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Kochmon Tours Kyrgyz/German travel company - based in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Discover the land of nomads with us :)

🇩🇪👇  is one of the hiking hotspots in   - the valley offers many routes ranging from day hikes to weeklong treks across ...


is one of the hiking hotspots in - the valley offers many routes ranging from day hikes to weeklong treks across the beautiful mountains

Would you like to hike here?

Jyrgalan ist einer der Wander-Hotspots in - das Tal bietet viele Routen, von Tageswanderungen bis hin zu einwöchigen Trekkingtouren durch die wunderschönen kirgisischen Berge

Würdest du hier gerne wandern?

🇩🇪👇Peak in the Ala-Archa national park - just 30 minutes from the capital Bishkek. Here locals and tourists alike enjoy ...


Peak in the Ala-Archa national park - just 30 minutes from the capital Bishkek. Here locals and tourists alike enjoy the beauty of Kyrgyz nature

Berggipfel im Ala-Archa-Nationalpark - nur 30 Minuten von der Hauptstadt Bishkek entfernt. Hier genießen Einheimische und Touristen gleichermaßen die Schönheit der kirgisischen Natur

🇩🇪👇Issyk-Kul - the pearl of Kyrgyzstan 🇰🇬 Issyk-Kul-See - die Perle Kirgistans 🇰🇬


Issyk-Kul - the pearl of Kyrgyzstan 🇰🇬

Issyk-Kul-See - die Perle Kirgistans 🇰🇬

🇩🇪👇Autumn colors in Issyk-Kul region - you can visit this region all year around, would you like to?Herbstfarben in der ...


Autumn colors in Issyk-Kul region - you can visit this region all year around, would you like to?

Herbstfarben in der Region Issyk-Kul - du kannst diese Region das ganze Jahr über besuchen, hast du Lust?

🇩🇪👇The wooden Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Karakol is a popular tourist attraction. It was build from 1889 to 1895 af...


The wooden Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Karakol is a popular tourist attraction. It was build from 1889 to 1895 after the old church was destroyed during an earthquake.

Die hölzerne orthodoxe Kirche der Heiligen Dreifaltigkeit in Karakol ist eine beliebte Touristenattraktion. Sie wurde von 1889 bis 1895 gebaut, nachdem die alte Kirche bei einem Erdbeben zerstört worden war.


🇩🇪👇The famous red rock formation Jeti-Oguz, located close to the lake Issyk-Kul - its a great destination for a day trip...


The famous red rock formation Jeti-Oguz, located close to the lake Issyk-Kul - its a great destination for a day trip, while traveling along the south side of the lake

Die berühmte rote Felsformation Jeti-Oguz, die sich in der Nähe des Issyk-Kul-Sees befindet, ist ein großartiges Ziel für einen Tagesausflug, wenn man an der Südseite des Sees entlangfährt.


🇩🇪👇Gorge on the way to the Lake Kel-Suu - here you can stop for some time and explore the gorge and the river running th...


Gorge on the way to the Lake Kel-Suu - here you can stop for some time and explore the gorge and the river running through it

Schlucht auf dem Weg zum Kel-Suu-See - hier kannst du eine Pause einlegen und die Schlucht und den durch sie fließenden Fluss erkunden

🇩🇪👇Kyrgyz mountains and yurts belong together. The yurts are flexible and moveable homes with a long tradition used by n...


Kyrgyz mountains and yurts belong together. The yurts are flexible and moveable homes with a long tradition used by nomads - nowadays tourists are able to experience life in yurts all around Kyrgyzstan - would you like to sleep in a yurt?

Die kirgisischen Berge und Jurten gehören zusammen. Die Jurten sind flexible und bewegliche Behausungen mit einer langen Tradition, die von Nomaden genutzt werden - heutzutage können Touristen das Leben in Jurten in ganz Kirgisistan erleben - möchtest du auch einmal in einer Jurte übernachten?

🇩🇪👇On top of Panda Pass overlooking Kyrgyzstan’s third biggest lake Chatyr-Kol Auf der Spitze des Panda-Passes mit Blick...


On top of Panda Pass overlooking Kyrgyzstan’s third biggest lake Chatyr-Kol

Auf der Spitze des Panda-Passes mit Blick auf Kirgisistans drittgrößten See Chatyr-Kol

🇩🇪👇Trekking through the lush green valleys and mountains of Jyrgalan - experience it yourself next year! Trekking durch ...


Trekking through the lush green valleys and mountains of Jyrgalan - experience it yourself next year!

Trekking durch die grünen Täler und Berge von Jyrgalan - erlebe es selbst im nächsten Jahr

🇩🇪👇Watching the sunset at lake Issyk-Kul is always rewarding 🌅Sich den Sonnenuntergang am Issyk-Kul-See anzusehen lohnt ...


