Iwakura Onsen, hot spring in Iwakura, Tokyo, is one and a half hours from Shinjuku station by train and bus. We offer special workshop, an outdoor restaurant, art installations, zazen experience, and Onsen ryokan tour in this beautiful nature rich and historic community.
·地元農家の食材を使った野外レストラン・Fine dining with local vegetables
·岩蔵温泉旅館 儘多屋での宿泊・Stay at Hot spring ryokan
·禅宗寺院での座禅体験・Zen meditation experience
選べる楽しみ、自分で見つける楽しみをワークショップ、アーティスト展示、宿泊ツアーのIwakura Experienceは、全て参加でも、ひとつのプログラムだけでもご参加頂けます。
和尚さんから直接教わり、森に囲まれたお寺で座禅をする朝の静かな時間。座禅の後は、Cafe YUBAで朝食を。チェックアウトの後は、カフェでゆっくりしたり、散歩したり、アーティストの展示をゆっくり見たり、午後のワークショップに参加したり。ご自由にお過ごしください。都心からもほど近い、ここ岩蔵で皆様のお越しをお待ちしております。
About event participation
Workshops, artist exhibitions, outdoor restaurants, and lodging Iwakura Experience can all be attended, or just one program.
For overnight guests, this weekend only decorated rooms by artists and the Zen meditation experience at the Zen temple in the morning will be available.
A quiet time in the morning, doing Zen meditation at a temple surrounded by forests with instruction from Zen monks and English interpretation. After Zazen, have breakfast at Cafe Yuba. Then relax, take a walk, look at the artist's exhibition, participate in an afternoon workshop, or explore on your own. There is a lot to experience. We look forward to welcoming you here at Iwakura Onsen!
These are special trial tour and events. We would truly appreciate your corporation for the questionnaire.