunday, March 22, 2020.

Amazing and Beautiful view of Express way

Amazing and Beautiful view of Express way

Good Morning Murree

Good Morning Murree

Tourists & Hosts Present One Day Trip to Murree - 3 Destinations "Mushkpuri Top, Dunga Gali & La Montana (very next to M...

Tourists & Hosts Present One Day Trip to Murree - 3 Destinations "Mushkpuri Top, Dunga Gali & La Montana (very next to Monal) Islamabad (With Buffet Dinner, Breakfast)"
Trip Cost:
PKR 3,600/- p.p from Lahore (Discounted)
Advance Payment: PKR 2000/- p.p, remaining at the time of departure.
*Note: We do not compromise on the Quality of Transport, Food and Hotels on our tours.
Places to visit:
* Murree (Bypass)
* Dunga Gali with Breakfast.
* Mushkpuri Top
* Barakahu
* Islamabad
* Margala Hills Islamabad with Buffet dinner at La Montana (Very next to Monal)
Trip Schedule:
@ 11:00 pm , Gathering time, Lahore
11:30 pm, Departure from Lahore InShaAllah (PSO pump, Daewoo Terminal Thokar Niaz Beg)
*- Short stay at Bhera (Motorway Service Area)
*- Short Stay at Bara Kahu, Murree Road Islamabad
*- Arrival at Dunga Gali & Breakfast at 07:30 AM
*- Hike Towards Mushkpuri Top 08:30 AM
*- Relaxing excursion at Mushkpuri Top till 1:00PM.
*- Head towards Dunga Gali after 1:00 PM
*- Short Stay at Monkey Point Ayubia or Express Way where we will pass by clouds.
*- Head towards Monal Islamabad
*- Buffet Dinner with 22+ Dishes at La Montana (Very Next to Monal) Islamabad after 05:30 PM
*-Travel back to Lahore 07:00 PM
*- Arrival at Lahore InShaaAllah 12:00 AM
* (1-2) hours’ time flexibility.
*Due to natural causes or traffic jam, itinerary might be altered by the Trip leader.
Facilities provided:
*. Luxury transport (Private Air Conditioned Booked Coaster Saloon/Grand Cabin from Lahore/Islamabad to Islamabad/Lahore).
*. All the toll and taxes
*. All standard meals (Breakfast+Buffet Dinner with 22+ Dishes)
*. Services of a guide
*. Basic Medical Aid
Things to carry:
*. Original CNIC
*. Umbrella
*. Joggers
*. Refreshments during travel
*. Gloves
*. Warm socks
*. Neck comforter Pillow
Services not Included:
*. Any other service which is not mentioned above
*. Jeep expenses (If incurred, 300 to 500/- estimated)
Payment Procedure:
Will only be shared to interested clients.
For further details:
Rana Yasir
+92 300 7552009
** Trip dates to be announced Soon





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Tourists & Hosts

Tourists & Hosts is a voluntary body being operated by a group of outdoor passionate persons having years of experience in hiking, camping, trekking and outdoor activities