Watching the sunset at lake Issyk-Kul is always rewarding 🌅

Sich den Sonnenuntergang am Issyk-Kul-See anzusehen lohnt sich immer 🌅

🇩🇪👇Lake Issyk-Kul - crystal clear water with a Mountain View 🏔Issyk-Kul-See - kristallklares Wasser mit Bergblick 🏔     ...


Lake Issyk-Kul - crystal clear water with a Mountain View 🏔

Issyk-Kul-See - kristallklares Wasser mit Bergblick 🏔


🇩🇪👇  means untouched nature around every corner - free roaming animals, fast flowing rivers, snow caped mountains and no...


means untouched nature around every corner - free roaming animals, fast flowing rivers, snow caped mountains and nomads in their yurts

bedeutet unberührte Natur an jeder Ecke - freilaufende Tiere, schnell fließende Flüsse, schneebedeckte Berge und Nomaden in ihren Jurten

🇩🇪👇Enjoying early morning with an amazing view and a hot cup of tea - what could be better? 😊Den frühen Morgen mit einer...


Enjoying early morning with an amazing view and a hot cup of tea - what could be better? 😊

Den frühen Morgen mit einer herrlichen Aussicht und einer heißen Tasse Tee genießen - was könnte besser sein? 😊


🇩🇪👇Another photo from our trekking tour in Jyrgalan valley - high mountains, green valleys and crystal clear rivers alon...


Another photo from our trekking tour in Jyrgalan valley - high mountains, green valleys and crystal clear rivers along the way. Heaven on Earth! 🏔🇰🇬

Ein weiteres Foto von unserer Trekkingtour im Jyrgalan-Tal - hohe Berge, grüne Täler und kristallklare Flüsse am Wegesrand. Der Himmel auf Erden! 🏔🇰🇬

🇩🇪👇Lush green valleys and amazing views while trekking in Destination Jyrgalan Valley] Grüne Täler und atemberaubende Au...


Lush green valleys and amazing views while trekking in Destination Jyrgalan Valley]

Grüne Täler und atemberaubende Aussichten beim Trekking in Destination Jyrgalan Valley]

🇩🇪👇Traffic jam in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan 🇰🇬 - in the summer month the mountain pastures are full of free roaming an...


Traffic jam in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan 🇰🇬 - in the summer month the mountain pastures are full of free roaming animals

Stau in den Bergen Kirgistan‘s 🇰🇬 - in den Sommermonaten sind die Bergwiesen voll von freilaufenden Tieren

🇩🇪👇Yurts near the caravanserai Tash-Rabat - during your stay in Kyrgyzstan you will have the opportunity to sleep in one...


Yurts near the caravanserai Tash-Rabat - during your stay in Kyrgyzstan you will have the opportunity to sleep in one of many cozy and warm yurts - all year around they are home to nomads who take care of their animals in high mountainous areas

Jurten in der Nähe der Karawanserei Tash-Rabat - während deines Aufenthalts in Kirgisistan hast du die Möglichkeit, in einer der vielen gemütlichen und warmen Jurten zu übernachten - sie sind das ganze Jahr über das Zuhause von Nomaden, die in den Hochgebirgsregionen ihre Tiere hüten

🇩🇪👇View from the Panda Pass (4100m) to the lake Chatyr-Kol close to the Chinese border - to reach the pass you take a 3 ...


View from the Panda Pass (4100m) to the lake Chatyr-Kol close to the Chinese border - to reach the pass you take a 3 hour horse riding trip from the yurt camp near the Tash-Rabat caravanserai. The way is very picturesque and the final pass is purely breathtaking! Come and see it yourself :)

Blick vom Panda-Pass (4100m) auf den Chatyr-Kol-See nahe der chinesischen Grenze - um den Pass zu erreichen, unternimmt man einen 3-stündigen Reitausflug vom Jurtencamp in der Nähe der Karawanserei Tash-Rabat. Der Weg dorthin ist malerisch und der Pass ist einfach atemberaubend! Komm und sieh es selbst :)

🇩🇪👇Sunrise over the snow covered peaks of Kok-Kiya valley in central Kyrgyzstan 🇰🇬 - early hikes are always rewarding   ...


Sunrise over the snow covered peaks of Kok-Kiya valley in central Kyrgyzstan 🇰🇬 - early hikes are always rewarding

Sonnenaufgang über den schneebedeckten Gipfeln des Kok-Kiya-Tals in Zentral-Kirgisistan 🇰🇬 - frühe Wanderungen werden belohnt

🇩🇪👇Fairytale Canyon next to the second biggest mountainlake in the world - with it‘s many colors and stone sculptures it...


Fairytale Canyon next to the second biggest mountainlake in the world - with it‘s many colors and stone sculptures it’s a truly magical place

Fairytale Canyon neben dem zweitgrößten Bergsee der Welt - mit seinen vielen Farben und Steinskulpturen ein wahrhaft magischer Ort

🇩🇪👇Beautiful canyon located in the borderzone in Naryn region - on the way to the increasingly famous lake Köl-Suu you w...


Beautiful canyon located in the borderzone in Naryn region - on the way to the increasingly famous lake Köl-Suu you will pass it and can have short stop to take photos and enjoy its beauty

Wunderschöne Schlucht in der Grenzzone in der Region Naryn - auf dem Weg zum immer berühmter werdenden Köl-Suu-See kommt man daran vorbei und kann einen kurzen Halt einlegen, um Fotos zu machen und die Schönheit zu genießen

🇩🇪👇 This amazing lake is located high in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan - the color of the water changes depending on the l...


This amazing lake is located high in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan - the color of the water changes depending on the light - can you spot the boat?

Dieser beeindruckende See liegt hoch in den Bergen Kirgisistans - die Farbe des Wassers ändert sich je nach Lichteinfall - kannst du das Boot erkennen?

On that day 31 years ago Kyrgyz Republic became independent. Happy Independence Day!    🇰🇬

On that day 31 years ago Kyrgyz Republic became independent. Happy Independence Day!


Kyrgyz mountains stunning as always - visit our website to book your next adventure (link in bio)

Kyrgyz mountains stunning as always - visit our website to book your next adventure (link in bio)

Horse riding tour to Panda pass (4100m) with our guests - do you want to experience it yourself next year? Visit our web...

Horse riding tour to Panda pass (4100m) with our guests - do you want to experience it yourself next year? Visit our website and have a look at our tours

Tash-Rabat, a 15th century caravanserai located in Naryn region close to the Chinese border on 3500m - one of the few we...

Tash-Rabat, a 15th century caravanserai located in Naryn region close to the Chinese border on 3500m - one of the few well preserved along the ancient Silk Road

Together with our guests we spend two amazing days at Son-Köl lake in  - during night you can enjoy a beautiful night sk...

Together with our guests we spend two amazing days at Son-Köl lake in - during night you can enjoy a beautiful night sky, seeing the Milky Way without any light pollution

We are back from Son-Köl lake (3016m) with our guests - more photos will follow soon, as we head back to the mountains a...

We are back from Son-Köl lake (3016m) with our guests - more photos will follow soon, as we head back to the mountains again for the final destination of our trip.

On the way to Boz-Uchuk lakes in

On the way to Boz-Uchuk lakes in

Would you like to enjoy such views? - plan your next trip with us and visit Kyrgyzstan 😊🇰🇬

Would you like to enjoy such views? - plan your next trip with us and visit Kyrgyzstan 😊🇰🇬

Kyrgyz traffic jam - a common sight especially during the summer month - in this case a herd of yaks came down the mount...

Kyrgyz traffic jam - a common sight especially during the summer month - in this case a herd of yaks came down the mountain and slowed down the traffic

Braided river in the Kok-Kiya valley - would you like to come here?   🇰🇬

Braided river in the Kok-Kiya valley - would you like to come here?


Yaks in Kok-Kiya valley - ca. 3200mYaks im Kok-Kiya-Tal - ca. 3200m

Yaks in Kok-Kiya valley - ca. 3200m

Yaks im Kok-Kiya-Tal - ca. 3200m

View on our camp for the night close to Kel-SuuBlick auf unser Camp für die Nacht nahe dem Kel-Suu-See

View on our camp for the night close to Kel-Suu

Blick auf unser Camp für die Nacht nahe dem Kel-Suu-See

We teased it in the last posts already - here is the Lake Kel-Suu (Naryn region) to reach the lake you need a border per...

We teased it in the last posts already - here is the Lake Kel-Suu (Naryn region) to reach the lake you need a border permit, since it is situated close to the border with China

Wir haben es in den letzten Beiträgen schon angedeutet - hier ist der Kel-Suu-See (Region Naryn), um den See zu erreichen, braucht man eine Grenzerlaubnis, da er an der Grenze zu China liegt

Route to Lake Kel-Suu, Naryn region 🏔🇰🇬Weg zum Kel-Suu See, Naryn Region 🏔🇰🇬

Route to Lake Kel-Suu, Naryn region 🏔🇰🇬

Weg zum Kel-Suu See, Naryn Region 🏔🇰🇬

Yurts in Kok-Kiya valley - you can see the wooden skeleton of the yurt on the left, it’s later covered by a layer of woo...

Yurts in Kok-Kiya valley - you can see the wooden skeleton of the yurt on the left, it’s later covered by a layer of wool

Jurten im Kok-Kiya-Tal - links ist das Holzskelett der Jurte zu sehen, das später mit einer Wollschicht überzogen wird

Canyon’s Kök-Kiya valley - Kyrgyzstan 🇰🇬 Canyon im Kök-Kiya-Tal - Kirgisistan 🇰🇬

Canyon’s Kök-Kiya valley - Kyrgyzstan 🇰🇬

Canyon im Kök-Kiya-Tal - Kirgisistan 🇰🇬


Lake Kel-Suu - Naryn region, Kyrgyzstan 🇰🇬
3514 m above sea level

Experience it with Köchmön Tours!
Link in bio ☝️



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